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[六级模拟] 2011年英语六级模拟答案和解析完整版3

发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
From my point of view, we should be more rational when it comes to certificates, since certificates do not necessarily prove one’s ability. Being crazy in getting certifications blindly is nothing but wasting time. To conclude, we should focus on improving our ability but not merely getting a certificate。   文章点评:& z" I: w" B" g+ p9 `
  本次六级作文探讨的是考生比较熟悉的话题——高校考证书热;本次试题延续了以往的考试风格,关注点仍然放在与学生息息相关的话题上;从选题角度来说,考生还是比较好把握的。需要注意的是由于第二部分可能需要列出多点原因,考生在该部分需要注意论述的条理性;此外,在保证句法通顺的前提下,尽可能做到表达的多样化。8 f( v2 Q, z2 x  z" v, g3 U; d  |* l
* P+ T8 ~$ a- k; ^: Z  第一段,考生可以整体阐述一下该话题,陈述下目前存在的考证热现象;3 o- ~2 e7 z  {2 U+ q: Y% {- L# n
  第二段,考生可以对考证热背后存在的各种各样的目的进行拓展;比如说由于日益严重的就业压力,以及有的学校时不时给学生灌输的压力;或者是学生自身从身边感受到的一些压力,都可能导致考证热的产生。5 Q/ P/ q. Z4 @2 R. P+ }2 Z
' L) p$ ]$ N1 r. h9 p% P  综合来讲,本篇文章观点明确,思路清晰;在第二段给出的例证具有代表性;此外,文章中有用到不少的亮点词汇;唯一比较遗憾的是,由于时间和篇幅的限制,论证的展开还未完全挖掘出来,但在如此有限的条件下,可以称得上佳作了。0 W2 q- U( k$ e$ [
+ C* M. B1 [( R7 i$ c  The job market today is increasingly sophisticated, requiring workers to have specialized knowledge in their fields. As a result, becoming certified is a trend among today’s job seeking youth. More and more people, students especially, look at obtaining certification as a means to getting a better job and, therefore, enjoying brighter future。
0 @' y' ?2 l+ `. A) E8 w  There are as many certificates as there are fields of study. Lawyers will take the LSAT, business majors will take the GMAT to further their study in the US, and those who study a foreign language, like English, might take the TOEFL, TOEIC, or any number of English certification exams。
0 L) [3 z% `) O5 V. g  Is this necessary? Or, is the “certification craze” just a trend that will eventually pass? I myself have obtained two different certifications: one in Japanese (N2) and another in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL). Both of these certifications have been beneficial in getting good jobs. Therefore, it is my opinion that, trend or not, the results of becoming certified are real and can be invaluable in opening up future opportunities。

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