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[六级阅读] 六级阅读精选文:阻碍你成功的十大谎言二

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
5. Only a lucky few “make it.” – That’s because those lucky few got off their rear ends and did something about it! They had the drive, determination, and willpower that you have right now. You can be one of them. It’s up to you, and only you. , t% ?. Q  c) c1 ]
& m" d$ {; C5 a1 `$ H$ w6. You might fail. And failing is bad. – Failures are simply stepping stones to success. No matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake. If you can’t handle failure, then you can’t handle success either. " X! _2 _) N! K( s0 W% e" P" q
你可能会失败,而失败是可怕的。失败仅仅是成功的基石。无论结果是什么,最后总会是应得的:或者你成功了,或者你学到了什么。都是胜利。最大的错误时你因为害怕犯错误而什么都不做。如果你无法应对失败,你就无法应对成功。 外语学习网: \% }7 C" ^2 S
7. You don’t have access to the right resources. – It’s not about having the right resources; it’s about exploiting the resources you do have access to. Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it. Get it?
8 M5 A; {4 h: o" b) v0 W你没有足够的资源。这不是有没有足够资源的问题,而是你如何得到你现有的资源。Stevie Wonder看不见,所以他发挥了他对音乐的激情,现在他已经赢得了25次格莱美奖。明白了?  
- b) G6 T- r5 S0 ^8. You need more money saved before you can take the first step. – You don’t need more money. You need a plan. You need a budget. Eliminate ALL the nonessential costs in your life. If pursuing your dream requires you to leave your day job, figure out the absolute minimum amount of income that you require to realistically live. Studying those who have succeeded with similar ventures also helps. But above all, take baby steps. Don’t be foolish and assume that you must have a certain amount of money saved right now, or that you must quit your day job today in order to pursue your dreams. Instead, ask yourself, “What actions can I take right now with the money and resources I have right now that will bring me closer to desired goal?” 5 b$ Q% t+ p1 G. m0 o: U
你在开始前,你得先存够钱。你需要的不是更多钱,而是一个计划。你需要做个预算,避免生活中所有不必要的开支。如果追求你的梦想要求你辞职,计算出维持现实生活的最少金额。学学哪些用最少资金成功的人的经验也会有帮助。但首先,试一试。不要傻了,不要以为你一定要现在就有一笔钱或者你必须今天就辞职去追求梦想。相反,问问自己“我现在有的资源和金钱可以用来做些什么使得我离目标更近些”? * g* d2 W+ Q/ B& n0 p, ]
9. You don’t need any help. It’s smarter to go after it alone. – You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with. If you hang with the wrong people, they will negatively affect you. But if you hang with the right people, you will be far more capable and powerful than you ever could have been alone. Find your tribe and work together to make a difference in all of your lives.
2 T( M% V5 V" L- M, N/ `9 r- U+ L3 ^你不需要任何帮助。最好是自己一个人做。你最了解自己。如果你结交了错误的伙伴,他们将带来负面的影响。但如果你选对了人,就能比一个人的时候能力更强。所以找到你的伙伴,一起做出与众不同的改变。
& F2 o! C' [; v10. That sounds like a lot of hard work. – You’re darn right it does! But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth it. I think success in life hinges on one key point: Finding hard work you love doing. As long as you remain true to yourself and follow your own interests, values and dreams, you can find success through passion. Perhaps most importantly, you won’t wake up a few years from now working in a career field you despise, wondering “How the heck am I going to do this for the next 30 years?” So if you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop. You’re on to something big. Because hard work ain’t hard when you concentrate on your passions and dreams.
+ O4 ~" K+ l- U3 p+ B' p听上去需要很多艰苦的工作。你说得对:实现梦想当然需要艰苦地工作!但这并不意味着你不值得这么做。我认为成功的生活有一个关键:找到你乐意为之努力的工作。只要你保持本心,追随你的兴趣,价值观和梦想,你的激情将引导你通向成功。也许最重要的是,你不会在坚持从事你不愿意的行业几年后惊醒,茫然想到“如果我再做这个30年会多痛苦啊?”,所以如果你努力自己的事业,喜欢从事它的每一分钟,那么不要停下来。你会成就大事业。当你聚焦在你的激情和梦想时,艰苦的工作就不会苦了。
; u8 g& K$ v2 e6 KDisregard these misguided bits of nonsense and you’ll be well on your way to fulfilling your dreams. Now get out there and make a splash!
# x. }2 B9 R$ P* t抛弃这些错误观点,你就会踏上追梦的道路。 那么现在就出发,成就一番大事业吧。

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