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[综合] 考试辅导:2011年英语六级汉译英分项指导4

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  S2 }" _( ?* x: v  _1 K  1.犹豫不定be of two minds
7 A: U; E6 S) ~( ]4 R' p, n' v  我打算买辆汽车,可心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买那个牌子的好。
  X: s; y/ Q" f& S) J  ?) x  I’m thinking of buying a car, but I’m still of two minds .I can hardly decide as to which brand I should take.
6 s. X8 v8 U$ m. f* p+ j  2.心事重重 some thing weighs heavily on one’s mind' ]6 R; H4 [* R/ h
  老板这几天沉默寡言,看起来好像是心事重重的- X6 |6 z' u$ x# |
  The boss is quite down these days. He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind.2 F7 _, o* A' Q$ d+ h! m
  3.埋头苦干 keep one’s nose to the grindstone% Y1 @) Y( n( {) p, s& D+ Y
  这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了大钱的1 q- Z( F# Z; k8 o$ c. \# g
  These years those who’re keeping their nose to the grindstone can’t make bundles.1 D2 D  \- M8 Y/ V3 q8 C7 _7 y; g
  4.心凉了半截 cool one’s ardor  h0 T( [- j4 C5 Y
& T3 q0 `& O7 A- o2 D  Lily was head over heels in love with their company’s boss and was thinking of marrying him, but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor.
, h- }' u; u& v# i9 c+ H* q! w  5.使人大为激动make one’s spine tingle
# H2 S9 A5 @' o  m# M+ H  小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动! \+ E' H  t. Z% e6 e8 _* c
  XiaoLi’s promise to marry him made his spine tingle.: O4 X; {1 W: x1 Q
  6.怀恨在心 bear somebody a grudge* f5 w1 e, {7 \$ ]" D8 O0 G, k
  千万别得罪他,他会对你怀恨在心的" _: ^6 [- z, B$ D- `$ L
  Take care not to offend him, or he’ll bear you a grudge.9 m( R$ }! W: D; J
  7.感到四肢无力 feel wobbly and rough.
9 u. ^5 S- V5 @. T: I  8.受冷落feel left out
( ^0 R9 k5 T; @' Z! l  在这样的场合上,谁愿意受到冷落那?5 L, [: @: h' V  z
  Who would like to feel left out at such a function?0 b" F7 T4 e6 |- k. T: V+ A* K# v
  9.不容易 no cinch.
. l4 }8 ]' K4 o  我是挣了钱,但这钱挣得太不容易了, |. f7 r; B& G4 n
  I know I’ve made some money, but it was no cinch to get it.
( ^9 E4 j" k$ C3 {5 f; g% f  10.为难 be in a pickle. U6 v+ X' R; k7 P2 M1 c7 N: F, ^
2 u# y/ r4 O; p5 _2 W0 @/ p  I’m really in a pickle. I’m supposed to buy him a fur coat, but I don’t have enough money for such an item.(pickle作“困境”解)6 @1 C6 V) z$ h$ {# X
  11.苦苦哀求 press one’s suit- T7 c6 K4 f! I6 B9 O
% }* T3 ^7 U! ^! X2 \! C  She pressed her suit and asked her husband to give her another chance.
: k4 y. x" ?( p$ E  (苦苦哀求:press one’s suit. suit 指“乞求或恳求”)7 }( M3 x% s5 @. W' D6 y
  12. 闲得无聊twiddle one’s thumbs
6 f0 t+ D; Y0 F. j& ~  这些娘们儿都闲得无聊,不是坐在那里说长道短,就是三五成群的谈论别人家的“丑闻”
) }1 M+ @( X/ A  e; x  These “old girls”network are twiddling their thumbs , sitting there either gossiping or forming into groups talking about other families’ “skeletons”* B& Q2 l6 |  E- _$ `- n
  13.推卸责任 pass the buck/ d7 C; J; c8 ~6 K$ P3 m: A
  当老板问起是谁把消息说出去的时候,他们两个人相互推卸责任。' J' }' d* ]; e& @8 m3 \* o3 r) o
  When the boss was asking who had disclosed the news ,the two of them began to pass the buck to each other." k* g9 [8 u( [/ ?: ]. l
  14.承担后果 face the music
: [3 V$ \( w" P3 N3 E7 `8 ^  这件事是他们三个人一起干的,可是现在谁也不愿意承担后果
# O# `' l( C& E# U' _' B. V1 Z! Q9 k4 m  It was done by the three of them. But none of them want to face the music now.
5 c6 F: A6 N: x' `" J7 ^  15.真烦人a pill
, i4 u! d/ T; t* F  她真烦人,整天唠唠叨叨的
+ T9 Y# m' \- U2 T" h& G  She’s really a pill, spending whole day harping and complaining.2 j9 f! H8 w2 p0 _# R& q
  16.饶不了某人not put anything past somebody
& a" u% i: v! N+ k. {* |  如果他胆敢给我使坏,我就饶不了他。4 `4 T# C- m5 ^- y2 z; B
  If he dare hit me below the belt, I won’t put anything past him.4 ?. z2 l) z) F
  17.一门心思have one’s heart set on) H4 _+ F& C4 H8 p
' O2 y. K$ g; I  d) D  His daughter has had her heart set on marrying a Japanese man.- u: |4 a) h6 w% ?
  18.心烦意乱 nerves on edge5 C) B; u# Q1 S$ u
  这几天不知是什么事把我搞得心烦意乱的& c- c. R: t& t1 _0 U
  I don’t know what has set my nerves on edge these days.
: B* X  ]' @  s* S9 m* B  19.那可不行nothing doing
" l7 k) }* A; M1 g% r- m" }7 B  又要用我的车?那可不行!
* _* l+ k/ J, b3 h+ \( ^% H- t6 R5 v  Want to use my car again? Nothing doing.
" r! ~$ w7 {# [8 G( w' t$ c0 ^  20.容易极了Nothing to it
: j1 v! M# A! G$ W7 M9 ^; j1 V  你能说服我爸爸么? Can you convince my father?! k% O+ A% ?2 n/ }
  说服你爸爸?那太容易了 Convince your dad? Nothing to it!
/ E! H6 C8 H3 g( p4 j0 I9 D  21.到了极点one for the books2 l( B* f+ B3 Q4 U
  他的表演简直棒极了www.Examw.com0 }: g$ w2 a/ T9 U4 R1 }1 W
  His performance was really one for the books.
6 O8 F8 q/ a1 p2 U# T  p  22.觉得可疑了smell a rat2 h% g/ P( A0 S- X, D) X
  j7 B' k+ w; {8 s  Didn’t you smell a rat when they agreed to sell you the goods at such a price?
, w& ^1 B2 i3 q  23.敬而远之give a wide berth to+ T( D2 L3 b8 h2 j& ~- k- h
  对他那号人,你还是敬而远之为好" z5 t. D$ W" N1 M1 Y4 [
  You’d better give a wide berth to a guy of his sort., m8 f8 d% C" Y( Q
  24.稍微……就行了give ……a once-over
) T' v  _+ Z$ h% a  车子不很脏,稍微擦擦就行了0 I* G* _" |3 Y# T
  The car’s not very dirty, a once-over will do.
1 j+ F$ A* w% ?. P7 B2 `  D  B) ~0 D! C  25.无聊 be for the birds5 k! G' [% O, f
  J) y* {6 H& {9 i5 m+ c( h# z; G  He’ s plain for the birds. He would either crack a blue joke or talk about other people’s marriages.. D1 u/ G# W9 d6 b
  26.合口味to one’s taste6 K+ E( @5 \8 ]# I* `, m% w
1 e1 t# H9 B7 w5 y. s% J  This sort of music is quite to his taste.
/ v. l+ }  h- s* {7 D+ @0 o/ O  27.心里特别难受 be sick at heart+ M  _6 J9 U8 S$ ?4 M
9 F1 J: {7 J5 F/ k3 x* B  ]* ^) q  I felt sick at heart when I saw how much she was hurt.
% q4 \2 W% ?2 p6 y  28.别往心里去not take …to heart
2 T) O. b+ T9 T  S, t  不要往心里去,她不是有意要伤害你的+ Z" _1 b# |; z" s0 `5 w2 x
  Don’t take it too much to heart. She didn’t mean to hurt you.

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