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[六级改错] 2011年大学英语六级改错模拟练习题38

发表于 2012-8-14 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Punctuality(准时) means observing(遵守) regular or
& z0 N+ f  L3 q1 Q) l) h+ Jappointed time. A man who gets up at seven o"clock every morning
8 B! ^: G1 ?7 b2 W8 Ris punctual. A man who has permitted to call on a friend at 1. _______ . w: N4 x' B& J0 A" Z& Z
five o"clock in the afternoon and actually does such at that hour 2. ______
% J1 E) k8 w) ]' Y$ {is also punctual.
, @& q' ?) c+ d; qPunctuality is a good habit, and unpunctuality is a bad
( N* |' g/ k! o3 ?one. A few minutes delay may not be a serious matter. 3. _______
7 @9 ?. b& _* ~  jBut it may have bad results. Getting up five minutes later than   r8 g1 J' O# F6 X
usually may upset the plan of the day. 4. ____& j# n# x8 x9 F6 U, b
Call on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may 5. _______+ Z  o. u1 J% s) K
cause him some unexpected trouble. Nevertheless, habitual 6._______
" P1 u- s$ Y9 }/ N4 {& I0 Sunpunctuality leads to indolence(懒惰) and even failure in life. ! Z# ]. S* _; e6 _
One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It . n" D. H) z0 T$ `
also proves him be untrustworthy. 7._______' ]  J$ q2 @  f# U9 u
Those who are unpunctual should try their best to get rid 4 B5 I4 k- P; K+ n+ K
from their bad habit. In doing this, they should avoid making 8. ______) T' T# l& B. K! ]; z
any kind of exception. They should ever say to themselves:“A 9.______
4 F, z& c) X/ S$ N  efew minutes’ delay does not matter this time. I shall never be
" J( ^/ A, C0 }  Y) h5 funpunctual again.” Those who think in this way will find
* v) Z% p1 p+ M- J: ?+ F- o2 U8 qexcuses for delay from time to time, and will at least give up the
) H. N; g  f2 j  oattempt cultivate the good habit of punctuality. 10. ______
4 j1 n5 Q3 f1 l0 c9 O1 zLike all other good habits, punctuality becomes second 4 ^! @0 s: }3 f2 ]
nature with those who have duly cultivated it.
: {5 f" [; t; [1 permitted → promised
5 x/ P& E4 G) `3 }permit作为动词,是“允许”的意思,常用于词组permit sb. to do sth.:允许某人做某事。根据上下文,此处应译为:“一个许诺下午五点钟拜访一位朋友,而事实上也做到了这一点的人是准时的”。这里所表达的意思是“许诺”,不是“允许”,应用promise,并且promise to do sth.是“许诺做某事”的意思,从语法上也符合。此句是易混词错误。
3 L4 Q' _: P. o& R) A2 such → so/ Z  n& V3 W" E- e2 A
such和so的共同点在于两者都是代词,都是“这样”的意思。区别在于such不能单独代替某成份,而so可以独立代替前文所提及的事。如此句中does such a thing = does so,但是does such却不符合语法。本句属于代词误用错误。( k3 w+ R& z6 i; n# }/ M. o( ?
3 minutes → minutes"# Z- [( B; {0 g3 Z
本句中minutes是名词,不能直接修饰后面的名词delay,应该用名词所有格形式,改成minutes"。这属于词性错误。( H/ o1 Z- h( S& A0 ^" H
4 usually → usual! f7 V! C9 m; M: N1 q6 `
usually是副词,意思是“通常地”。这里five minutes later than usual中的“… than usual”是固定搭配。usual的类似用法还有as usual(和平常一样)。这是固定搭配错误。8 i$ t' m5 T% F" a" v9 e) ?
5 Call → Calling' w- P$ j2 u7 |
: J, F& i" c- [; k( B1 P$ B. I6 Nevertheless → Moreover: y9 I& j+ j9 V) P  O
0 E$ @+ I' ^% L+ b0 c4 ?0 d0 h9 {5 g& v7 him ∧ be → to
; f1 |- m! k: T/ a- @* B9 j“prove sb. to do sth.”是固定搭配,意思是“证明某人做某事”。原句缺少不定式标志to。这属于固定搭配的错误。
: [3 k1 J# `  L* P* v8 from → of
: b5 e, a6 q3 V4 M) f* K5 G“get rid of”是固定搭配,意思是“摆脱”。用from是错误用法,应把它改成“of”。这属于固定搭配错误。
7 N5 |/ A( G' L* Q* [( G$ [2 @& ?9 ever→ never
) h0 ?  i" Q* ~. E3 {本句属于篇章理解方面的错误。根据上下文,此句应是否定句。上文说“他们应该避免有任何例外”,下文说“这样想的人总会为他们的迟到找借口”,因而此句作者要表达的意思是“他们不应该这样说……”,所以要把ever改成never。& N, M2 N( Z7 p* z6 Z# B* ~
10 cultivate前加 to 9 m, y: U( L  Y2 l' Y8 K) g3 W7 Y
cultivate意思是“培养”,这里做名词attempt的定语。“attempt (n.) to do sth.”意思是“做某事的尝试/努力”,应用不定式做后置定语。

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