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[综合] 综合辅导:练口语记英语六级单词(三)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: Did you enjoy the end of the novel?; U: u+ ~7 J! d$ m* A& i* z  o
B: No, it was too ambiguous for me.
# t4 u/ W5 O& f* {* ^+ C0 `ambiguous
& r% I, A9 {6 q" fa. 引起歧义的,模棱两可的,含糊不清的0 G; S. R0 |& ^
A: You work very hard.
6 f3 H; f' N. X3 Q+ X, _B: Maybe, but I ma ambitious and want to do well in my career.
+ _# T1 l7 D3 s9 x7 w* m$ bambitious4 b5 Y1 j7 _. e  Z# q: ~2 ^
a.1.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的;2.有野心的: n! u9 x3 k$ d* ?# ?/ F
A: Your essay is good. But I think that you need to amend the conclusion.
4 E2 A/ l0 `4 h1 gB: Oh, I thought the ending was the best part.
. O4 [8 n4 Z! Q) @* l; \amend9 r9 k/ o8 V/ w7 y
vt. 修改,修订,改进+ D9 ^3 j) G, b4 q3 r+ Z9 j
" L) P; _4 c' p2 D9 OA: Do your parents get along well?% M; ~0 q- O2 r8 r3 p. D
B: Yes, they at least have an amicable relationship.
8 N: `! A$ p( p( k- c3 camiable
4 X7 Z, ]& z: X1 Ga. 和蔼可亲的,友好的; M; T; c2 ^9 ]0 E! b7 M% C/ n
A: The army in my county is under-funded.8 m, y( {% n; z0 o5 f1 L6 G+ S+ L
B: I think that it is a good thing that it can not afford more ammunition though.
1 v/ m. C3 t, U0 u% f' {5 l" {1 rammunition
# m- k+ F1 l1 U* X5 w' j3 kn. 弹药,军火  G3 m0 T" k. L* z! J
A: Is there enough space in the back of the car?4 Q; j" d; R& |
B: Yes, ample.3 ]# y+ |. S/ D! m
) |6 C; ~2 O& ~5 x% {! @/ oa.1.足够的;2.宽敞的,面积大的
# X$ G4 M$ s% u% _A: I can not hear the lecturer.) D4 d2 a2 I1 L! v
B: He needs to amplify his voice more.
" v' k8 m0 L6 K  c. J% Kamplify
- }) X6 {2 t9 Q; `0 U4 @+ ivt.1.放大(声音等),增强;2.扩大,详述,进一步阐述
: N4 {; p9 J* w' n! F) NA: My teacher used the analogy of an acorn and oak tree to explain the potential of the school.6 w5 R0 l$ G$ q/ M* W
B: He must think you all have a lot of potential then.
- k, o3 n8 d/ p1 @: ~analogy
3 H( P: O9 N# xn. 比拟,类比,类推1 u# S- U! v1 o4 I6 |' Q* `* }
by analogy9 H( v" a" k5 V8 C6 Y' }
用类推的方法& B" ]4 z$ N8 A/ m
A: That guy is crazy.5 {- I- P" G- R8 }: \" C: Y
B: Maybe he needs to see an analyst.
+ W0 ^& b" l7 T& kanalyst/ v0 L  c- @3 J3 v7 H
n.1.分析家,化验员;2.心理分析学家) x+ U# Z2 Q  s3 _% C4 \
A: You have a very analytic mind.
) K& V' |5 J- S: f6 e/ U" }! g5 vB: I think that is why I enjoy mathematics.
3 d" |4 ]8 ?2 Z6 {) ^analytic! v% Y8 G. Z) S/ i0 k
见analytical) Z: d3 w6 _' _3 `4 y3 H
A: Do you ever read the Financial Times?
4 k8 K! i( O5 {, G, BB: No, it is far too analytical for me.
& W0 @# Q; b$ b4 ]analytical
( H8 d* ?- T8 E8 oa. 分析的,分析法的6 S7 f5 X' f7 ~" d. `$ ]
A: My two year old son is very destructive.; I3 I: B3 o" K# Y& n/ U+ T
B: Maybe he wants to be a political anarchist when he grows up!& q# W) d( J; g3 {( T
+ [5 e5 A0 `, F* w5 ~& gn. 无政府主义者
3 @- k% w: j: ~8 [A: I would like to research my ancestry some day.
# C: H( o# F) z% `6 XB: Do you even know the origin of your family name yet?
0 }) u- X$ w0 l5 \ancestry6 w( I9 n: c' Y
n. 祖先,世系8 _! ~( S! o1 d/ v& W
A: I love Philip’s stories.
* n0 w1 [/ U! [/ g% UB: Yes, particularly his anecdotes.
: g2 S! m+ }% @anecdote
8 A! n- A. U* R, gn. 轶事,趣闻
& y" r& Q: E, L( d$ E9 Q8 A: x3 gA: Do you like Micheangelo’s paintings?. P) m. o* n8 T: P
B: Very much, particularly his depictions of angels.
2 q" {! f+ Q5 Gangel
& H/ @- U. A+ I* Dn.1.天使;2.可爱的人
. C2 p/ X$ l* T6 N0 ?8 xA: My classmate had to go to hospital just before the exams.
6 y' C: F, \7 d" h- }4 y2 S; tB: Probably too much anguish and stress.- K9 B! A! P, f# a* [) C
anguish' x) L9 w/ d2 t7 L% z
n. (精神或肉体的)极度痛苦
, S) q' ?) _' M* A' J& |% _A: Did you know that Germany annexed part of Czechoslovakia during the war?: E8 S( D' v8 k0 ]8 |
B: Yeah, I read about it in my history book., b* _8 {/ a. ]' [: y
annex5 v; F; T, _5 A4 s& k9 A+ l
vt. 兼并,吞并
; f  f. K  w$ bn. 附属建筑物' `) k$ N3 ]3 j5 G
A: Do you know who wrote this poem?
/ T5 T& K9 A8 f8 I4 q2 H! Q& B0 KB: No, it is anonymous, the poet did not disclose his name.) h4 ~7 p6 G% u' B0 {
anonymous( d* i% V" a) E/ l7 W
a. 1.无名的,不具名的; 2.匿名的 ;3.无特色的,无个特征的 7 X3 ^9 u  }: J; F& r+ l% k
A: The film was about an antagonism between two countries.
+ m" M$ b/ U9 a# _7 V3 O+ `B: Sounds too violent for my liking.$ F$ r4 ]6 y$ I
/ |2 |; G: F5 [$ L: L2 E( Pn.对抗,敌对,对立5 A! `: S1 p' C' r) F$ j! O
A: Is that insect dangerous?4 F, `" D0 B6 m' P
B: Only if you touch it’s antenna.( Z. h7 D/ L' H, m/ u$ a
" m5 Y/ q+ L) E7 vn.1.触角,触须 ;2.天线
3 p- K/ g9 v0 R! _A: My grandfather went missing in South America while conducting a research project.
& F/ \; ?+ e- s+ bB: Was he an anthropologist or a scientist?
$ y9 B, U/ u. Banthropologist # R7 H# n# m; }* i) Y. ?
n.人类学家,人类学者3 U4 c# D  C& b; e
A: Do you know the antonym of “fast”?8 }7 }* ~3 |5 M4 d, I9 T
B: Yes, “slow”. It was the opposite meaning of “fast”.% ^! W+ z1 w5 {2 R) y
antonym   O7 g6 P) B6 z! r" V$ s
n.反义词5 Z; C" ~" n$ E
A: Would you like to come to the zoo with me ?# e& j& L) T: m1 N7 `& y
B: So long as we can visit the ape compound.$ r9 K. ^' g0 }' ^
2 Z- ]# ~" g: m" S/ V& k' P) r% i, P6 R( jn.猿 ! U! P# q- L" [3 U6 G

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:49 | 显示全部楼层


</p>A: I was appalled by the state of the living conditions of the poorer people in the region.# M* w5 t, N) w8 O+ Y1 ^0 T9 o5 V7 G8 ?2 B
B: Yes, but the government is doing their best to help the situation. ! \% P* u! X: }1 @" o
appall ' ?  T' U: F/ H  a& B
vt.使惊骇,使大吃一惊" w: \( h9 Q, ?9 h% s& i- W
A: Can you help me with my science experiment?
$ Q- ^) u6 W3 j0 ?B: So long as you have the necessary apparatus and it is not dangerous.
- N2 F" n% Z7 L  x2 uapparatus
, b5 Z  F1 u1 r7 _6 on.1.器械,器具,仪器 ;2.机构,组织. f" D3 ^; }7 t0 o) W
A: Did you enjoy the meal?
* {( a- U) I# uB: Yes, thanks. And it certainly appeased my hunger.
+ R' e1 c* s, x& @appease , ?' ~  V* g4 f3 d- M
vt.平息,抚慰姑息: T: s6 j  e8 ~* j9 C2 m, T0 J' t
A: I can’t find the information that you quoted." @5 c" X5 P3 F& U( x1 o8 ~
B: Look in Appendix Four, page 231.5 Z+ Z. a& ?/ X) X+ q
appendix 6 u: O" {, V1 t8 N
n.1.阑尾 ;2.附录
# l/ f' n, `3 X! |A: I think the performance was fantastic.- J0 t# D6 _2 E6 K4 a6 q( Q$ j
B: The audience seemed to agreed, they applauded for five minutes.
7 N7 n0 q7 }& r9 g5 t: mapplaud
/ f2 S) N9 N( W) `' fvi.鼓掌,喝彩
6 G& Q9 U2 b# }& H8 ~0 a) [vt.1.向...鼓掌,向...喝彩 ;2.称赞,赞许/ l; [' a0 {' I7 e: u
A: A journalist for the national paper wrote a warm appraisal for the new play.4 I: Q$ a% D/ m; M) b0 a5 Z
B: I must book a ticket soon then, before they are all sold out.
: Y1 A# o/ m# x' U, Q4 F$ ]appraisal 9 C# Z" G- J( H8 ~2 {' c
  B. r3 n( }  D7 N$ Z6 I- w" }  ~A: Did they apprehend the criminal yet?
) A9 Q3 Z7 ~& S  R& M+ w. uB: No, I think that the police are still looking for him.
% ~7 |' Y9 g" U0 ~( qapprehend # I; r  n$ c# v. P8 @# v9 n/ O# n
7 J7 a: s# ^9 v% K, P* ~7 _# ]2 NA: What is your current occupation?
9 x) \/ f( l- d& d: j& BB: I am an apprentice electrician but I will be qualified in two months., y/ N* S$ f9 w6 }$ h& D) P5 }
apprentice ! S# y# p1 q* x6 Z. u5 L& O6 K
. S6 Q8 H; y& sA: Your shirt is filthy.
% U: n4 L6 O. b7 U; k$ M, {" FB: Oops, I was cooking but did not have an apron.6 {0 [. t' t1 {; N+ m
apron 3 S0 u' y! T% p
n.1.围裙 ;2.台口(舞台幕前的突出部分) ;3.停机坪6 X7 A* f( O3 _& r
A: Your comment about inefficient train service was most apt. I have been waiting in this platform for half an hour.
+ ~$ y5 n' r+ k. I- ]B: Oh, not quite. Here comes the train now.
( h8 V$ [3 h) Eapt
# K, ^+ Y8 P, |8 U0 Ca.1.易于,有(做某事的)倾向 ;2.恰当的,适宜的 ;3.聪明的,反应敏捷的
& F6 v. B9 A1 x+ }A: Did you get into the university course that you applied for?
7 \! U" H# {# }; SB: Well, I have to pass an aptitude test first, and then if I am successful I will be admitted.
5 b- z; {1 X  C4 z, u9 Taptitude
2 x) ]3 Y& d% O( H# U' X/ _n.(学习方面的)才能,资质,天资
: n! u$ R9 D9 JA: That is a beautiful bridge.
: U, c, i, s7 H9 q" A! m5 D6 kB: Yes, it’s in the shape of an arc.
: f; H1 C, G) ~4 T; carc
0 {& ]4 M0 E# v8 X$ f( R8 F  ?# Vn.1. 弧形(物) ;2.弧 ;3.电弧,弧光$ ^4 O# \) A& f
A: The new town hall is now completed.9 h9 e  Z# W+ y, |6 V. L$ m
B: Yes, I saw it , and the front arches look really beautiful.6 ^& ^: ^% ~) G! C8 G. ^& J
& X5 m1 T/ t; y/ gn.拱,拱门,拱形(结构) % [! i; \5 K& V
v.(使)成拱形 & O) t) ^2 d# Q( w$ Q* d; k5 w! }
8 e% h" l% n. p2 W+ Q5 fA: I am very interested in buried ruins and treasures.
( r6 e3 _* }% x. A% F) k, eB: You should study archaeology.
! S* I+ \8 ]7 k0 Iarchaeology 5 g8 g2 m  @; m4 z" g# |& H
n.考古学$ ]# _- E' K8 D' T+ u& \
A: It is my ardent wish to travel around the world.0 N: F# A8 z: ^8 ?: P
B: You better start saving your money now.
& ^5 W" ?* k: u5 X5 x# yardent
! M% W6 c$ D% c" P: X  sa.热心的,热情的,热烈的 . l' i8 h5 G+ A3 i0 m9 _4 L
A: The concert will take place in the main arena .
! U9 E2 \& d) y7 G$ Z$ cB: Wow, it will be huge. I know it can hold 30,000 people.
& c& j) O( i, y& a1 D9 Marena / O0 E. _: L, P
n.1.表演场地,竞技场 ;2.活动场所: g! g7 h; c, J# C: V4 D9 U
A: Mr. Smith was an aristocrat and owned a large piece of land in the south of the country.. ~6 Q/ c# L" T
B: Does that mean that he was also very wealthy?
) }! r) P. Y) E0 f# G( Iaristocrat 1 C9 C$ M8 Y  U% Z
1 e& B- h9 j6 c$ s! d6 |5 C, zA: I dreamt last night that a knight in shining armor rescued me from a burning tower.
7 m% Z8 _. f' I8 e$ lB: Let me guess the ending, you woke up before you had a chance to fall in love!. m+ v. P% ~7 q( q# B
armor 0 V6 v. p' U% J7 H; Y0 n4 h5 }, Q. y
n.盔甲,装甲,保护物5 \: H% R# o# \6 S( g7 }
A: The new shopping centre has a vast array of interesting products." u/ ~% A/ m4 G0 f; {+ @
B: Yes, but they are far too expensive.
" Z- X& H4 Q1 Y8 K2 l1 yarray
5 B. Y, d8 |* S% T# Tn.1.展示,陈列,一系列 ;2.排列,队形 ;3.衣服,盛装 ;4.数组,阵列 $ x& P* O; _& M: X1 Z# ?6 f) z
vt.1.排列,配置(兵力) ;2.打扮,装饰8 o6 ?  y& o9 k' G. J7 Q. s
A: Why did you break up with your first boyfriend?
0 B6 z: E; H( OB: He was too arrogant and never listen to me.6 [1 d7 P. k% j! ^; ~! m
arrogant 0 Z! X  P5 s! \8 s
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