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[六级写作] 2012年大学英语六级写作笔记(12)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:35:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
: {. e3 R2 z' ~: f* J* G+ p8 ` ④14分
: G+ [$ G( @# G/ A# W7 M0 G  How should we read? Should we read selectively or extensively? Everyone has his own view.(启)
1 `. T" i9 n: @5 c  S: H4 \  注:1.第一句提出问题,第二句提出两种见解 - E" ^1 i4 U9 ]% C% d
  Some people think we should read selectively. They argue that with the development of modern science and technology, more and more books are published. It is impossible for us to read all the books. What’s more, there are many bad books that are poisonous to our mind, and we shouldn’t read them. Since we can’t read all the books and we shouldn’t read bad books, we must read selectively.(承)
2 i8 }) j0 S+ h# s5 U  注:1.本段总分总结构 www.examw.com
4 Q4 o& [% @$ M2 ^  2.they argue that = they think that
/ g$ n5 r6 k- N* l2 u3 D  3.with the development of...
' }, w. R; b' Q" c$ J% O; K  4.what’s more 递进关系,moreover ' B* L% L& Q  i' J
  But others may not agree, they emphasize that today’s society is not what it was. If one man has many kinds of knowledge, he will have more chances to succeed. If a man knows much in one field but knows nothing in other fields, he may be useless. Since we must have many kinds of knowledge, we must read extensively.(转) 7 }2 z/ `1 O8 }+ ~- S. p* \1 Q0 U
  注:1.But 转折词
/ D" v# K# w' }0 I2 X9 P  2.they emphasize that = they think that
6 y% y; P3 F" |, G) E/ i; J  3.today’s society is not what it was 现代社会今昔非比
7 ]! i- `* r; ~6 ^  4.许多知识 a wide range of/a large scope of/much;获取知识 acquire/get knowledge 3 Q  I& g, @4 }- [; K/ q
  5.knows nothing→little;he may be useless→he may not be of great use to the society 后者比前者更委婉
! [8 e) l  r8 u- S  Who’s right? I think both of them have something right. But I think we should read extensively first. We should read books in many fields, and read selectively in one field.(合)

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