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[综合] 综合辅导:练口语记英语六级单词(四)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
A: I heard that Ted was arrested for arson .5 F' M- F+ t5 u# m# _6 J# h
B: Yeah, he set the local school on fire.# S8 k1 }; ]+ [1 \6 |% r: d% [
arson 6 N: }/ u# g/ o3 w
n.纵火(罪), e) J4 Q( x7 T' w. Y. ~
A: Don’t eat so many fatty foods, they will block your arteries .% u( v& |# m, S$ K$ C9 V2 S
B: But they are the foods that I like the best.! W7 s# K: v# z
artery * ]- W! l+ t& Q( m; E! z3 e. R
n.1.动脉 ;2.干线,要道
3 F' |- n# E+ r8 g( gA: I find Paul difficult to understand." R) @* W& a3 C/ i
B: That is because he does not articulate his words very clearly./ i0 w- f( X8 v7 ]
articulate : M2 x- X7 g! n: r1 t2 J
a.1.善于表达的,发音清晰的 ;2.表达得清楚有力的
5 d; ]$ D# U1 |; @: E. ?4 uvt.1.明确有力地表达;2.清晰地吐(字),清晰地发(音)$ s) f: }6 Q3 V8 L8 V. F
A: The army has amassed a huge amount of artillery .
/ u* c, @8 \; v! g$ N9 A% |B: Let’s hope they don’t have to use it.
; Z5 c9 h- o+ {6 ^artillery
) |& s+ l: E0 m6 `: j$ p* ln.1.火炮,大炮 ;2.炮兵(部队)" C5 C+ N# V! ]% V3 b: p, r3 e
A: Do you think that we ascend into heaven when we die?+ f$ [0 V: h3 {" r+ ^/ A' P
B: I am not sure. I am still undecided.
5 W( a2 }# i% M( J+ {2 gascend
1 F! G# g, D- z' ^vi.渐渐上升,升高
8 O: ~) a  p) v1 e, K3 Evt.攀登,登上. @- K, R0 T9 t% T+ [  L
A: I couldn’t ascertain whether he was joking or serious.+ I& i9 A" }. B! a8 l9 [1 \3 i
B: Don’t worry, he has a strange sense of humor.
' P2 J6 m7 ^  g/ Qascertain
- F, H( N( H! Xvt.查明,弄清,确定
3 L- }# A* w! W3 O4 CA: Your father ascribed beauty and intelligence to you.9 k* ?/ Y7 C3 H( c* z
B: Thanks for the compliment.- U8 B5 s2 ~8 P! m3 l
0 q2 \; t$ m6 L2 e& n8 Evt.1.(to)把...归因于;2.把...归属于
7 T9 i' ~. v7 p% q# lA: The man’s body came ashore five days after he went missing from the ship.
! m9 V  ?$ c( H0 Z' {* SB: Oh, how terrible, that must have been the one that was found on the beach yesterday." A6 `' ?) I1 e% A* x2 e
3 ^  z- n# x9 M8 F7 v; {7 Sad.在岸上,上岸
" s, D) }5 |, OA: It is my aspiration to become a doctor.
/ N( P% t  O8 s4 J# a% yB: Well, if you stick to your goals I am sure you can do it.; ^& j' {  m4 t! ]7 n
aspiration ; i! B& ~. _9 }! B& u: H
n.强烈的愿望,志向,抱负+ Z' W& f( x: }, `
A: I do not think I have achieved enough yet.
8 |9 W$ \+ R) w3 ~B: Well, if you always aspire to do your best then you will not be unhappy.  m1 f' I& [6 P3 T/ Y  U2 L# F  W! b
6 P! j6 C* F. Bvi.渴望,追求,有志于
' M( N- F8 u- |A: Is that a donkey or an ass ?
0 u$ U7 J2 J& i! a6 ]6 D6 G4 SB: Neither, it is a small horse." h! a: r9 ~% C2 p4 D
! U% ?# b3 p; v# \5 Bn.1.笨蛋,傻瓜 ;2.驴
; O. m$ l5 w  z+ D0 E! QA: Did you hear that there was an attempted assassination on the president?
& n) t* A6 b9 i1 d! ?% Y+ w! e( v2 lB: Yes, but it was not true, somebody was spreading rumours.
$ z) f/ I2 d9 v+ Oassassination
' F% f! B3 A, C" }" ?/ zn.刺杀,暗杀0 `, z9 N4 f9 `- y4 O- p( g4 b
A: We were warned about the risk of assault in the city.
  k: k, F' Q3 g( j3 V7 nB: Good, it is always better to be aware of the dangers.
2 @" R# @+ C' _, vassault
% _6 J- M. h: s$ P* F0 f* lvt.(武力或口头上的)攻击,袭击
" ]# d+ x) t$ B' p# LA: He asserted his points strongly during the debate.# l2 q0 r9 R: i/ l
B: Why didn’t he win it then?
1 j6 ~# g2 }/ f( G5 i1 |1 yassert ' i& ~, m7 w8 |/ I5 f- x
vt.1.肯定地说,断言 2.维护,坚持- A0 f# @- k; G2 i# W1 ^& B! t
A: I think that guy is too rude.$ D+ v* R% A; c, R  t8 `6 g2 D
B: Really, I think he is just trying to assert himself .' _6 m9 @6 M' `" q( ]) d
assert oneself
9 c. D0 a5 C1 h- N+ e6 D坚持自己的权利,显示自己的权威
/ `# p! B' J. Y4 G2 VA: I think that the new student has assimilated well into his new environment.
! D: N+ y$ E$ {* YB: Perhaps, but he does not seem to have many friends.
6 H0 H; k( P$ @/ G9 M; ?( Q7 ^$ Cassimilate$ c6 e. v9 T$ f( O
vt. 1.吸收,消化;2.使同化) {4 m' F4 @7 b; ^+ V2 _6 _3 a
vi. 1.被吸收,被消化;2.被同化 6 k9 O/ X* |0 m7 b4 O! e0 r
A: I gave Linda an assorted box of sweets for her birthday." x+ Q+ r% y* o  P1 [
B: Did you not know that chocolates were her favourite?: Q" W* f; S6 ^. V9 F6 J+ y' p
9 m5 Z: G' u8 j1 T3 Oa. 1.各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的* ?  q7 `8 V) e! G# S5 P$ b
A: I received assurances that I would get help.$ ^& c# s0 s4 K/ \% x
B: And did they come through?
4 v2 Z( I* J- Bassurance
$ X7 }* N4 |% k, ]. O, zn. 1.把握,信心;2.保证,表示保证(或鼓励、安慰)的话;3.(人寿)保险
# i' N: |& F7 S* ]A: I am not able to run fast because I suffer from asthma .
- F9 @& t* c2 Y$ e6 m; M; CB: Don’t worry, I can’t run fast either because I am unfit!
3 w% Y" @# M- D0 lasthma
& E  I3 z. c! U6 pn. 气喘,哮喘
* R+ W% Q& V) IA: It is my dream to be an astronaut one day.
7 S/ z% {- w& D2 OB: I too would love to see the earth from space.: y* [! e, t1 l6 p" Z' n
astronaut) ^) q. }( |$ Q( V4 x
n. 宇航员, H$ D" @9 n% j0 u8 g- t8 y
A: I am going to visit the new astronomy research centre in town tonight, would you like to join me?
( c# A9 n2 ~5 |- [6 _' ]$ |' DB: I’d love too, is there a good telescope to view the stars with?2 a( W7 z) N& s0 M# }# [( p; h
& r) [1 i. R/ `( qn. 天文学
6 `. o0 m  S$ PA: They are closing down the local asylum ./ A: F+ }9 _5 s' M# F/ ?+ i
B: It is about time, the care facilities there were terrible.
4 t6 L  e5 _4 O8 [6 |0 g8 Yasylum4 A6 L: k) V' c: i& E
n. 1.庇护,政治避难;2.精神病院! R8 u# V: |6 \0 g
A: Do you have an atlas ? I want to check where and in which ocean the Tongan Islands are.
3 e+ `0 I& {7 e! }- @8 J6 M9 ~B: No, I don’t have one, but I think that they are in the Pacific., M% b- `; f" k* ~$ O5 W' a
atlas' ?7 y! o# f& f1 }. m4 q8 A
n. 地图集
: L+ r" {8 A9 T: hA: Is attendance at the lecture absolutely necessary?
# ], H( e/ V" M7 E- VB: Well, if you want to get credit for this course it is.
2 v# i5 I$ s5 D5 i  {attendance: Q* h$ x" D' Y9 S% y
n. 1.出席人数;2.出席,参加,出席次数;3.护理,照料

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:49 | 显示全部楼层


</p>A: I lost my wallet at the cinema yesterday.
, `3 D3 _8 J4 G! t. `$ rB: Did you ask the attendant on duty if it was found?
' g$ ^* K1 e# j; c7 I! \: cattendant
. p# B  a3 a( P5 Q( Tn. 服务人员,侍者,随从/ P- c0 G( o; E  l2 K  s
a. 伴随的,随之而产生的5 x2 d6 n! [. H% \: [& Z
A: The box of old photos that you are looking for is in the attic .
/ c2 E$ L2 _/ F+ J8 {B: On the right or left hand side?
5 H% H0 {( [- M! R0 k3 J5 Dattic9 J9 V: y' A( P: K; s" q- T
n. 阁楼
( [6 v8 l  H5 |A: The auction will be held at 3pm on Saturday.( `$ \: a& Q1 m- |$ f! i9 ?
B: Good, I’d like to set a starting price of one hundred dollars for my table.
( A5 y, B6 M2 t" X6 n9 j& W6 Bauction+ j2 m0 _2 D( f6 I- F: Y% B( i
n./vt. 拍卖
- \+ c3 _" K! `, x6 _A: Even though I’m not registered in this department, will it be alright if I audit your classes?/ X1 n3 ~0 y' w5 m7 n
B: It is fine with me, but it is best to check with the department first.
+ @% D! z. B2 S" Daudit  f. O) _4 u! K" O
vt. 审计,检查(帐目), @1 p, [% b% X' U/ T6 x
A: Are all the accounts from your business in order?
: y; |2 M. T0 o1 I# d# W! J) sB: No, the auditor still needs to check them.
/ F9 W/ o$ Q" ~- |5 B# ^9 D8 e" q$ Pauditor
- G9 D' |- w6 I% b& T/ v2 Pn. 审计员,稽核员
2 I6 O3 {* W! @: G% oA: Where will the classical concert be held?. ~7 J3 H+ b/ H- `
B: In the main auditorium
4 {1 h  \; @0 q- Dauditorium& B. \+ Q/ B2 S( n% P9 l( a
n. 1.观众席,听众席;2.礼堂,会堂3 |( K; h8 l3 m
A: He is suffering from an auditory infection.
5 c" l: @% c/ v* B* V! }( K3 T* IB: I hope he recovers soon.
( C3 ]  M* e( X$ {: ]auditory9 k; z; p) K1 Q
a. 听觉的,听觉器官的
- {6 f3 M6 w. M( n0 @% b5 t! }A: My salary will be augmented with the aid of extra hours.0 W7 n5 o9 G3 F9 I7 ~8 \+ `
B: Great, but don’t work too hard.
; B+ z9 K# A* Y1 yaugment
/ ~: \, q2 ?9 o2 h$ N$ `vt. 扩大,增加,提高
; t2 A0 g; P8 LA: I attended a memorial service last night.
- _% {3 `( P5 q. T) AB: It must have a very austere occasion.
0 [* J5 P4 i1 taustere  Z) P* j! j8 u) h4 Q
a. 1.朴素的,无装饰的;2.严峻的,一丝不苟的;3.十分简朴的,苦行的4 f' D6 g! V7 _
A: Are you jeans authentic ?3 R7 a' R$ |" l4 Z% R  {! T. b
B: No, they are just cheap copies of the original brand.
$ B* f+ m. w3 q/ t+ v! }authentic
6 q0 l, |! J/ f" E% ~a. 1.真的,真正的;2.可靠的,可信的
1 r, H7 |/ ]  j! j- dA: John has such an authoritative voice. It is frightening.  I: k8 v& d) b/ f- D7 S
B: I find him scary at times also.0 J$ @& q6 N! s( y/ P$ A* y3 D6 f
authoritative. o( }- E/ v& a+ U, `2 b: C) ?# U
a. 1.权威性的,可信的;2.专断的,命令式的( o: v2 x  `, J/ u2 ]) f
A: Stop! You are not authorized to enter this section of the building./ P" ?- P8 P8 S, p% g2 s6 P
B: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that I needed special permission.
# b* Z) f0 \" F. G; ?authorize8 C9 r; V7 F# B8 u/ r3 h4 H
vt. 授权,批准 ' n3 t' u; b" R) q: s
A: What are you reading?# {/ D  M& _5 g4 o0 D% v3 J
B: Nelson Mandela’s autobiography , I highly recommend it.0 I! U6 h: H  V6 p# z( R
autobiography4 Q  E: ?9 i, K% H" H8 N$ Y  ^
n. 自传
& @9 r5 b* s6 Q2 `2 @A: Is that dog over there real?
" _  n' [( y8 Z8 ?# h2 L, {B: No, I think that it is just an automation
- ?6 u8 C( N: h7 L/ R7 i; F9 Eautomation  N# C4 y; h/ ?, X' G9 v
n. 自动化(技术),自动操作8 N" |- r7 r6 ~
A: I am moving to an autonomous region of the country.+ |" k) V) j( D) n5 p
B: Gosh, that will be an interesting experience.8 W1 X. Z1 a# |% A" o0 t' C
autonomous( t& E. a  |. Z" U
a. 1.自治的;2.独立自主的2 P& Y# P- g$ ^! [
A: You are very independent.' k& L& x1 h$ k' h% P/ a
B: My autonomy is protected by the law.
" ~! E4 P' }( {5 n1 Iautonomy   K/ j, y' o! w. J/ s2 y
n. 1.自治,自治权;2.人身自由,自主权
6 p" A' M, X- d* ]A: Where you able to get through to the ticket office when you telephoned?; M9 `( Z$ C, o0 E% d9 Q
B: I tried several times, but to no avail. 9 j) R: @4 H1 B2 X
avail$ U3 t1 h% M7 o3 v
n. [一般用于否定句或疑问句中] 效用,利益,帮助1 J6 }6 Q1 K1 |) h4 }
A: What was the film about?
6 b/ X/ V2 i; \0 rB: A guy trying to avenge the killing of his brother. It was quite violent.4 q+ L5 u( j7 h. @& g$ s/ @
+ |& [/ I' @9 a# z1 D/ o4 S1 r' w. cvt. 1.为…复仇,报…之仇;2.(on)向…报仇
! ^9 a6 U6 {8 mA: Let’s turn left down the next road.
5 h) z1 k' f" k' E# b9 kB: Good idea, that way we can avert the traffic jam.& C/ W! f- z, m3 p
avert8 o! _  V4 E" r1 Q3 n2 m
vt. 1.防止,避免;2.转移(目光、注意力等)7 V& w4 }" }, H9 M) |+ D1 k/ R8 _  r( J
A: I heard that the national aviation company owes a lot of money to the government.
" {& s1 ^5 [  O* P* I6 A0 f; WB: Well, it must be because of the price of new planes.: U; y% y- ~/ R* e3 @1 f* ?& P
! ~2 j. r$ w' p- A0 M" O6 Kn. 1.航空,航空学;2.飞机制造业
  K7 p  y( p+ P  YA: I was filled with awe when I watched the sun rise this morning.1 a1 [1 p0 t2 \' _. E6 s
B: It is a shame that I missed it, I was still in bed.; ~  Z. A! ]' {, w% Q6 O* W
awe5 x: [$ Z8 U' S' G; x
n. 敬畏,惊惧
1 q4 c5 s, b( w% k1 H7 Svt. 使敬畏,使惊惧
  n9 {( ~* r' P! t. m! Ube / stand in awe of 敬畏
: J( \, c1 p5 W2 X: ]A: At what speed does the earth spin on its axis ?( j( y5 `- e: [" L6 G7 `0 d8 L
B: I am not quite sure, you should check in your textbook.% n& k! l8 T, B* j
7 n/ ~) H/ `( }, k, e, Sn. 1.轴,轴线,中心线;2.坐标轴,基准线
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