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[六级模拟] 2011英语六级模拟试卷及解析19

发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension(Reading in Depth): C" |5 [- U) j* v1 z; v
  Section A
3 E) W% {9 X/ m8 @, Z* s' G# s  47.第二段第二句“Publicity comes only when a failure to communicate has major consequences, such as strikes,lost orders,legal problems or fatal accidents—even,at times,war。”中的“Publicity”就是题目中的“come to the attention of the public”,由此可见,当语言障碍导致“重大后果(major consequences)”,如罢工等等社会问题或者致命的事故时,才会引起关注。因此,答案为“major consequences”。
5 r0 y8 F3 i5 |6 u, ?  48.毒蘑菇事件是作者在第二段关于语言问题导致致命事故所举的例子。第二段最后一句作者讲道“Presumably because the report of the treatment had been published only in journals written in European languages other than English。”,由此我们可以推断美国医生大概很少读用英语以外的语言所写的报道或论著。故答案为“They probably only read reports written in English”。
* [" ^8 `! T$ V. }/ ?  49.第三段第二句“But isolated examples do not give an impression of the size of the problem- something that can come only from studies of the use or avoidance of foreign-language materials and contacts in different communicative situations。”中的“size of the problem”就是指问题的严重程度,即题目中的“extent of the language barrier”。可见“研究”外语材料的使用情况可以帮助了解语言障碍问题的程度。由此,答案可以是“studies”。第三段第三句“In the English-speaking scientific world,for example,surveys of books and documents consulted in libraries and other information agencies have shown that very little foreign-language material is ever cnsulted。”指出调查信息机构中书和文件的查阅情况可以知道对外语材料的查阅很少。可见“调查”这些材料的查阅情况可以获得证据。由此,答案也可以是“surveys”。4 m0 _- i+ H" J3 h; q) l6 j1 g
  50.由第四段第三句“In the 1960s,over two-thirds of British firms dealing with non-English- speaking customers were using English for out going correspondence;many had their sales literature only in English”可见他们用英语来写往来函件和产品说明、销售宣传这样的一些材料。由于题目只要求写出一个例子,所以答案可以是“sales literature”或者“outgoing correspondence”。+ `0 D5 L* X( U! C. j% H. O9 F" |4 \
  51.文章最后一段提到了20世纪60年代以来英国的各家公司用于解决语言障碍问题的四种方法:“Industrial training schemes have promoted an increase in linguistic and cultural awareness.Many firms now have their own translation services.Some firms run part-time language courses in the languages of the countries with which they are most involved;some produce their own technical glossaries,to ensure consistency when material is being translated。”,因此,答案为“Industrial training schemes,translation services,part-time language courses and technical glossaries。”。
" Z" p; k6 @$ n  Section B
, g/ H& r$ c  P$ L0 j' L) q+ ~  O  52.主旨题。第一段开始便提到,尽管是圣诞节前最后一天,人们却拒绝承认是last-minute shoppers。第一段首句即本文的中心句,后面描述的现象以及采访顾客的对答都是对本文论点的论证。其中,第一段第二句“but no one waiting for the store to open would admit to being a last-minute shopper”更是点睛之笔。因此,正确答案为A项。
1 _- E/ y& t$ a; @9 L  53.因果推断题。人们拒绝承认是last-minute shoppers是因为担心收到礼物的人认为该礼物是最后一刻才购买的,难免会让人失望。选项C文中并没有提及,但是按人之常情以及排除法可以断定正确答案为C项,其中,选项A是被采访的人不愿意承认的托词,选项B只是对来自俄罗斯的Polykoff说是如此。
. a0 }; v* x5 I  54.细节判断题。由第二段第二句“most shopping traffic peaked around midday”可以判断选项A、选项C、选项D选项错误。因此,正确答案为B项。- c$ n# n  H, N
  55.细节判断题。第一段开篇提及“the last shopping day before Christmas”,第二段第二句提及“people seem to be in good spirits”,因此选项B是对的。第二段第三句“December 24 was the sixth busiest holiday shopping day in 1997”,由此可以判断选项C也是正确的。文中最后谈及“brightly colored plastic watches in Swatch Store”,由此断定选项D正确。因此,正确答案为A项。9 h) J( E. I! o% C
  56.词义推断题。圣诞节前的商店气氛“the atmosphere as festive”,而不是crazed(疯狂的),可以推断出festive大约是“快乐的,节日的”的意思。文前还提到“people seem to be in good spirits”,由此可以判断festive的意义相当于cheery,joyous,happy,merry。因此,正确答案为B项。

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