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[六级改错] 2012年大学英语六级改错提升练习三

发表于 2012-8-14 10:46:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The human brain contains 10 thousand million cells and 7 j/ S& D% H, @3 e* }
each of these may have a thousand connections. So enormous ___1___: U1 U8 O+ N" V
numbers used to discourage us and causing us to dismiss the ___2___
5 t: i, z/ o7 u6 Wpossibility of making a machine with human-like ability, but now3 d' |6 R3 t; ?) q8 l3 ~
that we have grown used to move forward at such a pace we can ___3___5 x/ }4 t. n6 O+ Q$ A* i
be less sure. Quite soon, in only 10 or 20 years perhaps, we will
4 q% c9 }; P4 K3 Abe able to assemble a machine as complex as the human brain, / [$ l0 S8 v1 c3 u) |/ i9 o
and if we can we will. It may then take us a long time to render
. |5 D0 e" o" |- _1 q) pit intelligently by loading in the right software or by altering the ___4___
( U7 y2 |7 v7 m* Sarchitecture but that too will happen. I think it certain that in; D' i6 y8 G; a( \- {, @3 ]
decades, no centuries, machines of silicon will arise first to rival ___5___7 Y/ Q, p6 H2 x* y$ @3 P2 }
and then exceed their human ancestors. Once they exceed us% u8 B2 y2 c, |
they will be capable of their own design. In real sense they will ___6___
: H( K$ g9 Z  E8 ]4 obe able to reproduce themselves. Silicon will have ended carbon’s
7 C3 h2 l$ R# J+ Jlong control. And we will no longer be able to claim  x$ N/ j; Z1 t- ~5 S; \
ourselves to be the fine intelligence in the known universe. As ___7___! c; k) m6 q( v
the intelligence of robots increase to match that of humans and ___8___
+ R6 ~0 D7 h( r: I$ C* tas their cost declines through economics of scale that we may use ___9___" b' g% c0 H4 [' o- }# Z) w$ A
them to expand our frontiers, first on earth through their ability
  D9 @3 O8 ~3 \  `  H' }# U5 b6 zto withstand environments, beneficial to ourselves. Thus, deserts ___10___6 t6 X! C! A7 ^; U4 `0 ^
may bloom and the ocean beds are minded. Further ahead, by
* l0 f. Q- I4 g0 K0 Wa combination of the great wealth this new age will bring and the
# [  `9 o3 F# h9 ]technology it will provide, the construction of a vast, man-created! d1 R+ n* d. S4 r
world in space, home to thousands or millions of people, will be
" D) I6 L0 a* s" z8 Mwithin our power.) e2 O) z( ?: s+ h- W' n& q/ ]

; S& _: v0 ^2 k. [答案及解析:
: H. u# u& P# M  [6 r7 ^1. So -%26gt; Such3 u. z* j6 @( l4 d. S+ C
名词前有形容词时,so和such都可以被用来修饰,但要注意不定冠词a / an的位置,如so big a city / such a big city;如果修饰的对象是复数或不可数名词时,则只能用such修饰。
; H1 u3 ^3 D6 x; k
5 L& M. p% N. n* s1 E: p2. causing -%26gt; cause0 i* U8 S5 c4 Z9 s9 t
本行中used to do意为“过去常做某事”,后接动词原形;discourage和causing由and连接成并列结构,动词形式应保持一致,都应为动词原形。
) `+ K6 K  d  V/ [- E: C% B
/ }0 L5 ?" M* p5 N2 f3. move -%26gt; moving
# f$ @: i* L7 e& d. N8 q; X2 Q此处have grown used to ….相当于have been used to….,意为“习惯于做某事”,其后接名词或动名词,故将move改为moving。
6 U7 Y+ E+ f1 k9 w
, {$ _' \- t8 P. {4 ~$ j8 ~4. intelligently -%26gt; intelligent0 N, \; f/ n2 e' x
- f0 N9 K1 F& g/ S+ N, [- C* [: K. z
5. no -%26gt; not
, b* r6 c" @" l% l; b此处no centuries 为插入语,centuries前省略了in;此处强调in decades,而不是centuries。no通常意为“没有”,一般修饰可数单数名词或不可数名词(如no friend / money等),而不修饰复数名词;not则强调“不是”。
- R! z, w# U, j8 N6 ?  o* v
+ B& V& Y+ [( d- u5 R2 h" O8 p6. real前加a
1 T1 Y0 S7 n: ]2 k3 \: O7 n1 Min a (very) real sense 为习惯用法,意为“确实地,毫无疑问地”。
, k: M. A; O' B$ c5 B! C1 s  v6 j* {' U
7. fine -%26gt; finest
5 B% u4 ~& e5 Q3 P. R根据in the known universe及前面的the可判断,此处应该使用形容词形式的最高级。
3 {, T1 s7 S( s! k$ `. W! q7 l! O& @. u; U' s4 t( Z0 L$ I
8. increase -%26gt; increases
) Y8 n8 @, r+ k6 e' Y/ y( Z# I& w此处the intelligence在as引导的原因状语从句中作主语,of robots为其定语,作修饰成分,increase在从句中作谓语,应在数上与the intelligence保持一致,应使用第三人称单数。
  E3 n9 a1 W5 D% v% \$ {1 k- e& e  D. l
9. that -%26gt; /: B  y  v( {1 E* g/ h: ~
分析整个句子可知,本句为含有并列原因状语从句“As…and as…”的复合句。从句为As…and as..scale,主句为we may use ….frontiers,主句不应该由引导词that来引导;如果保留that,就会形成that引导的从句,从而造成主句的缺失,故将that去掉。' B+ U  y2 d5 D1 O
' H0 @2 p7 y& ]3 H! e" l9 i
10. beneficial -%26gt; harmful
! t8 Q2 E! _: b8 menvironment意为“环境,周围情况”时,既可以为单数,也可以为复数;此处beneficial to ourselves前省略了which are 的非限制性定语从句,修饰environments。根据文意,人类之所以利用机器人向更广阔的疆域挺进,是因为它们能适应某些环境的特性,而这些环境应该是对人类有害的。故将beneficial改为harmful。

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