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[六级阅读] 六级阅读精选文:走过金婚,浓情依旧

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Theauther and Annie Love% O4 H1 e8 ^3 t7 r
Theauther: "We met in my hometown in Georgia. I had this car, a '56 Ford. And I was kinda wild at that time too. I used to come to her house and it was like a sandy row and I used to just swing around in her yard. Just make circles out in her yard. And she'd come out and sometimes get in the car and we'd talk. "Sometimes we think we love when we don't love. A lot of people say they are in love but really we were young and we really didn't know what love was all about. But afterward we found out what love was! Love is sharing with one another. Don't care what you have you share what you have. And be willing to give. Another thing I tell people now is that you have to be able to bend a little bit. Yes, love is a powerful thing. If you know what it means."
* I2 Q( D, k- X; q( bTheauther:”我的家在佐治亚州,我们就是在那相识的。那时我有一辆1956年产的福特车,喏,就是这辆。那时候的我,年少轻狂。我常常把车开到她家,在院子里转圈圈,留下密密麻麻的轮胎印。她通常会走到院子里,饶有兴趣的看向我。有时候也会坐进车里聊聊天。”“有时候,我们认为的爱情,却经不起推敲。很多人都在谈论爱情,而其实我们都太年轻,不知道什么是爱情。时间会教会我们如何去爱。爱情就是愿意与某人分享!不在乎拥有什么,分享你拥有的吧!爱情就是给予!我还想告诉你们一句话,在爱情面前,要学会适当的低头。是的,你会明白,爱情具有无坚不摧的强大力量!”
  z  ?! E5 v1 X6 k1 }( }! DMilton and Sylvia Zisman# {, T1 v7 ~" w1 x* d, E
Milton: "We met in the Catskills. I was dating Sylvia's girlfriend. I should say her ex-girlfriend! One of the things about her girlfriend ... She was accident prone. For example, this is hard to believe, she walked into an elevator and the elevator had not come to the level and gave herself a concussion. I don't know how I got on that! I haven't thought of that in years! I can't even remember her name because I only had a couple of dates with her. And the fire wasn't there. You know that real fire! And here was Sylvia — firey as anything."
: {' d3 U" Q  }% c2 |! }: b3 WMilton:“我们相遇在卡次基尔山,我当时正跟Sylvia的女朋友约会——准确的说,是她的前女友。那真是个奇怪的姑娘,总是莫名其妙的摔倒。我想起一件事情,说出来都没人会信,她走进了一部升降式的电梯,电梯还没有停稳,轻微的晃动就让她站立不稳,差点摔倒。我都不知道该怎么和她继续下去,有好几年,我都不愿意考虑这些问题。我甚至都不记得她的名字,我们只约会了几次,彼此之间也没有火花产生。倒是和Sylvia越来越有感觉,相看两不厌,感情的火苗一直燃烧到现在。”

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Moe and Tessie Rubenstein
/ Q& o2 C/ \% b5 m3 CMoe: "We've been married for 66 years. We met in high school when I was 16 years old and my wife was 15 years old. And we've gone through life together. The love we feel now is a different type of love. It is a mature love. In the beginning, of course, there was a sexual attraction but right now sex has very little to do with it. But we love each other very much. Everyday my wife expresses her love to me. Everyday she says, Did I tell you how much I love you today? Everyday. Everyday she says that."  I" V5 `7 [$ ~! P
Moe:“我们已经结婚66年了。我们高中的时候已经认识了,当时我才16岁,她15岁,多好的年龄呀!我们几乎携手走过了一生。这种“爱”很难说清楚。不再懵懂无知,既像是“爱情”,又像是“亲情”。当然,一开始,彼此吸引难舍难分,现在,性的意味淡了很多。但我们依然热烈的爱着。每一天,妻子都会表达她对我的爱。每一天,她总是说:亲爱的,知道我有多爱你吗?每一天,每一天都是这样!”8 n9 [/ w( S/ m( e" o
Alberto and Cathy Pastorino
9 T0 J; _  R6 g$ xCathy: "We have had the laundry business for 23 years. I work six days a week and my husband works seven days. Of course everybody feels good when they first fall in love. In the beginning I felt like I was married to Roberto Valentino! He was gentle and nice. You want to try to stay the same but we work really hard and we get tired. With love you have to trust each other. You need good communication."4 I, z- z0 k% t1 W. w- P
1 `1 z9 j. }" P! |& f" TSol and Gloria Holtzman
% J: t7 ]. R; G# vGloria: "I was the kind of girl that fell in love right away. So the next day I would tell my friend, terrific, I'm in love already! But after my first date with Sol I did not feel that way. I think it only proved to this day that you can't judge right away. It may not work out but as you get to know a person love comes."
5 Z9 ~2 n. N! X6 z6 D5 K6 aGloria:“我曾经相信一见钟情。见到Sol的第二天,我就告诉我的朋友,我恋爱了,这种感觉妙不可言。但是,第一次约会之后,我却没有那种恋爱的感觉。这之后,我才明白,不能轻易的下结论。那有那么容易一见钟情长长久久呀,慢慢了解的过程,爱,才会愈加坚定。”
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:46 | 显示全部楼层


</p>Leila and Jose Ramos* F5 g7 q) u- i+ o# F$ m- H
Leila: "Little by little we change but we don't change in our hearts. Love gets stronger. That is the way I feel. I believe he feels the same way. Yes, he was my first love. My first love and my last." Photographed in Brooklyn, New York
) r, N/ F' h  h$ o# r% G- CLeila:“在爱情里,我们一点点的改变,但爱着的那颗心丝毫也不会改变。我能感觉到我们之间的爱更加坚固了,我相信他也有同感。是的,他是我的初恋,我最初也是最终的爱人。”. V; L, [  M1 M6 o1 c0 d: |5 i' L
Ykov Shapirshteyn and Mariya Gostsinnaya$ L1 q. [+ Q" U) ^* _# O8 x4 N$ u
"We have lived in this apartment 11 years. Before that we lived on Ocean Parkway and Kings Highway for 4 years. We walk on the boardwalk 3 miles each day. At 2 o'clock we watch the news. I like to read books and he reads newspapers and books. What is the secret to love? A secret is a secret and I don't reveal my secrets!"
3 V& D2 V. R4 ?0 K* w8 z“我们在这所公寓里住了11年。在这之前,在Ocean Parkway和Kings Highway 各住了4年。我们每天在木板小路上步行3公里。下午2点钟看报纸。我喜欢看书,除了看书,他还喜欢看报纸。爱情有什么秘决吗?那是当然的,但我绝不愿意透露给他人。”6 K( O3 f( J$ d, x8 T# d  n
Murray and Esther Redlitz% v& l/ `$ P5 l' O, q
Esther: "Now is supposed to be the best time and we are so afraid because we are losing people. So we love each other more. We worry about each other. You know, sometimes I say something and he reads my mind. They say you sleep on one pillow you get one idea. And I think that is what happened. We think alike, we sometimes dress alike. We put out the clothes and we dress the same way. It's the years. The years."
& {7 g6 i0 W/ {$ REsther:“这是我们最好的时光,却也透着隐隐的担忧——我们就要不久于人世。所以,我们倍加珍惜每一天在一起的时光。也更加紧张彼此。有时候,我说的话他可以心领神会。人们常说,睡在一个枕头上,慢慢的,想法都会一样。我真的这么认为。我们有一样的想法,一样的穿著。我们连穿衣服的方法都一样。时间呀,时间,它让我们越来越像彼此!
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