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[六级真题] 2011年12月英语六级考试答案(网友版)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:52:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2011年12月英语六级答案(网友版); z, K; S9 K/ u& [, [* r& l$ ]  Q
快速阅读:1 to serve.2  broaden humanity’s  3 non-profit organizations 4 the copyright of  the books .5the online display of 6.It was settled after .7.The commercial.8 provide information for free.9 orphan works 10.impact on the book world .听力11到46暂无
2 [1 x7 U" s5 O  c6 q阅读:47:personal capabilities and style 48:doing the right things 49:positive mental attitude 50:manage themselves 51:trust 52:It could lead to ….53:It indicates that….54:People who have…
& y4 d: Y) {' v  L4 K& M7 {55:Slack trade activities .56:To increase their….0 {9 J: U$ b+ E6 F: Y& d" n
57:They fail to……58:It does not reflect…59:concentration of resources in…60:Fully utilize…61:By promoting technology….( G7 `, k: |' g* d
完型62:resolved63:what64:essence 65:hopped66:include67:barely68:purchase69:merely70:combined71:on72:pulled up73:adopted74:interactively75:toxic76:household77:still78:endeavor79:far80:while81:fashion2 \9 u; I& P% D/ A
翻译:82:may be knocked down by car 83:does he take himself to be an expert .84:and take it for granted .85:not interfere marriage .86often searching information on the internet .
! h1 v: @5 O& K/ t! F7 {; c作文,社会责任感- C" @4 {4 ^- ^$ i9 h* ^. w
The way to success
" T) l  e2 f. ^5 H5 a7 W+ cThere is no dobut that everybody wants to achieve success. Me either.
# f* B) ^' m; ]To accomplish your goal, the most important thing is outstanding willpower rather than the method. Liyang kept practising his oral english and spoke out loudly 1 hour every day in the ninth floor of his working site to improve his english profiency. Mr.Zhongdaolong insisted on dictation along with the tape on 20 pieces of A4 paper everyday to pursuing success. Moreever, those giants who made miracles in career are having much more determination and willpower than that of common guys. To make his dream of“ The Happiest Place on Earth@ Come true, Volt Disney was refused more than 302 times during his financing from the bank but finally he made it. The founder of KFC started his business when he was at his 65. He got peopples comment of ”YES" after he was rejected by 1009 times. There are too many examples proved that willpowers and persistence are much more important than the method. 4 k. U  }* ~; A7 x/ c+ x! I4 o& v$ ]0 [
Therefore, in my unstanding, If you want to make some success in specific filed, you have to firstly cultiviate kind of spirit of willpower. This is the first stop to approch success and also the only way lead to success.

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