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[综合] 综合辅导:练口语记英语六级单词(七)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 W0 J9 _  F8 h5 X- v0 Z/ Xanonymous7 a5 N+ l: |# I0 G# M2 G
a.1.无名的,不具名的 9 P3 W( S4 s; M- F8 u
$ I9 D' y& h4 \2 V! F: m3.无特色的,无个特征的
0 m2 Y! E6 N* T2 ~! N5 Y! mantagonism
0 T. @) [4 r5 [1 S, dn.对抗,敌对,对立3 [' y( @  I* P4 A8 I8 ~
antenna & ^; V( C) o( E& G( I# Y. v
0 p% k" o/ j7 H# @2.天线
; o7 e/ I4 `$ k  o1 q% ?; u# V/ janthropologist 2 n, y" m+ c9 H  ]" y& H
+ n4 B& i$ n% _% f' Zantonym 6 c/ R1 [- e7 D7 c3 F/ d
" Q9 f/ i( J0 G' e, y& ^$ qape / U' G+ \( o+ ^& u2 F
. j1 g% r" W0 A7 ?6 a6 Ivt.模仿( p: u* `8 f2 _
7 r0 T/ ]# l! _- Z+ b- W见appall7 D: C# {2 i( C$ D+ e7 Z: |+ x
appall / i3 d, M6 m9 J2 [5 v1 E
) v" z6 K& X+ t$ Y' o7 _apparatus ( x  h) V* k8 t) T  F
n.1.器械,器具,仪器 1 G7 @; N7 Z/ e- d5 `
2.机构,组织9 ?2 M% p8 P. }
appease - d' ~: }7 O. b9 L
1 ]  E2 w4 t7 [appendix
+ G/ {  L+ _9 j$ T& e7 ?2 D# w: U3 S" Jn.1.阑尾 ' o9 s( V6 h. A3 n
) U  h( T( c- a5 x: ~( Wapplaud 6 @' S2 _" f! h' I* G7 L
vi.鼓掌,喝彩 * Y+ q, {4 N4 R0 W8 p0 F
vt.1.向...鼓掌,向...喝彩 * P0 J. g7 g( X! F* L" c" i; X
2.称赞,赞许% {! f/ A) c9 A2 a1 {
appraisal 7 S7 T8 D1 A& H
n.估计,估量,评价6 V1 [. w( K8 v/ K
apprehend / T! E# l  o5 }
) K8 P! E! P4 S6 h2 A# }4 Oapprentice
1 x" _. [1 M* v$ O4 _n.学徒,徒弟
. k. F: B% M% d# l- [apron
1 J& x2 l( v9 P: y+ Z; j6 Zn.1.围裙 
0 P3 s3 Y' w) Y1 V* a& \) E2.台口(舞台幕前的突出部分) & @' l: g. i: S
5 d: c/ _5 K( y* p. f( uapt * Z/ C! q* W9 L) c2 a" d
( t7 r9 G( g3 U& y# h2.恰当的,适宜的
3 v% Y% ?0 l# Y' x/ G. A3.聪明的,反应敏捷的: e+ N& T8 ~" `( C. Z& k" l
aptitude 1 T( G+ P! D! S( Q
n.(学习方面的)才能,资质,天资# j& u- _$ E) F6 v/ r. L1 i8 W6 u
arc   `! y& a& q0 J1 w% _0 a
n.1. 弧形(物)
; |% y) N% p( J$ j4 n# r7 x2.弧
$ V3 i0 h, Q, c! ^) ?% \7 H3 M. W1 ~3.电弧,弧光' x0 k" ^4 L# X% [4 b
- e( F) P! |( i: |# dn.拱,拱门,拱形(结构) * F7 P1 A) e9 i$ D; p9 _
v.(使)成拱形 " c$ `$ V! y4 U% o8 E5 j
a.调皮的,淘气的7 n) U6 X" B, c% b3 r7 |
& x, G% x; D% s0 A) v" x$ G& Gn.考古学

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:40:49 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  My Apprentice the Ape. S! z! ~7 l5 ^9 ?! n, x
  The ape had stolen his research apparatus! But now the anthropologist was going to make hime pay! He had always thought his apprentice might be apt to make some stupid mistake that could cost hime dearly,but the apprentice‘s aptitude had failed him when he pretended to be an anonymous archeology student in front of his own wife. How could she not recognize him? No one was larger or heavier in all the university----that‘s why they had started calling him "the ape".* N- _/ ~6 `4 _" |/ E- d; e" Z& q
  The anthropologist wasn‘t appalled to learn that his wife had played along with the game,and ,not wanting to stop baking and take her apron off, let his apprentice through the arch into his secret office. That was when he stole the apparatus! And his wife soon realized that she had made a mistake.! ?! u" k) O6 N2 ?# i% F% Y) C
  Now,as his antagonism was again rising and he had almost reached the house,the anthropologist was certain that he would be able to apprehend the ape and appease his thirst for revenge.
8 g/ u8 l2 l" Z# JAs he turned in an arc to stop his car in front of the driveway, and he saw that his apprentice had also seen him, he could tell that the ape was making an appraisal of his escape options. Quickly the anthropologist stepped out of his car, grabbed the antenna, broke it off and threw it at the apprentice. He couldn‘t help but applaud his aim when it punctured the ape‘s appendix! Knowing that the usual antonym for revenge was forgiveness, the anthropologist still did not go to help the now injured apprentice.
: O  Z- \& p3 g5 O  我的猿徒弟
  e" M! f+ {' x% M3 R  猿居然偷了他的研究器械!现在这名人类学家可是要让他作出偿还!他以前总是认为,他的徒弟可能很容易犯点愚蠢的错误,让他损失惨重,可是当他在自己的老婆面前假装是一名无特色的考古学生时,徒弟的天资让他大失所望。她怎么竟会认不出他?整个大学里没有人比他更大更重----这便是他们开始叫他“猿”的原因。
+ U1 F/ N. b4 y, ]. k  o6 K  得知他的老婆也在做戏,而且因为不想停止烘烤并脱掉围裙,便让他的徒弟从拱门进到了他的秘密办公室,人类学家并没有因此而大吃一惊。他偷器械就是在这个时候!他老婆很快意识到她犯了个错误。- O/ S6 H; v* d# N. l
' B. f8 H! O* N% I  当他呈弧形把车开过来停在车道前面时,他发现徒弟也看到了他,他明白猿在估量他的逃跑方案。人类学家很快下车,抓住天线,把它扯掉并向徒弟扔去。天线刺到了徒弟的阑尾,他不禁拍手叫好!尽管人类学家知道复仇的反义词一般是宽恕,但他还是没有走过去帮助现在已经受伤的徒弟。
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