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[综合] 考试辅导:2011年英语六级汉译英分项指导6

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  2011年英语六级汉译英分项指导:赞同与反对: L) W+ {' v4 n$ w/ T+ m* Y
  1.大吵大闹 yell bloody murder8 C! n/ H) B/ ]. G) J$ C9 ]6 e
4 @5 I4 m: \' j. X5 j  My wife will certainly yell boldly murder when she learns how much I have spent for them.* g" j2 K# s- r1 g% }& t" ^
  2. 很像 the spitting image of
- b# ~7 N  W: e0 ]: `! ^$ G) t" D  小李真象他的爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的。* G( }" C( n# x2 s! P6 Z
  Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife.
  C, @! M/ c+ L. o* H% v  C, C/ G  3. 绝交信Dear John2 ]# d: G8 @; f0 {) |  c& @; O
3 u9 g# S  d' h  Beck went plain crazy with anger on the day when he received his Dear John from his exgirlfriend.7 ]) |2 N- s& w2 @5 s$ N! S
  4.不能轻信take something with a grain of salt: M  t4 ^( e4 M9 T
0 @0 A# G( e: V( |# s$ z( f; }  You must always take what he says with a grain of salt. He’s a born liar.# @( u/ t! R. h# j. F
  5. 告发,检举 blow the whistle
% w+ j- k$ e6 N& g0 D) v8 s  据说检举这件事的政府官员也被调职了。6 F+ K- T# q6 y0 }
  It’s said that those government officials who had blown the whistle also got transferred.4 V' n- v9 q. K
  6. 指控 charge somebody with, @% v5 R7 k2 N) p7 E; W
7 I* y  _" I/ r  He was charged with raping and got arrested.7 u7 Y; d3 G7 y6 a: K) ~
  7.刮目相看sit up and take notice
0 z" N0 r( U$ T6 c2 W  他最近出了几本十分畅销的书,这使得很多人对他刮目相看/ N$ N- V  k6 f1 h
  He has published a number of books and they all become best-sellers, the fact of which makes many people sit up and take notice.
* W2 ]% T2 m1 ]4 w  8.挺不错的 be hunky-dory
: y* b7 o4 i; [5 C0 e- m& Y  他的女朋友挺不错的,跟谁都合得来。  @6 N% d" @  |- W- t
  His girlfriend is hunky-dory, getting on nicely with almost everyone.5 e* J, r3 E: T7 N. Y
  9.已经……了 be over
& j6 b3 G+ j7 U- p9 m6 I  电影已经完了 The film is over.- `  X/ h3 j1 h* d
  10.断断续续be off and on
& a9 p- O9 c4 B' i& S  D  我断断续续学了12年的英语了。) ?: K4 _( X) X6 @8 G
  I have been learning English off and on for 12 years.
9 t( E  B7 E; P, B  11.亏你说得出来 I like that!" z) g6 X3 p* F' y
, k2 Z- {0 a1 N7 L  Did you say that a man should have several wives? I like that!
+ Z' Y& N! ^' Y, L/ p  12.闭上嘴 button one’s lip/zip ones lips! K! A4 e2 e/ H+ b. @
5 C& D* l# T% m( \- _1 Z3 \  Zip your lips. Can’t you see they’re annoyed?
" h! }8 l% b. }/ ~9 q  13.真的阿 you don’t say
* @6 ^; [( K, Y  我已经和丽玲结婚了。 Li ling and I are married.
1 Y2 p; k, s  P8 r: @) s# A  真的阿!你真幸运 。 You don’t say! You are lucky.; K, T" c( ~% \' e1 `
  14.再合适不过了 suit somebody to a T9 @  \: B6 n: r2 Z) Q+ [
+ b. N3 V3 [: `4 h9 F% s  R  This color suits you to a T.& K! w! z' p$ M6 `
  15.让人看不下去an eye-sore; p2 S# O* x# O) m0 g& }0 e
8 D' |6 [! x1 g0 A- o, N: h% o  The two young guys’ caressing and spooning there are plain an eye-sore.4 R6 \2 d" W4 R% c4 a. v2 p2 }5 L
  16.不能用了 be done for
% q- P& S9 p8 z  这件大衣不能穿了。买件新的吧。
0 p; E5 w& H/ k0 K6 D) ?! g1 q6 A  Buy yourself a new coat. This one is already done for.- g* g. E9 J4 r
  17. 不理不睬not even give a tumble
' `. |- o0 V& n) A% D  g  小李三番五次的说他喜欢小刘,可是小刘对他不理不睬3 Z( x6 m- d9 M4 P
  Xiao Li says that he likes Xiao Liu but she doesn’t even give him tumble.$ v. _( }1 `3 [2 m( C4 K
  18.拒绝某人的求婚give somebody the mitten4 N: R/ t9 l0 U& J) b$ z, S8 a7 p
  她说她的求婚被拒绝了。0 c9 I5 b$ G  ]5 S8 J, m
  She said that she had been given the mitten.! ~0 C8 m1 _+ D! W, y9 X7 F* h5 |
  19.为……说句好话put in a good word for( ?+ g. R. @3 D) T0 u9 J1 m
  你可以去找老王,让他在老板面前为你说句好话。) N9 U/ z: ~! s. G( {
  You may go to Lao Wang and ask him to put in a good word for you in front of the boss.
0 N5 o. ~" y; y' {6 r  20.怎么也不…… can’t for the life of one.# a' {) L4 a/ ?0 @/ B
  我怎么也想不起他的电话号码了5 J7 S" @. f) s" e# Q
  I can’t for the life of me remember his telephone number.
9 b* B! j: x; r- X- }% S1 o& q, A  21.绝对没有I’d eat my hat if I had…0 U, r: X- p' I
  我绝对没有把那个消息告诉她。5 u2 u+ \5 Z1 P6 J3 |0 U
  I’d eat my hat if I had disclosed the news to her.
. F. {6 D2 B0 K3 h  22.算了吧call it quits5 s/ \8 ]# S2 B
  算了吧。他既然已有新欢,我也就不打算和他复婚了/ N% h3 M% ]; N7 a7 m* U7 d/ U+ _
  I’d call it quits, and I would not remarry him for that he’s already had his new woman.+ Z$ n1 ]& T  `+ g8 |0 r, U
  23.合格be up to grade. U7 H+ N2 F# A3 F. ~3 F+ K& W: i
  他们的新产品基本上都是合格的。1 E. B  {3 q6 i- q1 H* c9 N0 S
  Their new products are near up to grade.. T4 B0 m7 I- o" ^2 O: V9 o$ _/ L
  24.我同意I’ll drink to it.
2 d5 M: K% `# D8 f$ S  你是说我们今晚到饭馆去吃么?这个我同意
; o( k% S1 l7 T  Did you say we’d eat out tonight? I’ll drink to that.7 X) G) Z) p8 }, M
  25. 严加训斥give somebody a dressing down" S+ ~/ n, c% `" r8 k
  老板听到那个消息后严厉训斥了参与此事的职员。/ d* d8 b* \% _( \( m( e1 p( ?
  On hearing the news, the boss gave a dressing down to all those clerks that were involved in the business.
" r/ `  A+ Q# I4 o) u5 b" T  G  26.一个字也不说not breathe a word! O9 _1 |; z  L1 R( |
  她的嘴很紧,直到现在对那件事她也没有吐露一个字。$ E$ W: G4 T7 O5 Z9 |
  She ‘s tight-mouthed .So far she has not breathed a word about that.

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