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[六级改错] 2011年大学英语六级改错模拟练习题47

发表于 2012-8-14 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1.The river lay quietly beside the empty distillery and from ___1___
; h. r1 D- J6 a0 G; C2 |time to time a light appeared in some house on Lucan Road.- h2 R; ^4 u+ b5 i7 w
! ^' L3 L4 N/ w& q9 O) n$ j2. It was America’s first wide publicized acknowledgement that ___2___5 U, A3 m- m& S7 a5 z* U# q! x. u5 ^
smoking cigarets is a cause of serious diseases.2 m; V" A, ~* S
.2 @" E/ A3 ]4 n& u& l
3. The general effort to improve thread-making techniques led
1 g# j2 R' i0 y+ b) n9 Rto the invent of spinning Jenny in 1764, by the English spinner ___3___
7 ?4 n6 i  z2 g7 D) d/ YHargreaves.
& j7 V0 \6 X1 h9 h" d+ H' E7 I.
% H. A$ Q& x1 F  Z2 P4. These private lands are essential the only ones available for ___4___
+ M/ L2 i/ b9 d- Z; Xdevelopment in the region.) W7 ]5 o& @8 A0 Y, w
.% P# e- P; s2 z7 |+ n; U1 X) N8 t  e
5. Deaccession --- or selling off --- works of art has taken on . n: Q/ j  O5 v9 `& V+ b* \! |7 F8 C
new important because of the museum’s space problems. ___5___1 r; e+ \' z4 e; |0 U1 c! v. b  K
.2 }/ g3 Y, p2 }' T! h6 R0 O
6. String players practise moving the fingers of the left hand up 3 N  |; c/ C- ]  R( u6 u' O
and down, while drawing the bow to and fro with the right
" [: Z6 R) b, _9 z9 x' R- jarm --- two entire different movements. ___6___- [7 P% t" X8 N% I5 I% o3 \
.. Z: l, K6 b; F5 w: C5 H
7. There are certainly similarities between the face features of the ___7___4 z6 m9 V) i' v& L
Mona Lisa and of the artist’s self-portrait painted many years later.
; W( B, |" A& H.
0 `# r2 [% Y0 g" ~5 V+ I8. In the Middle Ages St. Thomas believed a regularly fedual system ___8___
  j5 n; E6 q7 C, O' V- \$ T* jof nine ranks of angels.$ O! W: \% N: O/ y
./ C3 H0 r6 f( w" `& z
9. The scientists estimates that more than half a billion people , ^( i. u4 T6 {
go to bed hungrily every night all over the world. ____9___' |5 U1 j( m0 H+ v) e
.- Y7 Z( ^0 E5 [) O; b. N' k
10. Communication satellites make possibly international live ___10___* C, T) Y: N6 k+ B/ m
transmission of important events. 9 b2 Y% U$ P' T/ E% B( T" w
0 y; X: G+ b4 z) M

0 z0 ?; s# y* k8 p$ Q参考答案及解析:% \6 N. s4 g, L/ P
1.quietly -%26gt; quiet7 A' V+ [' ]1 Q$ R/ K
: |4 u. ^2 x2 @2. wide -%26gt; widely; }/ |% L( k. H3 O
3. invent -%26gt; invention8 L& H/ K: {. ^) ?7 y& n) }. Z! V; V
Invent是动词,此处需要一个名词作led to的宾语。1 @; L, |; f- r; R: e7 B$ L' |
4. essential -%26gt; essentially/ N$ C' o. f, {7 b: I
5. important -%26gt; importance
, ~$ ]8 Q, ]* E' J8 pTake on后面应该使用名词作宾语。# X4 _" T9 {- u7 o! q
6. entire -%26gt; entirely8 V6 @: r; f3 m) L3 g1 A
此处要用entire的副词形式修饰形容词different,意为“完全不同的”。( @+ t% g- \" w, F! q
7. face -%26gt; facial
2 p/ B/ k/ d- W! L此处指“面部特征”,应该用face的形容词修饰features。* _9 R2 H4 G6 Q1 y
8. regularly -%26gt; regular
+ @  d  k3 ~- }: d此处regular与fedual并列修饰system,而不是regular修饰fedual。
" Y: v* m5 G, Y$ Z5 ^+ U' ]9. hungrily -%26gt; hungry
  g5 w* Z+ n7 ]/ p, m& h; F本题hungry指的是people所处的状态,表示“他们饿着肚子上床睡觉”。
* r- s! C4 V% G10. possibly -%26gt; possible
$ ?/ _) r3 ~3 \1 A$ u- x此处的possible作补语,修饰international live transmission of important events。正常语序应该是make international live transmission of important events possible。这里为了保持句子平衡,将宾语后置。

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