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[六级真题] 【沪江网校版】2010年6月英语六级真题答案解析(B卷)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
作文解析) U+ O, W% v1 J  V
1 @2 d0 V  o5 R: e
6 [* P6 u& d0 N$ `; W拿到题目时如何分析?引用沪江网校六级冲关班谢老师的一句话,写六级作文应该大而化之不拘小节。看到这个题目,分析一下题目涉及到了哪些方面,而原因和对策必然是与这几方面相关的。题目是近年来在学生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象。学生问题一般很容易联想到社会、校方及自身。因此全文可做如下安排。
4 N7 d9 t% z: d6 ^第一段总起全文,陈述这一现象的存在。由于国际交流的需要,如今语言学习的重心基本是外语学习,汉语学习却越来越不受重视了。, Z6 N6 U* x0 i+ P* I5 O% G
第二段进行原因和后果分析。我们可以从社会、校方及自身三方面进行论述。由于是社会问题,我们可以主要论述社会和校方两层原因。第一,整个社会重视外语多于汉语。在就业时,掌握至少一门外语比掌握汉语更有优势。后果是大多数学生都不再认可汉语学习的重要性了。第二,高校中也是重视外语教育,忽视汉语教育。有这两点原因就足够了。另外由于字数和时间限制,可以不必另起一段陈述后果,而将后果放在每条原因后面进行简要说明。+ q6 E" Q0 g# a; ^
第三段进行对策分析。需要注意的是,这里的对策应与第二段提出的原因相对应。因此,第三段也应从社会和校方这两个角度进行论述。全社会应该重视起汉语学习,校方应推进汉语教育和研究。当然,我们也可以加上一点,即我们每个人都要去努力学习和保护汉语。7 G, \1 N* ]2 p8 [  P$ t: D
# Y1 C: {) p0 G9 `$ g3 b总的来说,这篇文章不难写。需要大家注意的有三点:一是论述的条理性,二是总-分-总结构的运用,三是尽可能做到表达的多样化。+ q" u5 {. P+ l# f6 I  b% M% }
快速阅读' M- `( G5 m3 i0 [

$ r. o+ u% C& s! q5 x2 x1. D Relieved: d! |) w  n* C( @9 J1 g  ]
2. B she could go as far as she wanted in life+ U* h+ d2 w' ]" c; s
3. B The power of role models
, q- p, {6 _2 ~0 T& J$ O+ w4. D Obama's success impacted blacks' performance in language tests+ A& o9 D. T3 S" I" @# ^
5. A The change in bias against black is slow in coming
+ N9 `1 _& m, y5 C1 n2 V! M( B6. C people are now less ready to supportpolicies addressing racial inequality- I- U. b  c  b9 ^' u( @! x
7. C racial inequality still persists in American society
) U0 n0 y, a1 ]) Q# B; U! B4 L8. our views of women' e% w) V4 B! {! z2 w" b% J: A
9. political sentiment
- o) [% C. `) a10. stereotypes

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:52:31 | 显示全部楼层


1 ?1 M' L7 s  E
+ g* Z) P! x7 d0 y) Q11. A) The man failed to keep his promise.
7 H3 l) s% E( a$ N) q) J* R" v该题可用排除法得出答案。从对话中可知,男士忘了将女士的书带来,而女士的那本书是她从图书馆借来的。同时女士也明确表明周五晚上是最后期限,男士必须在此之前还她,因此答案是A,因为男士没有信守承诺,将书带给女士。
2 h3 c+ u+ u: b% ~& X$ U12. C) The woman should spend more time outdoors.
9 x5 R, |+ a# x) k/ k8 ?$ P  {, x该题关键是弄懂医生说的那句话,因为女士一天到晚呆在室内接受人工光源的照射,于是身体无法自动调节时间,因此医生认为女士应该多出去走走,做一些户外活动。
  I3 n* s( h& l13. D) It is not a good idea to buy the T-shirt.
) V+ q) N% ]3 b该对话中,男士想要买那些T恤,但女士认为“你会后悔的。他们很贵,同时她还听说这种T恤洗的时候容易褪色”,因此女士明显是自己没买那件T恤,同时也不想让男士买那些T恤。/ @  K1 z, n! L( z! q1 ?
14. B) Most readers do not share his viewpoints.
6 o8 @( h0 R1 t# |8 k9 J" M5 O7 `对话中女士赞扬男士发表的文章非常好,论点很有说服力。男士的回答是,就读者总体反映来看,他们两个人绝对是出于少数人的行列,也就是说只有少数人认为赞同男士在文章中的论点。! y7 \0 O% j6 l; z( J- S* p# o( d
15. A) Leave Daisy alone for the time being.
, ^2 y$ R& g+ ^由女士说的“if I were you, I’d let her cool off a few days before I approach her”,因此,女士希望男士先让Daisy冷静几天,等怒气消停了再说。cool off意为“冷静,平静下来,息怒”。6 P. \: C# x3 L; q1 C$ S
16. A) Batteries.1 o. U+ ]3 h0 U2 x: c/ _4 O
男士刚开始便问“where I can get batteries…”,因此本文选A。
" i" A/ Z3 x- @' V! ?. z8 Y. u17. D) The man can get the ticket at its original price.
7 B2 P8 a. O2 C, T该对话中,男士没买到票,而女士则刚好有,她身体不舒服,故而想将自己的票以原价转让给男士,故选D。该文主要是由“You can have it for what it cost me”得出。7 m# [# h) j0 Q( T
18. A) The speakers will dress formally for the concert.
* j1 e4 a% _0 u7 V对话中女士已表明,这是州交响乐团第一次到本市表演,因此必须要穿西装打领带,也就是着正装。# n. ~* q( H$ {8 [2 Y  M! ?( C5 h3 Z
19. D) He is undecided as to which job to go for.% ^; H9 t" A6 k
文中开始部分女士问“So you are not sure which to go for?”,男士回答的是“That’s it.”表明男士还没决定应该选哪份工作。$ W$ @% ?/ y! v6 @' b1 n+ f. e
20. C) They are all adults.8 [6 f% D: g" S$ j* l
由“The Polytechnic is all adults and mostly preparation for exams like the Cambridge certificates.”可得出。
4 t4 _2 D, j/ ~9 a# N8 n  Y21. B) Varied and interesting.
+ p! \: h8 Q+ j) v  c男士提及the Language School in Pistoia时说到教学类型很多时,女士回答的是“that sounds much more varied and interesting.”因此该题选B。
# f* L( |6 S$ T$ c, H22. C) Hosting a television show.
6 K' s0 X3 F' E* B( yGood evening and welcome to tonight's edition of Legendary Lives.
7 J# D* A  K# ~0 E& x注意容易混淆的A选项。
. Y4 W1 d0 @  I5 L/ X% M+ f23. A) He lost his mother.( |3 Z, `$ \5 F- G- a4 w2 Z5 c& r
男士提及“He wasn't there long though because his mother passed away just four years later. Jimmy's father sent him back to Indiana after that to live with his aunt.”4 ^& V- m- X' i9 b% @
24. B) He got seriously into acting.
3 ?2 e4 v. Y( l$ u文中原句:then he went to college in California where he got seriously into acting
9 g$ W0 i4 f' M" Z* M7 F25. B) He has long been a legendary figure.3 z: Q/ `; U9 J" O+ a
原文提到“So what made him the legend he still is today?” 说明从过去到现在James Dean一直是一个Legend。
7 ?* K3 x% v/ W9 l/ T/ R1 n. d9 FSection B" H/ M4 q2 P$ p6 x0 `! @& }
26 C) It crashed when it was circling to land.
& a0 ~5 Y5 m1 X+ J2 m9 L原文:the island crashed into a hillside as it circled while preparing to land8 Y& P) |5 Z2 \% o/ [6 q. [
27 A) He was kidnapped eight months ago.- W& H% J" z, R& K# t
原文第二句:...held by kidnapper in central Africa for the past 8 months...$ o$ K7 |( @0 F
28 A) The management and union representatives reached an agreement.( n7 E5 X2 p3 B
原句:....which resulted in a new agreement on working hour and conditions.$ D5 Q( W6 G2 a8 A8 o( h# y# h" s
29 B) rainy1 A. U' R+ ~" h2 Z! }' [4 c7 _8 N1 i
注意时间词。原文:rain will spread from Scotland to cover most parts by midnight.* a: _( L# P' n
30 C) Very few of them knew much about geology.
/ J( z- G3 L6 l" f  x/ G2 \) h/ B原文:From his audience and analysis he learned that only 2 or 3 of his classmates knew much of anything about geology.
; o8 ~. z- a  z: D. S0 X31 B) By noting where the most severe earthquake in U.S. history occurred.
: V/ T  X: B% c# s/ {0 g以自己本地发生过的大地震以例子,引入自己的speech。9 ]9 \5 S- v' L! W- s" ~% ], U
32 C) Stop him when he had difficulty understanding.
% {9 ^* U- f* y( S8 q3 Y原文:“Stop me,” he said, “any time I say something you don’t understand.”
% R, s; z" W: j7 @3 ]. T. J33 D) It is a tool of communication among speakers of different languages.
' y1 g" L) ~$ t6 j4 W$ l其他选项都没有在原文中提到。. O" z( v& [9 y' s7 c& {
34 D) It has supporters from many countries in the world.6 N' b. Q3 k- `0 s: w
原文: the movement has continued to flourish and has members in more than 80 countries.1 ]. N$ V4 F; {% Q
35 D) It has had greater impact than in any other country.
) m0 Z. p; s$ ]+ u7 \原文:It is, however, in China that Esperanto has had its greatest impact.
6 @2 v) a+ F% c9 l2 GSection C
( b0 q! Z; M' G& z- b% ~3 R36. intelligent
& A: Y' C+ \, U' U6 b. q% i% W7 a37. foundations
# b# ]* a8 R: j! O, u38. romantic
& I" ?9 S# O  s: W; d39. reflects* r. r9 y7 f7 p
40. profound% i/ A9 n  `2 j# L0 [! e
41. dramatically: U2 J4 [: Z' U2 E- U* Z
42. deprived# H, d! U4 o2 ]" V7 g2 R4 @
43. hindered- B; }2 x5 I# Y- i6 \
44. research shows that communicating with others promotes health, whereas social isolation is linked to stress, disease, and early death.
. t) i2 D8 j3 Q& ]/ `45. A group of researchers reviewed scores of studies that traced the relationship between health and interaction with others.2 x9 ]7 n. @7 E
46. loneliness harms the immune system, making us more vulnerable to a range of miner and major illnesses.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:52:32 | 显示全部楼层


仔细阅读解析# y& y! _1 [' Z2 y) b" ^% T

3 g: i4 r& I& \Section A: i' w7 H( N1 a! v! l; [; o# j+ U
47 a grade above 94 / a higher grade
8 v8 l0 s# k, |* g48 select the method of grading
1 r! e6 @6 X% v& M0 A9 q9 W2 g! K49 improving
( }: I) H7 t8 T; D: Z& L6 C3 F5 q50 effort and accomplishment
$ w  a* R8 s8 M6 @7 y) w51 discuss his concern
6 P3 ^$ t) `' m; D3 g" n- l. g47 文中第一段告诉我们,这个九年级学生不满意艺术老师给出的94分,因为在前一学年中,他获得了一个99,一个100,他认为这个94不能反映出他花在这门课上的心血。因此,这个九年级同学认为他的老师应该给他一个比94更高的分数。题目中的should have given him指“本应该给他”,表示一种与事实相反的假设。. B3 l3 m  t' g0 r  Y/ n6 |+ r. k
48 答案在Answer 部分的第一段第二句。原文中的deserve wide latitude与have the freedom 意义相近,promote learning 与encourage learning 表达的意思相同。因此答案是select the method of grading,指选择判分的方式。
; X8 X- Y0 l3 F+ U49 答案在文章Answer 部分的第二段第二、三句。这一部分表达的意思是一个拿到了100分的学生仍会有很大的需要进步的空间。第二句中有一个词可以表达继续进步的意思,即improve. keep 后需接动词的ing形式,因此填入的词是improving.
' X! F& Y- Q" e8 B" N50 Rembrandt (伦勃朗,17世纪一位荷兰画家,文章中提到的The Night Watch 是他的名作《夜巡》)出现在Answer 部分的第三段。伦勃朗的例子主要是为了说明付出与成就不完全对等。答案在这一段第二句中,应填入的内容是effort and accomplishment. 题目中的distinction, 意思是区别。
' o3 [3 H4 Z: n" N51 答案在文章最后一句,应填入的内容是discuss his concern.
9 z: m: Q. r/ K4 G6 T* iSection B5 k8 C. ]! w- a9 n
Passage 17 h3 q2 P/ h! ?+ ~( V" N9 U; F+ |
52. A) America is now the only developed country without the policy.
6 ~3 \* n4 L: F7 F$ r7 L由第一自然段最后一句“We’re now the only wealthy country without such a policy”可得出答案,答案A中developed其实就与wealthy的同义。
$ E+ H3 U+ O9 L: y& g53. D) The opposition from business circles.
! o  M% d) Z9 K2 m- z& f% e由文章第二自然段可看出,美国商会和其他商业团体常常对于美国关于平衡工作与家庭生活两者关系的法律均是百般阻挠,相反民主党领导人常常是支持这项法律的。7 Y3 F0 H* B& _# d; b7 O
54. B) Good parenting benefits society.* ]4 v5 e4 c5 I/ i
Anne Alstott教授在其书中表达的主要观点就是“justifying parental support depends on defining the family as a social good that, in some sense, society must pay for.”也就是说应该将家庭视作一个为社会带来好处的事情,同时该段中后面也阐述了社会期望也需要家长们对他们的孩子付出关爱。因此,教授的主要观点可以概括为良好的教养能造福于社会。
+ ?* B+ Q/ @  f7 z- N% A55. B) They fail to provide enough support for parents.
. D  n2 w9 @8 ^1 j( k: ^7 G由最后一段中“The state recognizes this in the large body of family laws that govern children’s welfare, yet parents receive little help in meeting the life-changing obligations society imposes.”尽管州政府意识到了养育孩子的重要性,但是仍然家长们接受的帮助少之又少,因此答案为B。
$ v" Y5 A5 U5 Z$ v- f. {% v- X% G' n56. D) It is basically a social undertaking.
! ?7 d+ M( O( l* ?由文中最后一段“To classify parenting as a personal choice for which there is no collective responsibility is not merely to ignore the social benefits of good parenting…”可得出,将养育孩子作为一种个人选择,而不加之以社会责任的话,便是忽视良好教养所产生的社会效应……这里的collective responsibility指的就是一种社会责任,意指良好教养是一个需要全社会共同努力的事业,因为其带来的社会效应是巨大的。因此作者反对将养育孩子仅仅作为个人选择来看待。作者需要的是collective responsibility,因此答案选D,因为教养孩子是一种社会事业。该题是带概括性质的题。
- G* S. }9 g3 _* x  i* \8 ]7 d! ^Passage 2/ `. {2 |" u( X9 W) l' O
57 A) More young voters are going to the polls than before.
; {  ~8 I  F" l( H本题问CIRCLE新的研究发现是什么,注意题目问的是CIRCLE的研究,文章第一句就说研究发现当今的年轻人比前几代年轻人更多地参与投票,因此选A项。注意B项是另一项研究的发现。/ k/ u6 C. z( ~2 X) v& s/ m- j
58 C) Whether young people will continue to support Osama’s policy.2 J7 b* O) }; B
* {* S7 {2 p" H: g59 D) Their lives in relation to Osama’s presidency.
& B5 u: E) k* ^; p本题问“O”代人博客会写什么东西。文章第二段中说会记录美国人的生活,看新的总统和他的政府会如何影响人民的生活,也就是记录奥巴马政府怎样影响人民的生活,因此此题选D项。& n1 e) s) l  F2 X7 c, ~6 o
60 C) Their utilization of the Internet.8 D# @' ]6 h5 L7 w8 Q" o3 r- l7 q
本题问在Henry Flores看来,是什么原因造成年轻一代开始有一定的政治优势。文章最后一段告诉我们互联网使年轻人接触更多的思想,也使不同地区有着同样想法的人聚集起来,因此本题选C。
5 N: j3 e0 ?, y/ `4 U61 D) They are indifferent to politics.% Q% Y4 P# ], s, S' G- G% j& _) h* u
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:52:33 | 显示全部楼层


完形填空解析* a6 k* a9 r) b# j1 M9 b" \; w

" n" f( Q: k" H/ K; j$ b62.A findings+ M2 y7 X* e3 E) u! E& s
前文有”a study found that…”, 后面自然要说,这个发现(findings)…
1 B7 x+ _; \8 K6 Q& i( u* U63.B attribute
' J8 F' o4 n6 y; cattribute…to…把…归因于…# O4 |% F6 q4 f* v
64.D with
- @" ~. w3 q+ W& e快餐和电视机伴随我们很久了。amongst相当于among,意为“在…中间”- h! D* M! w1 A/ f$ m" j: M
65.B related
8 B6 R4 o. `& z9 p5 ^related to: 与…有关& x; y8 Z5 p  @& l3 h
66.D shrinking2 V2 q; t# Z. i1 H* ^
a shrinking of the green: 绿色植被的减少。6 c( U# D/ n$ C) X% o' c* }2 W
67.A published+ a  [& e9 D& P9 Y! m, {
/ n0 w: W+ R1 w5 ~! J68.B to
" A0 T2 L2 m) [) ^get close to: 接近;让我们进一步甄别什么管用及其原因。/ @3 t( Z/ @% j/ |1 `3 |* F1 g( c9 x) J
69.B simply
& ]2 Y4 u& u. J8 U70.A vital) g3 e  h! q1 j! L
! l' f* P( x* o8 b( u3 T+ M$ l1 r9 D71.C too; F9 Q' Q+ C3 {' n4 k
72.A benefits
5 `1 }3 u, `. F6 V% L2 v% j5 s) Tcognitive benefits for children with attention-deficit disorder: 给患有注意力缺损症的儿童带来了福音。
$ N" ]- J: }% r" L73.D outside/ U: B$ A& p* H1 d0 ?, ?9 g0 \2 P
在户外的草地上读书- J5 {( A0 j& j; d
74.C Exposure  p, _+ ~) @, w3 Q3 a7 t& ]/ I) e
exposure to grassy areas: 去草地上' b+ u, Y% S4 e
75.B less2 T- i& r" v4 L' ~0 _3 r* t
76.C analysis0 c: k2 R+ d" [* X" A8 J/ @
77.C necessarily) s% x. G4 v, u! l  l" C
not necessarily: 不一定; z/ m' \- e2 ^- I: ?
78.C approved3 E" C# F4 a6 m+ Y0 O% V
3 L  a% i# m2 _6 S+ n+ `3 `: i2 S79.B always
. M1 _5 |& O; d4 z  [' h( S$ w! O80.A advantage
( ~5 [; H; t% z. btake advantage of : 利用…
' P- e9 M& Y: b81.D grateful, D6 D" q# [1 J7 z
be grateful to: 对…表示感激。这里的意思就是,孩子的身心健康要归功于你。7 z, z' Z' a. N2 n4 y
/ b" j' ~& H, X, b2 _8 A" C, N2 i
82. Their only son has never thought/ r+ ?- ~' g+ X% g1 E2 h  Z
本题考察时态,注意从未想过应该用现在完成时来表达。6 a3 T* A$ ]+ ^" t0 c8 g
83. weigh your decision against its possible consequences.
& ?) Q+ L3 h3 p本题重点考察权衡这个意思的表达,这里用了weigh sth against sth,表示权衡某事/掂量某事。
5 r- r1 ?" u2 r, {2 ?- u84. would he break/breach his promise/commitment to pay back the money.9 v- L% h, h. g- I+ q! ]/ N
本题考察部分倒装,当表示否定含义的词或者词组放句首时(本句是under no circumstances),后面应该用部分倒装,此外也要注意违背承诺的表达以及时态的选择。/ `7 ?+ k. ^! ~& Y6 c
85. should not be addicted to computer games. / they should not indulge themselves in computer games / they should not abandon themselves to computer games.) I7 k- ?0 q+ o: u5 j0 u% P1 @: ^
本题考察虚拟语气,句子中有表示建议的advise等词时,从句里应该用虚拟语气should + 动词原形。& S* [8 H( h; J' r4 [- k
86. never considered working as a salesman.! P  U7 P) t4 _, A- q! \2 f
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