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[六级写作] 六级应用文写作:备忘录类

发表于 2012-8-14 10:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
备忘录1 4 z7 C- C9 i. A9 o& ^
) S4 l. u9 q; p* @备忘录是单位内部传递信息的文件,包括抬头和正文,其中抬头包含四个部分:3 a4 k; g  l, b) F6 c' F8 y. j
TO: 收阅者8 k- D5 l: M4 f- N# k
FROM: 撰写者5 \( \0 a: K, M* M* H% H0 k" K
0 r/ V  u+ ]) y4 t' YDATE: 日期5 R- y% M6 [& `1 w' R# f* m
Directions 27+ ?$ A1 R. ^% E* F( v8 @! E
Suppose you are the secretary of the Personnel Department of a company and are organizing a farewell party for a colleague who is going to retire. Write a memo in about 100 words to inform your colleagues of the meeting. Do not use your own name, using "Li Ming" instead.; }3 x( k: G) H$ p6 f& l; W" s
* l' p8 W0 o+ i" E! @) B1 @/ S- p, ^TO: All employees of the Personnel Department
$ I. R" g7 }2 `( m- dFROM: Li Ming, secretary of the Personnel Department
* }( V) c; R& u, N1 i5 wSUBJECT: Farewell Party for Liu Gang: l3 A. d/ V0 M8 f
DATE: Dec. 27, 2005
5 p1 o% o0 _% I8 ?( COur colleague Liu Gang is going to retire next month. His retiring is really a pity to us all as he is such an amiable man who is always ready to help others, such an honest man who has won trust and respect from around him, and such a humorous man who can often add pleasure to our work. We have decided to hold a farewell party for him.
' D! ]! D& J" r/ h& t! n/ yWe are going to use the assembly room of our department for the party. I have organized several programs for entertainment, but they are not enough. So if anyone is willing to give performances, please let me know as soon as possible. Besides, our general manager and manager will be present, too.4 N: M/ m. l# p9 `# A- S
All the colleagues of the Personnel Department are invited to attend the party which is scheduled on November 4, next Friday and will begin at 7 o'clock in the evening. By the way, all suggestions on the party are welcome.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:35:43 | 显示全部楼层


备忘录2</p>语言注意点:# f$ n# \$ u8 e: _0 q$ k$ d
. d, r2 C# J" _) B+ g0 y9 ODirections 28% }% M7 [; K0 C
Write a memo in about 100 words on behalf of the Student Union to call on students to join in the volunteer activities in Xinhua Community.2 g" Y8 i/ I! I& j
$ H1 Y- u5 O$ n7 @$ @TO: All students of Shanghai University
0 L) P1 Z6 o8 ^5 MFROM: Student Union
/ Y% W4 `4 c  Z+ NSUBJECT: Volunteer activities in Xinhua Community
# r. M" O1 K! s% K& zDATE: Sep. 13, 2005( P* A# o3 ?* O9 w( B
At the beginning of the new term, we plan to organize a series of volunteer activities in Xinhua Community, which is about 200 meters from our university.
9 x  b9 o5 B% C- s- \7 c, EThe activities are scheduled on September 18, this Sunday and include doing housework for the disabled or old people who live by themselves, teaching English to children, and publicizing knowledge about healthy diet and about preventing common diseases.
: @) @( m( b- W  ~+ P* lWe believe it is a good opportunity to show our love and know more about the society. 100 volunteers are needed. If you are willing and have time to take part in the activities, please come to the office of the Student Union on the third floor of the Administrative Building, where we would ask you to sign your name in a table and tell us what activity you are particularly interested in.
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