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[综合] 英语六级考试辅导:翻译指导及练习(20)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Exercise Twenty
" u9 y( S/ e; b0 J% j- [6 u* b  1. In the old society,five hundred million careworn people _________________ (生活在水深火热之中)./ {+ }; s7 F& q. f+ G
  2. We think it most important that _______________(理论与实际相结合).
4 }7 G3 o$ a  C( j/ R# F  3. _____________(不论晴雨),we'll have to go tomorrow.) ^, r" N4 T  ]- a
  4.This is ________________(正是要找的人)we are looking for.9 o+ z: i/ U9 w# i7 Y, u7 p# z
  5. Their income is ________________(一般家庭的3~5倍).( m* T+ W; b, T  e: o
  6. _________________(我没有买到一张好票)for yesterday's movie.
. y3 n! w2 W& \: K  7. It's confirmed that _______________(铁路将延伸到我们村子).) f2 z$ @, [/ x: }& O
  8. The new manager of our company _____________(有很强的事业心).- A* i  ~* Z# L* D3 E9 R
  9. When I walked past his house,________________(我听见他在弹钢琴).. o# m9 p6 J) p0 A9 @) `1 j( ], w
  10. ________________(学生们应该从这里得出一条经验):Don't be misled by false appearances.8 }, w/ r& J- }" l  I# f
  1. were plunged into a dire suffering
; a+ ^0 ^: n: v; i) k/ D$ F4 J  解析:本题考查考生基本词汇量和短语的掌握情况。"水深火热"在英文中没有一个对等词,所以要采用意译法。可以接受的译法有:a dire suffering,an abyss of suffering,extreme misery。Be plunged into表示"使......陷入,使......遭受",如:plunge a country into war(使一个国家陷入战争);plunge sb. into deep sorrow(使某人陷入深深的悲痛之中)。另外,前半句中careworn意为"受折磨的,饱经忧患的"。# B. o$ R0 F$ ~: b  }6 a# D
  2. theory be combined with practice8 H2 C9 M' B0 w2 O3 W
  解析:be combined with...是固定搭配,意为"与......相结合"。Be connected with是指"将......连起来",在含义上有所差别。其次,句首用了We think it most important that句型,暗示从句要用虚拟语气,should可以省略。
% ?' b' k. q/ K7 {6 s3 K8 r  3. Rain or shine
/ L( @% k7 }+ {& |; \. Q  解析:本题考查固定用法"不论......",英语用...or...来表达。如:Winter or summer,that lady always wears a long black gown.(不论夏冬,那个老妇人总是穿一身黑色长袍。)类似的表达还有:better or worse,good or evil,sink or swim,men or women,old or young。
& h7 J# j6 G; ]! G8 T  4. no other than the man; C  X2 C- ^+ l. a
  解析:本题考查采用反译法翻译,以加强语气,取得较好的修辞效果。No other than强调了那个人就是我们要找的。这句话也可以译成This is just the man we are looking for,但强调的语气就显得要弱一些。此外,no other than要和other than区别开来。如:There's nobody here other than me.(这里除了我没别人。)% ?, ~/ K  i2 l1 G7 b
  5. three to five times that of ordinary households
8 _- Y+ J5 Q& |  解析:本题考查数的表达。考生要学会用"倍数+the size (length,volume) of...","...倍数+that of (what it was)..."的句型进行倍数的表达。Household是个集合词,表示家庭,如:average household(中等家庭);multiperson household(多人口家庭);peasant household(农户)。"家务"叫做household affairs。
; ~3 O$ |$ z% i, @1 ?  6. I didn't buy a good seat
2 x9 w3 h, H8 ]  解析:题中"好票"是一个干扰项,是典型的汉语表达。"没有买到一张好票"实际上是说"没有买到好座位",因此不能译成I didn't buy a good ticket。来自www.Examw.com3 I7 P$ J# o8 e7 \8 c* L& B! o
  7. the railway will be extended to our village4 N3 Z4 Y6 O8 R( t. _5 h
  解析:本题考查英语被动语态的翻译。虽然原中文句给出了主动语态,但在这里主动语态表示被动含义。因为铁路不可能自己延伸,延伸铁路的必定是人。再如:这个问题已经解决了。(The problem has been solved.)& b' m7 {$ w7 b1 w+ ^
  8. is a man of great enterprise5 M$ o! ^  x* b' d$ [. x1 G
  解析:本题也有很强的干扰性。考生易译成has a strong heart of career,这种翻译看起来与中文对应,实际上不能被接受,而且完全背离了原文的意思。"很强的事业心"有自己固定说法:sb. of great enterprise,也可以说成:be self-motivated and result-oriented。. ^9 @- Y) }" ?" s
  9. I heard him playing the piano2 Y2 r3 I$ {% q& I+ V" N
  解析:本题是对基本知识点的考查。我们知道,感官的动词hear,see,watch等有两种接续形式:一个是后接现在分词,一个是后接不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。接现在分词表示动作正在进行中;接不带to的不定式表示动作已经完成。根据题意,应该选择第一种翻译。% i9 L6 ^2 o3 f' u, N2 d8 }
  10. Students should draw a lesson here
3 N+ V" S! Y/ M& F  解析:本题意为:学生们应该从这里得出一条经验:不要被假象所迷惑。看到"经验"一词,大多考生会反应出experience,但根据全句意思可知,"经验"两字在这里并不是指取得成功之后所积累的经验,而是指从错误和失败中得出的教训。Lesson表示教训、惩戒、训诫等,在译文中能准确传递原文的内涵。

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