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[六级阅读] 2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题20

发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年12月大学英语六级阅读专项练习题206 s6 \, ?- G8 J3 ]4 J. h0 }
5 l6 ]. r" ?7 o4 ^6 f

4 m& {5 Q) D, R  1.Permissive parents would_________. , ^( z3 `" I" U( [1 D* \2 b
  [A]let their children read any books they like to 转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]
' ^5 X8 N4 |4 _9 }$ X. e  [B]not let their children see any films they like to
0 j$ T  n: G' n/ G* e0 I) y  [C]not let their children read any books without first checking their contents
0 Q3 _; R4 t( r; h- X3 y/ v/ Q( l  [D]let their children see the films with their first checking
. y; r: U  k. _4 S1 z* P  2.The fact that parents check the contents of the book or the film for their children to read or see shows____________. ( \* L3 U/ p# a  S* {8 J
  [A]the necessity of censorship
3 e+ Q/ s8 B( U# l0 ]! K  [B]many books and films are bad 0 t& M% m# s1 G, O4 F
  [C]children need their parents to help them understand more
5 j; ?  Z0 u2 e! c' Q2 J  [D]the parents are permissive . {# V4 e1 A' l  Z3 Q. y
  3.Whlich of the following statements is NOT true? " j5 S5 @5 q) Y
  [A]Some adults can’t tell right from wrong.
3 \- l: V1 `0 d6 I% Z& q) \" Y8 \% `  [B]Censorship is compared to the law because both of them perform good service to society as a whole.
) o2 V0 P; X! i# R2 q! d  [C]Censors pay attention only to genuine works of art.
! e  x7 R( P5 C$ @7 x  [D]Censorship is necessary because many books,plays and films are far from being“works of art”.
/ I0 [2 ~: \. I% P1 k( Y* k0 i  4.What does the word“corrupt”(Line 5,Para.4)mean? * R4 s6 H1 k4 S' Y/ ~
  [A]Make morally bad.
, O: w! R: k# j  [B]Hurt.
) m0 h1 }4 G  _+ g9 K  [C]Injure.
* f3 A) ?) ?2 f- |  [D]Damage. 8 O7 P: p2 I- L; o6 \7 r
  5.What would be the best title of this passage? 8 E; W& R, |! |, M, I* a
  [A]Permissive Parents and Responsible Parents. / j  v1 X6 Z1 c; a. x0 s
  [B]Censorship and the Law. 2 Y8 B, @  x: h- a$ f% c
  [C]Censors Value Artistic Merits.
, B( z! C, f) o. @3 @7 ]  [D]Censorship Performs Good Service to Society.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:30:45 | 显示全部楼层


5 m% a; s8 h$ w' z  家长该不该审查子女阅读的书籍和观看的电影的内容?文章以此设问开头,讨论了出版物和电影的审查制度的必要性,并分析了审查制度对社会所产生的积极影响。
* k' a8 g# b  o, e& F# N  1.A www.examw.com
$ p: x% m$ t8 s: `: F" }6 e; Y  信息明示题。文章第一段第四句指出,如果你的答案是“是的”,那你就是一个极度宽容的(纵容的)家长,再结合该段第二、三句的两个问题可知,A正确。
! L8 \- B( p# f  2.A & J, ~' r) h) |9 Q9 [6 Y! d- x
  综合推断题。由第一段末句可知,父母检查孩子们读的书和看的电影的内容是因为there is a strong case for censorship,所以A正确。
0 b5 y. S' H7 j8 p  3.C ) J0 s3 [( T& f0 J
! V4 C5 ~- x( O+ L& A0 d7 q6 e. X+ U  4.A $ _5 k6 }2 g6 ?* b1 F8 w7 \) U7 z
  语义题。corrupt意为“使恶化,腐蚀”,结合本句中的关键词minds可知,只有A最符合句意。 0 k2 c% L( V  `/ f
3 J, k" _+ _3 F4 m8 u% [1 O0 U8 g  主旨题。文章以家长该不该审查子女阅读的书和观看的电影的内容这一问题引出论点——审查是必要的,并在接下来的内容中讨论了审查的必要性以及审查对社会的积极影响,所以D正确。 </p>
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