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[六级改错] 2011年大学英语六级改错模拟练习题46

发表于 2012-8-14 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Every human being, no matter what he is doing, give off body heat. 1.______
) `  ^7 ~2 `- V) ~  V6 _2 j$ y% IThe usual problem is how to dispose it. But the designers of the Johnstown 2.______
+ G: R* A2 Y! _* xcampus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves an opposite 3.______) p5 @7 t7 Q6 N4 P5 T
problem ---how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection/ W9 g5 G, c. O, C% I
system which uses not only body heat, but the heat gives off by 4.______$ Y( D3 ~+ `. q3 v& o7 x
such object as light bulbs and refrigerators as well that no 5._______- y- h0 Y8 j6 X- _/ Z' @8 B" M6 U
convention fuel is needed to make the campus’s six buildings comfortable. 6.______- l# f: U- r. H7 r) A, a2 [2 ^* m
Some parts of the most modern buildings ---theatres and offices as well as 7.______
7 d$ F5 \( z+ C) k" Dclassrooms---are more than adequately heat by people and sometimes must be 8._____0 }1 P. C. z: {, G! B' G
air-conditioned even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing it9 C% t; m- _" `- O5 B
are called “heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University’s 9.___
& r1 @8 Y/ `- g8 Fsystem is the first to recover heat from some buildings and reuse it in others. + S4 B9 H8 v0 Z) H5 ]
Along the way, Pitt has learned that the harder a student studies, the less heat 10.______7 F# T% z) Q8 H+ }7 [
his body gives off. Male students emit more heat than female students, and the
  S% e' f/ f: qlarger a student, the more heat he produces. 2 Y+ |7 y2 ]( T# n! L0 }- b# {3 {
1. give -%26gt; gives& C2 P+ `# T! F! i9 P
这句话的主语是Every human being,是单数,故谓语动词也要用单数形式。7 t* F) _* {/ _  J7 a7 D8 J
2. dispose后加of
2 B$ N8 u' x  l3 ?3 A4 P9 BDispose of是固定搭配,意为“处理”。
5 P2 Y& w: ~5 X1 b9 D0 K- [% }( ]1 U3. an -%26gt; the
; J; C$ ^8 f4 Y+ `  a4. gives -%26gt; given
) e& b1 A+ M4 u) S- q/ A3 _此处的given off是作heat的定语。
+ W8 z6 |6 D9 [$ C  n2 b* o! ^5. object -%26gt; objects
7 W5 {1 e; H, f2 q' @: l7 X6. convention -%26gt; onventional8 ~5 ^& g- s! E( t& s4 X; Y0 U; V
6 ?1 P1 A- L! x+ {: \7. the -%26gt; /
" M( v7 X1 {' O5 d此处不是比较级的最高形式,此处的most意为“大多数”,不需要加任何冠词。
4 V' s1 v6 m& R' K8. heat -%26gt; heated) G' k5 s2 D3 |( A
3 \2 a* u. A& E1 P) }0 S# o
9. are -%26gt; is
3 I& |2 W% ?; N4 ?0 h这句话的主语是the technique,of saving heat and redistributing it是作它的定语,所以位于要用单数形式。
. \4 j( m" K1 ~& }0 f10. less -%26gt; more

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