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[六级模拟] 2011年六月英语六级考试模拟练习题答案(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part ⅠWriting   范文:5 K' @( ^7 f+ j! a" G
  Clothes Do Not Make the Man
/ k9 q. t0 p  t7 _/ H: i' g9 Y& K  We are familiar with an old saying that “Clothes make the man,” which means good-looking outfits may possibly make a person better liked. Many people judge others by the way they dress. For these people, what one wears is taken as an essential signal of status and an expression of characteristics. Consequently, clothes do help make a good impression on others., ~! E5 f6 f1 `
  But I have a different view on this issue. I think the good impression one leaves on others based on clothes doesn’t last long. Clothes just make a man look better, but will in no sense make him a better person.On the contrary, when people who are fascinated by a person’s clothes eventually find out that he/she is an undesirable person, they would think he/she is pretentious and may even treat him/her with contempt . On top of this, people who attach too much importance to clothes would waste their time and money on it: Besides, it adversely affects their effort on the things that really matter.
1 v* G# x- _* l7 ?7 O  A6 a6 ~  In summary, clothes do help in making an initial image, but do not make the man. One’s internal beauty and knowledge are more decisive of a person’s value.
) n  }# c4 W5 {* `% ~1 n  Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)
0 t$ R; p7 j+ z: B  1. B 由题干中the whole life 可定位到首段第二句…amassing three separate home libraries in his lifetime. 题干中the whole life 和原文in his life time 相对应。根据定位句可知,Jefferson 这一生共拥有三个家庭图书馆。因此B项“在家建了三个图书馆”与文意相符,为正确答案。/ y( U( s5 A; |; S
  2. C 由题干中Congress Classification System 可定位到第一个小标题下首段末句…such as those at universities, tend to use the Library of Congress Classification System because it offers a more specific array of subjects for categorization … 根据原文because原因状语从句可知,因为该制度提供了更详细的图书分类标准。所以C项“分门别类更为详细”与原文相符。2 T+ U3 Z% A- Q4 K  X$ n. U! P
  3. D 由题干中colors 可定位到第一个小标题下第五段第二句:Those generally forgetful about the colors of their books might disagree. 题干中dilike与原句中might disagree对应。该句说,那些对书的颜色健忘的人不会同意该做法,由此可知D项“通常记不起书颜色的人”与文意相符。  H& }% K* e7 R* T, Y
  4. A 由题干中the frequency they might be touched定位到第一个小标题下第七段第二句Prioritizing when you…books you reach for frequently,such as reference books or favorite novels.根据原句可知,按照所需图书优先的原则,你可将未读过的书或常常需要用的书,如参考书或最钟爱的小说放在书架中最靠前的位置。由此可知,A项与原文相符,其中at the most important position与原文at the forefront相对应。
& Q) X! z) J7 `3 \2 S 5. D 由题干中treasured books可定位到第二个小标题下首段末句…buy glass cases,which might be preferable if your collection includes antique books that you want to preserve. 原句中的antique books是题干中treasured books的一种。根据该句可知,古书之类的珍贵书应该用玻璃书架保存。因此D项为正确答案。9 I$ J9 x! T8 z% R1 |& W0 y, M
  6. C 由题干中academic reading可定位到第二个小标题下第四段末句Overstuffed couches and chairs will beckon guests to spend a few hours reading,but if you fall asleep as soon as you hit the couch,…if you’ll be doing scholarly or professional reading.根据该句可知,柔软舒适的沙发或椅子会让人花上几个小时的时间去阅读,但如果你一碰着这些沙发就想睡觉,尤其是进行学术阅读时,那就在图书馆的家具上另做打算吧。题干中academic reading与原文scholarly or professional reading相对应。可知C项与原文相符,为正确答案。: G  W( C+ U* b* f! d; n
  7. B 由题干中proper lighting可定位到第二个小标题下第五段第三句:The lamp should be positioned over your shoulder… 题干问的是光线的选择。根据定位句可知,台灯的光线应从肩膀上方过来,由此可见B项正确。
. E! v. o/ O3 w- M* l  8. excess moisture and dust 由题干中being damaged by insects可定位到第三个小标题下第二段末句:Keeping your library free of excess moisture and dust will help to prevent an attack by these insects and vermin. 此处要求填入名词性成分与avoid搭配。根据该句可知,保持图书室干燥和洁净,可避免图书馆遭虫害。因此excess moisture and dust符合题干要求,为正确答案。
* i7 S) a. O; [. J  @& Y  9. between 60 oF and 70 oF 由题干中temperature可定位到第三个小标题下第四段第二句:Books should be stored away from radiators and kept in a room between 60 oF and 70 oF. 此处要求填入表示温度的词作表语。题干问藏书所需的适当温度是多少。根据该句可知,书籍应在6 0 oF至70 oF间保存。因此句中的温度between 60 oF and 70 oF 符合题干要求。! e- s+ j0 E9 O: J# \
) E" s# d+ m/ a: l1 A  m  ?% ^  c2 n
  10. draw the blinds or curtains 由题干中To reduce the damage of books可以定位到第三个小标题下第五段第三句:If your library has windows,draw the blinds or curtains to minimize injury. 题干中To reduce the damage of books与原文to minimize injury相对应。此处要求填入动词成分与前面的to构成不定式。根据该句可知,为了将对图书的损害降到最低,在有窗子的房间,应将遮光布或窗帘拉下。由此可得出答案draw the blinds or curtains.

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</p>  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension' v" g4 a: F( A& E# w3 {: Z9 ~
  Section A
3 _# w9 W) T' {3 r  11—18 CCCBDCDD 19—25 CAADBAC3 S3 f) i, ^( K/ d1 [- V$ K# j
 Section B
- ]$ I4 }- G0 C+ X( D  26—35 CDABADBACC4 C2 t1 U; P$ }
  Section C6 ]  ?) A. k- h9 h0 F& v$ u( h
  36. market-oriented 37. striving 38. competition 39. motive 40. determines
& P/ H' r* ?7 w" U: [/ I  41.coupled 42. maximize 43. resources
: C% l" {: J4 _6 N% {) B  44. An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers
$ Z! w( i0 _; x  45. more supply of products results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers
/ {/ _+ z. s! h/ H" e6 t$ I  46. the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights+ t- P# }9 g5 `8 b  O: ^
- G" F6 E% F$ h. c' `6 {  Part Ⅲ Listening Comprehension6 p3 y  D4 l  J- s! E( g4 u
  Section A6 Q" x2 o$ c& U9 @/ a8 V4 q
  Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A),B),C) and D),and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.# t! v: }! A+ z: H* _
  11. M: It’s a beautiful watch. The style is so fashionable that I guess it must come from abroad. Where did you get it ?8 ?5 r3 C* v) ]- U; R5 [2 D
  W: It came in the mail this morning, as a birthday present from my parents. They bought it from Korea.5 G8 k' |5 A. U7 O( M
  Q: What does the woman say about the watch ?
4 M. ~+ {0 N1 p* w9 |  12. M: I am taking up a collection for the jazz band. Would you like to give ?
* h; E9 K9 A$ \8 r) G  P! Z/ @  W: Just a minutue while I get my wallet?
- K& a2 B3 m# G  Q: What will the woman probably do next ?8 ~- P9 [4 Z1 L: C) \$ n
  13. M: What do you mean, my suit isn’t ready yet ! I dropped it off for alteration more than three weeks ago.
+ }  G, U+ ~: ^; M3 T1 F  W: Our tailor has been out sick. So work is backed up for about a week.
/ [) Q) H6 g/ b; m) T# \  Q: What is the man’s problem ?
4 L  n. q+ V3 c  _8 f: a14. W: Renting the conference room at the hotel will cost us too much. We’re already running in the red.
' I# s9 R& g% a6 ^: {; Y+ J( k  M: How about using our dining room for the meeting ?0 Y1 s4 A' U& s$ g% H& E+ Y4 J
  Q: What’s worrying the woman ?
/ f- E" \0 O& i- c# w$ g, C0 z0 n  15. M: I wish you had told me your vacation plans sooner. I hope we could have a splendid vacation.
% E# i: @& G0 M+ L( K. g6 x  W: I’m sorry. I thought you knew I go to my parents’ beach house each August.
/ k! {* t$ m0 c1 p+ |  Q: Why is the man upset ?. S' F# m" C. B. a* v" W$ f
  16. W: The charity appeal raise only half of what it was expected. I didn’t expect the amount is so low.
" X) m& }; ?. w4 ^1 c  M: One quarter of a million is respectable, however. I had hoped we could get all of it back.4 \6 W3 l' [: _6 L9 q
  Q:How much money did they expect to raise ?
0 ^5 O) b7 ?" U* j4 Z6 r  17. W: Can you take me to the Palace Restaurant quickly ? I’m ten minutes late already.
& |) `" X. h# U. [  M: I don’t know. I’ll try. It will take at least twenty minutes.
* U% |& F* T, X: y1 ~
0 k- [! L- v+ N2 T- ~3 C& \3 @  Q: What do we learn from the conversation ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:53 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  18. M: How do you get to Route 22 from the airport ?
( J$ [/ C2 q( d) ?0 f, N; _  W: Take the airport exit and immediately get onto Route 1 north. On account of the construction, there are several very sharp turns, so be careful.0 q* A4 ]+ x" k# r4 @: Y" g
  Q: Why should the man be careful ?
/ J, y2 e7 b  f7 M  Now you’ll hear two long conversations.8 T' e2 ]1 m: i1 N: ]0 ^) r
  Conversation One
" @% ~4 q. k- ], N$ T  W: You are an expert on urban problem, Mr. Cross. I wonder how you would describe the characteristics of these enormous cities.
* |) R) n1 ?9 K: K& l/ n, @( L  M: The first point to make is that they are different from large cities in Europe and America.& W. D+ t% R  v8 N& r4 b$ g5 o* t
  W: Surly all large cities are essentially similar.- R# |9 F5 H! P- p: n5 y. c
  M: It’s true that all large cities experience similar problems provisioning housing and services, but the difference lies in the time factor.
+ R' y  Y2 m$ ^! @& \% p  W: Surly some of the cities we are considering are just as old and, in some cases, much older, than cities in the United States, for instance.
6 N" O: ^. `1 B  ~  M: Very true, but the large cities of Europe and the United States grew relatively slowly. London had a population of more than a million at the beginning of the nineteenth century and this number of more than eight million. And this growth was parallel to industrial growth throughout the country. The same is true of New York, for example.
7 y0 s' z9 ^! N& G+ f& D! ^+ |  W: But this is not true if Mexico city or Buenos Aires ?( S+ F0 j7 Y: B6 V+ q/ w. c% G
  M: No, it is not. Throughout Latin America and in parts of Asia, cities have grown much faster than industry, or agriculture for that matter. Some of these cities have quadrupled in size in less than two decades, while industrial growth over the same period may have only reached thirty to forty percent.
) `; s4 s4 _! y! x" g; i) V  W: What does this mean ?9 X( n3 E& C5 ~5 ?5 L8 D) F
  M: Essentially the population growth is not equal to the number of employment opportunities. Much of the increase is due to immigration from the countryside, a movement of people in search of better conditions.
3 [) P. }) E7 q  19. What is the relationship between the two speakers ?
- \6 O% [. P3 i+ u; k  20. In which period did the population of London reach about 1 million ?5 u( y1 u# ~9 G2 R% V( L0 j
  21. Where have many large cities sprung up so quickly ?3 |$ ^8 x* Y3 H% a5 F, {
  Conversation Two1 Q6 c5 r$ q  r. S. n
  M: So how come you chose psychology ?
7 G$ x5 m9 I2 ]  d  W: Well, at first I didn’t have any clear idea of what I wanted to do after university. I didn’t say to myself “I want to be a clinical psychologist or a researcher or anything like that.” I suppose I have just always been interested in people and the way they act.
" C7 `) i8 W" H# G1 v) c  M: And what was the course like ?
+ N8 L, S, L) \0 ?9 M8 d  W: It was just great. The teachers were all really friendly and they had this special approach to teaching. The whole course was based on a problem solving approach.+ e2 |$ r: s$ ~5 x, ~
  M: I see from your CV that you graduated in 1997 and after that, let me see…& t7 g5 H1 ]/ y+ W
  W: I got a job with the deparment of employment. It was only a temporary thing for about six months. I used to have to design questionnaires and things like that for surveys that they carried out. And I guess the psychology course at college helped me a lot.% b2 Y5 N# L6 a" a
  M: So why did you leave ?
* [9 C4 w5 z7 }  W: Well, four years is a long time to be asking people questions You know those sorts of questions about washing powder and shampoo. After two years of doing that I felt that while I could do it well, now I want to do something else that’s a little different. It just wasn’t challenging for me any more and because I needed a challenge I decided to move when I heard about the position of Senior Researcher here at institute I knew that’s exactly what I want.8 ^% e- E% q1 g9 @( C1 z
 22. Why did the woman want to learn psychology ?- i: Y( U; p0 m7 k3 f
  23. What did the woman like most about the course she learned ?
& ?* W; @/ H: U0 g6 E  24. What did the woman do for her first job ?
) i- c+ G! K& d+ R6 T5 _3 L& ~% j  }! f+ W
  25. What made the woman decide to quit her second job ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:54 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  Section B
0 c* n7 X( l/ C( t' _  Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
% f5 g7 q1 x$ J0 Z6 ?7 P) m  Passage One- N) W, p) n. p" ^
  Most people know at least some of the old ways of predicting weather. Most of these older ways depended on careful observation of the behavior of animals and insects and of the appearance of clouds, the sun, the moon and growing plants. But we are mostly city living people and have forgotten the origin of many of these ways of foretelling weather. We should not laugh at these examples of weather wisdom, however. Since they are based on what people have seen year after year they are often quite accurate.
0 u% k2 O! s7 U6 z* ?9 x  Animals are commonly thought to be more sensitive to changes in the weather than we human beings. Our sense have become dull: we are not so close to nature and our lives do not depend so much on warnings given by the senses as animals do.
7 y/ T3 y3 g) \# m* @  Every country has its own particular weather wisdom connected with animals. In northern countries, where winters are hard, the behavior of animals which hibernate or migrate is taken to indicate what sort of winter is coming. The squirrels may be seen gathering their food supply of nuts earlier than usual; the dormouse may dig more deeply than usual, the migrating birds may gather for their flight south earlier than usual. All these signs would be seen by the countryman as predictions of an especially severe winter to come. According to so many examples we could see animals are so sensitive, and their senses are more accurate than our human beings. If we'll find the extraordinary of their behaviors, so pay attention to it.
' }5 r0 H" E% M1 Z5 s  26. Why are the old ways of predicting weather still important today ?
9 _8 S* M' |, ?# j  27. Why are human beings not as sensitive to the changes of weather as animals ?
; S2 R( E% }, q2 `4 \6 m! d6 x  28. What is the passage mainly discussing ?
; o0 n* i0 }( {5 y" _% @7 U  Passage Two
3 N6 b+ u, B- m2 y2 E; S  To get a driver’s license in the U.S., all states require that you be above a certain age, that you know how to drive, and that you know about traffic laws and safety rules.
. R4 n/ T2 r* G2 M  In most states, you have to be at least sixteen years old to start learning to drive. Anyone younger than that who sites behind the wheel of a moving car is violating the law, even if he or she is closely supervised. Age sixteen is also the minimum age in most states for taking driver’s education courses in schools..
8 q6 y+ ^; k$ c4 o) r  fDriver’s education courses begin with classroom instruction on the rules of the road and traffic laws. You learn, for example, how fast it is safe to go in certain areas, what to do if a fire engine is near, and what the different road signs mean. When you finish the classroom course, you can apply for a Learner’s Permit. In some states you have to take a test before you receive the permit.7 a+ b! o+ C( l% v* C
  When you have your Learner’s Permit, you are allowed to drive a car under supervision. This means that you can drive only when you are accompanied by a licensed driver. It is during this period that you actually learn to drive. You learn to steer the car, to start it, to pass other cars, to park and all the other practical things you will need to know.
" P9 [# w3 g7 z' \  Your Learner’s Permit is good for only a limited amount of time, since it is expected that you will be ready to take the test for your licence after a relatively short period of instruction.
7 Y% [) h) q, Q, ~' O1 ?8 _+ ]5 l  29. What is the passage mainly talking about ?1 j7 C6 o; G! {) X7 U
  30. What condition does the license require ?% e3 @' r) N) W" r- b+ ^1 G
  31. What can we infer from the passage ?/ y# ^  T7 G7 S! j
  Passage Three7 T' d7 S% f2 n; p3 A' S
  The African ancestors of today’s black Americans were brought to the U.S. as slaves in the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth centuries. They worked on farms, especially the large farms in the southern states. Slowly they became a necessary part of the economic system of the South.
+ L+ G; G0 [* d+ H4 p; k0 h0 S( G! |  Slaves did not have the rights of people, according to the law, they were “things” which belonged to the person who bought them .They had to obey the orders of their owners without question. They were not allowed to learn to read, because their owners feared that educated slaves would begin to think about the injustice of the system and would learn to struggle for their freedom.Slaves had to work long hours in extremely unheathly conditions. Their owners had complete power over them. They could be bought and sold like animals. At the slave markets, black children separated from their parents and never saw them again. Slave oweners had the right to punish severely any slave who broke rules or protested against the system . Slaves were often beated brutally by their owners or killed. After the Civil War, one free slave reported that his owners killed an older slave who was teaching him to read. There was a law against brutality to slaves, so in theory an owner who treated a slave badly could be punished. In practice, however, the law meant nothing. Another law said that slaves could not give evidence against white people, so very few owners were ever punished for their brutality.
7 R) v5 g6 x7 `3 R: _% l6 y" D! K    32. Why couldn’t slaves learn to read ?
! G9 {- S( v" h+ F  33. What happened to slaves who broke the rules of the system ?
$ `/ I) O- ^9 Q; u  34. How was the condition of the slaves after the Civil War ?
% @& f% X' H2 o/ L( d3 b5 G% Q4 _, S9 m+ L2 k
  35. What can we infer from the passage ?
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</p>  Section C5 Q2 a$ m: B( e1 @" Q3 z6 ^$ e
  Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times, when the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea .When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information .For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.% {( E( C- ~8 `6 K! z% e* D
  The American economic system is organized around a basically private enterprise. It’s (36) market-oriented ecomomy in which consumers determine what shall be producted by spending their money for those goods and services. Private businessmen, (37) striving to make their profits, produce these goods and services in (38) competition with other businessmen, and the profit (39) motive, operating under competitive pressures, largely (40) determines how these goods and services are produced. Thus, in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers, (41) coupled with desire of businessmen to gain more profits and the desire of individuals to (42) maximize their incomes, that together determine what shall be produced and how (43) resources are used to produce it.7 m% K% R& f8 M4 v6 {* w
  (44) An important factor in a market-oriented economy is the mechanism by which consumer demands can be expressed and responded to by producers. In the American economy, this mechanism is provided by a price system, a process in which prices rise and fall in response to relative demands of consumers. If the product is in short reply relative to the demand, the price will be a bit up and some consumers will be eliminated from the market. If, on the other hand, (45) more supply of products results in reducing its cost, this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers which in turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product . Thus, price is the regulating mechanism in the American economic system.
" l5 h/ {: H* q. p$ l+ C# Y! R  The important factor in a private-oriented economy is that individuals are permitted to hire labor, gain comtrol over natural resources, and produce goods and services for sale at a profit. In the American economy, (46) the concept of private property embraces not only the ownership of productive resources but also certain rights, including determining the price or making a free contract$ _: y1 W1 b' K+ n/ g7 k! H/ T( z5 `
  Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)
& e4 a/ h7 F4 m: b- M) D  Section A
+ t* g9 J. Q# E& l0 I0 K  47. different / unrecognizable 题干是把现代体育与古代体育作比较,根据第一段第三句中的关键词“unrecognizable” 可概括出本题的答案。unrecognizabe 表示“差异之大已经很难识别“。( r/ `7 t. u% J( Q& D* X2 C& r1 }
  48. The emergence of international trade 参考第一句的最后两句,注意对关键词“revive”的理解。这里指奥运会的复兴是与国际贸易的出现相伴而行的,并且前四届现代奥运会都是与贸易洽谈会同时举行的。
# Q2 K+ |  `5 J4 L) \- C2 U: w/ y  49. operates on a different set of rules 从第二段的前两句可知,作者认为体育之所以能够超越政治正是因为它按照完全不同的规则运作。
/ _9 h( Q" \+ s# b3 D  50. The notion of fair play/One of the foundation stones of sport—the notion of fair play undo表示“毁灭、破坏、拆散”,所以相对应的答案就是原句中的宾语部分,即兴奋剂的使用摧毁了体育运动的一个重要基石—公平竞争的理念。3 A( P2 N6 U9 c' _: b+ I7 ^, L+ |
  51. bust their drug cheats/crack down and get tough on their drug cheats 经分析可知,crack down,get tough on和bust表达的含义相近,这里指严厉打击使用兴奋剂这种欺骗行为。此处作者用了一个非常生动的比喻,把各国对于兴奋剂的使用比作冷战期间超级大国间的核不扩散谈判。如果一个国家单方面严厉打击兴奋剂的使用而其他国家没有采取相应的措施,那么这个国家势必在竞争中处于劣势。
, s" B# _+ g; A- b8 t. ^: B0 f  U  Section B* L) e, y/ Y: K
  Passage One
% A0 E- |% J5 C, Y1 o  52. B 推理题。 本句的前一句只提到了“make computers”,而后文继续谈到了“being wired up to the Internet”,由此可知,美国的一个基金组织不但请工程师研制了特殊的计算机,更重要的是,它还使之在没有电网的情况下联通了互联网,所以B项正确。
: |/ {9 {# R' F+ i+ F  53. C 细节题。 第二段提到了基金会在老挝的业绩以及老挝存在的问题,但落脚点在最后一句“…that a robust computer was the first requirement.” 及第三段的第一句”The foundation therefore turned to engineers who devised a machine that has no moving, and few delicate, parts.”上。对比选项可知,C项正确。
$ H; A- O, [, `5 _  54. C 细节题。 文中提到这种计算机的研制遵循老式、廉价的原则,但“liquid-crystal display”是个例外,所以C项正确。( H" q2 f. x2 X! `
  55. B 细节题。由第四段最后一句可知,关键词为“localized”和“expatriates”,其含义分别是“本地化”和“移居国外者”。对比选项可知,B项正确。; l; {, m* v/ @/ C1 R9 ^

& k2 P; H, J- F  56. C 推理题。 文章最后两段集中讨论了网络给老挝的乡村生活带来的变化,其中提到村民可以通过网络来决定是否要去市场交易,选项C表达的内容与此相符。这一部分句子结构较为复杂,要认真分析每个细节。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:56 | 显示全部楼层


</p>    Passage Two
. [2 ^& H8 C  F* e4 F% y5 _8 M  57. D 推理题。 由第一段可知,作者一方面认可自由选择的权利,但同时着重强调有关健康的个人选择应该慎重。A项是对原文的片面理解,只有“sound personal choices”才可预防疾病。B项在文中没有提到,作者谈到了有关健康的个人选择的重要性,但没有提到人们是否忽略它。C项是对原文的断章取义,没有体现出原句中关键的限定语“when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society”。经过分析可知,D项为正确答案。
4 {  v5 K( ^/ M- N% W  58. B 细节题。 文中提到,如果我们特别愿意,我们可以大量地吸烟、喝酒,开车不系安全带,吃任何想吃的食物,选择一种不动的生活方式而不做任何锻炼,这些都是不健康的有关健康的个人选择。对比选项可知,B项为正确答案,其余选项或是不符合原意,或是文中没有涉及。
5 l  N! E( \$ m% q: S  59. D 推理题。参考第一段的最后两句 “Personal choices relative to health often cause a difficulty.As one example, a teenager may know the facts…”和第二段的第一句 “A multitude of factors, both inherited and environmental, influence the development of health-related behaviors…” 对比选项可知,D项正确。( d1 O8 o4 @) v  Q) ~" r
  60. B 推理题。主要参考第二段后半部分,尤其是“Fires and Crapo drew a comparison”之后的分析理解。最大的干扰项是C,其意思似乎正确,但主语部分仅仅是“personal health choices”,不够全面,故不正确。
% j* D3 F& C% q+ S  61. A 主旨题。阅读全文可知,作者创作本文的目的是想促使人们做出有益于健康的个人选择,故A项正确。选项B从第二段第一句的“it is beyond the scope of this text to discuss all these factors as they may affect any given individual”可知是错误的。C和D项也都不正确。
  [# A% g. u; P' ?  PartV Cloze
: v# \" n) {  [1 [1 \  62. A soar在句中意为“飞速发展”,与其前的主语economy搭配,意思为“经济迅速发展”。 hover意为“悬浮,盘旋”,主语一般为飞行器或鸟类;amplify意为“放大,增强”;intensify意为“增强,加强”) B- d' u0 s& Y& y0 v) t# w; w% r6 ~
  63. D route 意为“道路,路线”。go a …route的意思为“走一条……的道路”。符合句意。circuit意为“电路,周游,巡回”;strategy意为“策略,战略”;trait意为“特点,特性”。% u8 E- K: s! w  @
  64. B after all意为“毕竟”,本句是在介绍印度的情况,与上文有顺承关系,所以用after all 符合句意。 of all意为“总的来说”;in all意为“总计,总共”;at all意为“根本”。
$ g% u1 n. R( F( y. F9 h  65. D lure意为“吸引,引诱”句中指德国打算像美国一样吸引大量的印度人来到德国,用lure符合句意。import意为“输入,进口”,宾语一般为货物或材料;kidnap意为“诱拐(小孩),绑架”;convey意为“搬运,传达,转让”。
, m8 Y* U2 f7 v& X5 g7 ?% d" A  66. A offer意为“提供”,句中是德国人将向印度人提供绿卡。install意为“安装,安置”;evacuate意为“疏散,撤出,排泄”;formulate意为“明确地表达,作简洁陈述”。) Z* \% a3 K' o1 b: ^. `& L) x! y3 k
  67.C announce意为“宣布”,此处是指德国政府发布的公开声明。confer意为“授予(称号、学位等),赠与”;infer意为“推断,猜想,推理”;verify意为“检验,校验,查证”。# P) P5 q( Y( P( _$ o$ Q* U
  68.B naturally意为“自然地”。德国政府制造绿卡来吸引人才,自然是非常希望印度人能够买账,移民德国。所以naturally符合题意。specially意为“特别地,临时地”;particularly意为“独特地,显著地”;consistently意为“一贯地,始终如一地”。
+ a$ E6 m0 M  w! I) n( H$ S  69. A quota“额配,限额”。德国人发布绿卡时,期待着大量印度人会前往德国,他们还预测首批签发的两万张绿卡的限额可能不够。由此可见quota符合题意。digit意为“数字,数码”;measure意为“尺寸,测量,措施”;scale意为“刻度,衡量,比例”。
4 M3 ^4 h# }6 w1 p" P; _  70. C barely“仅仅,刚刚,几乎不能”。根据文章,一年以后,两万张绿卡签发了一半,与当初的预计相差甚远,所以使用程度副词barely来加强语气,符合题意。invariably意为“不变的,总是”;literally意为“照字面地,逐字地”;solely意为“独自地,单独地”。- z/ }' z6 H+ z! k0 b) A6 C4 m/ Z7 W
  71. D abolish意为“废除,废止”。德国政府制造的绿卡签发状况不佳,几经延期,最后只得废止,所以用abolish符合题意。repel意为“击退,抵制”;delete意为“删除”;combat意为“战斗,搏击,抗击”。
" T2 M+ h7 X/ Z& A8 |; f, o( P  72. C initiative意为“率先,首创”,这里特指“提案,提议”。前文提到,德国通过签发绿卡吸引人才的做法不是很成功,作者评价说,这一提案注定失败。因此使用initiative符合句意。adventure意为“冒险,冒险活动,冒险经历”;response意为“回答,响应,反应”;impulse意为“推动,刺激,冲动”。
  a; i  h- v- }' R& T  73. B 此句是一个not that…but that… 固定结构,其后接从句,意思为“不是……而是”,作者此处解释自己得出前面结论的根据。and,but,和or都不能与前面的not构成表示选择关系的搭配,故均可排除。
2 Q# Y9 _' |+ X1 V  74. D version意为“版本”,句中是指美国版本的绿卡,与德国版本的绿卡不完全一样。heritage意为“遗产,继承权,传统”;revision意为“修订,修改”;notion意为“概念,观念,想法”。: s% ~* d/ Q* @2 C3 ?! b
  75. A 根据句意,前半句的意思是“德国绿卡有点欺世盗名之嫌”,后半句为自己持有的观点的原因—“它在任何情况下也不会转变成德国的公民权”,所以中间需要使用表示因果关系的because。unless意为“除非,如果不”,引导条件从句;if意为“如果”,引导条件从句;while的意思很多,可以引导时间状语从句、让步状语从句等,但是不能引导原因状语从句,应该排除。& {% u8 w# N* \( {( [, j

$ H  H$ S$ [% h% r  76. B automatic意为“自动的”。这一句通过短语by contrast与前一句形成对比关系。前一句论述德国绿卡在任何情况下也不会转变成德国的公民权,而与之形成对比的美国绿卡则可以帮助移民自动成为美国公民,括号中的内容为实现这一自动转变的前提条件。所以本题使用automatic符合题意。aggressive意为“好斗的,有闯劲的,侵略性的”;vulnerable意为“易受攻击的”;voluntary意为“自愿的,主动的,故意的”。
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:57 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  77. D 根据句意,我的观点与那位德国官员的观点相对立,所以他不可能接受我的观点。所以使用dismiss“拒绝接受,不承认,驳回”符合句意。overtake意为“赶上,追上”;fascinate意为“使着迷。使神魂颠倒”;submit意为“服从,顺从,提交”。
* e+ E* y! @; K6 n# k& ]  78. C 根据句意,德国官员说,“我们需要的是年轻的技术工人,这就是这一项目的内容之所在”,所以空格处填入about,符合题意。意为“在……之上,越过”。/ f3 s$ T. ]: t% ]4 P. b/ r
  79. C 前一句提到,德国需要的是young tech workers,所以本句的意思应该为:德国要求这些young tech workers离开故土,来到德国,与young tech workers意思相同的词为professional“专业人员,行家”。dweller意为“居住者,居民”;citizen意为“市民,公民”;amateur意为“业余爱好者,业余艺术家”。
2 j/ U" \2 n, n7 W! O: P  80. A 结合前文,此处继续补充说明前文提到的“德国绿卡有点欺世盗名之嫌”,原因就在于国外移民者不可能获得德国的公民权。prospect意为“前景,前途,期望”,符合题意。suspicion意为“猜疑,怀疑”;outcome意为“结果,成果”;destination意为“目的地”。3 @( z, e: a/ H$ Y8 W! x
  81. B 德国官员的态度代表着德国的态度,这名德国官员的态度很明显,是一个非常清楚的信号,所以印度人和其他的外国人能够清晰地接收到。clearly意为“明朗地,明显地”,符合句意。partially意为“部分地”;brightly意为“明亮地”;vividly意为“生动地,鲜明地”。
5 r& z9 o9 k- |  Part Ⅵ Translation
4 G/ I7 |" O4 q  82. you (should) make good preparation before you interview 考查对主语从句和虚拟语气的掌握。注意这里it是形式主语,而that从句是真正的主语。另外,make前的should可以省略。9 x9 I5 P% }0 e
  83. attributed your success to help from your friends 考查对短语搭配的掌握。 “归因于……”可用短语“attribute...to...”表达,其中to是介词。3 e6 {" L4 s! D1 D8 b  M" `) I
  84. of failure to achieve the sales plan 考查对习惯用语和重点动词用法的掌握。accuse的用法是 “accuse sb. of sth.”。% s+ b# ^6 ?" k. y  |! l# c( k. x
  85. it essential/necessary to review his/her lessons after class 考查动词believe后面跟复合宾语的用法。在这里。it 是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。
0 r) P! Z2 H; w: @) T* X/ Y% _  86. would rather have nothing to eat than beg 考查对固定结构的掌握。固定结构“would rather do sth. than do”的用法,其中would rather和than后面都跟动词原形。
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