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[六级改错] 2011年大学英语六级改错模拟练习题53

发表于 2012-8-14 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested stop at the next town.___1___  |, a  m- D% l+ n, d# ~
" ?' {2 R- b8 U/ i) D1 N
2. The hours the children spend in their one-way relationship with / m) P( s4 d* P; ~; S
television people undoubtedly affecting their relationships with ___2___
9 T; P( T; K: @6 m/ P( [real-life people
  ~! G* e+ v: f
5 I) ~, m4 A2 ]& ~+ R9 C, x9 x3. Whatever difficulties we may come across,
: j. a- i1 x6 Nwe will help one another to overcome. ___3___
0 \0 I  v% }2 a$ |8 T" P5 ^% O& i  I3 L, L0 {. D, y2 g
4. Review their works will give us a much better feel for the wide ___4___! m( Q8 y! D9 |3 k/ M
differences between the two schools of thought.
' ^8 l% t" G3 g6 w+ o0 Y( S$ r% [8 ?! c7 T$ g
5. Deprive of the financial means to remain independent, Tomas ___5___" {$ Y1 }6 B! s' H8 N: H- }( s; s7 T
Edison was compelled to seek employment as a night telegraph + k" b0 E9 D- M5 l! x# T
operator.& f& O7 Z4 ^7 E4 {9 }. o6 o

. p9 a/ e1 m$ A( i* R6. We grow all our own fruit and vegetables, it saves mony, of course.___6___6 ?  h- N, o  E5 b, i7 y
7. At three thousand feet, wide plains begin to appear, and there is ( i. _# m5 {1 o3 t6 p: `
never a moment some distant mountain is not in sight.___7___
- P" ]. x' t! R: r% Z! `0 _9 `7 O/ |3 F
- |3 l8 k" s- W6 m' V8 H  U9 c8. Some psychologists believe that those are encouraged to be ___8___* d  v% k5 o( T  F% Y  n
independent and competent in chldhood are more likely than
3 t, G' O2 C- a  [8 I; o, I$ xothers to succeed.9 }5 s- E& K0 o! V# {
$ _& m# G1 N/ u5 ]5 m) r: D
9. With prices fluctuating so much, it difficult for the school to plan ___9___2 B, s* F, t& ~# J
a budget.
/ g" g4 G9 g0 z/ `6 v
5 x  f% S: k: y: |1 H+ T. {1 K* i10. Studies show that the things contribute most to a sense of happiness ___10___' T' ~5 n5 h9 @* q$ o/ R
cannot be bought, such as a good family, friendship and work satisfaction.
% u! E- ?  Z  c  u
( F$ w4 q& d- g+ Q6 o$ @- V- w; U0 c  d$ F

( c2 \% o  r! g* h, Z答案及解析:
& z9 Z! s) b8 g+ E  }& [1. stop -%26gt; stopping2 _  \" S9 G$ q! Y3 W
该句中有动词suggest,该词后接动词时,要用表达结构suggest doing sth,动名词作宾语。 3 U$ T  y7 k9 X; v; t0 L, V

" P0 P) K. ~8 N! u5 w! d) Q2. affecting -%26gt; affect5 ^% n# i  J$ m
分析句子结构可知,the children spend是作the hours的定语从句,整句话缺少谓语。根据句子的意思和主干,可知要把affecting改为affect作谓语。这句话的意思是:孩子们把时间花在与电视人物的单向交流上,这样无疑会影响到他们与真实生活中的人们交际。
1 n" X$ Y/ o) G6 {: G: j0 \" H# J( Q. ]* a9 W) Y; h* Z) E8 O
3. overcome后加them
2 p* W, p7 D8 M* }5 |: Aovercome意为“克服,战胜”,是及物动词,要加上宾语。
) S8 E5 {. M% }) X4 _; i$ z- `* i3 O1 U( I3 }5 i( p! ]
4. Review -%26gt; Reviewing
5 m6 `3 ^6 p" Z7 t+ GReviewing用在句中与their work构成动名词短语作主语。9 u3 n3 u6 p, y# }3 r- Q

' H5 ^5 i8 z1 M$ i7 Y5. Deprive -%26gt; Deprived, D2 B! B+ W/ A& ]. Z9 K
该句的后半句是一个完整的句子,那么逗号前的句子应该是一个分词结构做状语,deprive of与其逻辑主语Tomas Edison之间是被动关系,因此要将Deprive改为Deprived。Deprive的用法是deprive sb of sth,意为“剥夺某人的…,使某人丧失….,免去某人…(职务)”。0 Z7 u; r) q! A3 C" a5 M2 T3 o
+ p( U' E& j  Q2 g
6. it -%26gt; which
1 b7 j8 x& F8 U! h此处的it代表前面的整个句子。(非限定性定语从句)1 t: n5 i, F( g% c) q

6 D- F: u+ W/ W  F7. moment后加when7 h; T  ~, D' @+ a2 V( A0 M
意思是:海拔3000英尺的地方,宽阔的平原慢慢展示在人们面前,远处的群山无时无刻不映入你的眼帘。此处的moment与后面的句子应该是定语从句的关系,moment在从句中作时间状语,故应该在之间加引导词when。7 |: I! t$ Y/ R( L9 N

1 T) x" A% ]; ]: N9 w5 ^$ |& M8. those后加who或去掉are
. N" F# Z& T' T/ |2 g& }5 yBelieve后是一个宾语从句,在该从句中出现了两个谓语are encouraged和are more likely,并且之间没有任何连词,在英语中不符合规范。根据句子的主干意思,are encouraged应该是修饰those的定语从句,故应该在those后加who。或者去掉are,直接用过去分词encouraged作those的定语。* }/ V9 _% f* j: m* M3 p6 O
- c& ?# e$ E. Y) q/ Q9 V; T
9. it后加is
. i/ a, u0 J) y5 b
0 m6 m  i4 h% A: V9 d3 q6 l10. contribute前加that或which或contribute-%26gt; contributing2 v6 X, ~$ Q+ @* y$ ?
本题意思是:研究表明,最有助于产生幸福的东西是不能用钱买到的,例如,良好的家庭生活、友谊及在工作中获得的满足等。本题的错误与第8题一样,在一个句子出现了两个谓语,所以有一个必定是作修饰成分的。此处contribute most to a sense of happiness是作定语成分修饰the things,又因为things在从句中作主语,所以要加上引导词that或which。

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