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[六级写作] 大学英语六级范文欣赏:Social networking site(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Social Network Sites   Social network websites have rapidly increased in popularity over the past few years. Many people have registered and become members of some social network websites, such as Facebook, Kaixin and Twitter. These websites have become a part of their daily life.考试用书
) n2 k) x( X" O' o  People’s opinions vary greatly on social network sites. Supporters regard social network websites as places to share feelings and experiences with their friends. Besides, they say these websites provide various interesting games and can help people relax. However, opponents think it is difficult to protect users’ privacy on social network sites. Apart from that, they maintain that users’ chances to gain employment may be reduced as more and more employers take the images which users portray on social network sites into consideration.
/ C4 }3 a) E$ Y  As far as I’m concerned, social network sites serve as a good platform for us to make new friends and keep in touch with old ones. Still, we should be aware of the potential dangers involved. It is very necessary to adjust our privacy settings to control who has access to our personal information.

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