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[六级模拟] 2011年英语六级模拟答案和解析完整版(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 10:57:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Conversation Two   听力原文
) D7 R$ t  c  g2 @6 G  W: Your name Sanjay Kumar is that correct?
! @; B3 A7 t* l. W, z  M: Yes, madam。: u- C0 V* K; O$ t, u8 b9 v" k1 s
  W: You claim you are traveling on a scholarship from Delhi University。1 ?* F/ o- R% j5 Q
  M: That’s right。
& r9 ?/ _$ Y) o3 z. U  W: Now it seems that a hand gun was found in your luggage. Do you admit that?
8 A8 H% R! B: @7 C: |  M: Yes, but…
6 M+ S: [9 P/ k2 t) q8 j5 ?  W:According to the statement you made, you had never seen the hand gun before it was found in your bag. Do you still maintain that?: c$ [1 J0 L) d% Q) _/ v
  M: But it’s true. I swear it。+ D- I1 c) m9 g% g* \8 S6 e
  W: Mmm, you do realize Mr. Kumar that to bring a hand gun into Hong Kong without proper authorization is a serious offense。! U9 s* G& s6 l  u) q% S: m" w
  M: But I didn’t bring it. I … I mean I didn’t know anything about it. It wasn’t there when I left Delhi. My bags were searched. It was part of the airport security check。  m" N1 S+ o. O! O3 m) A
  W: Maybe so, but someone managed to get that hand gun onto the aircraft or it couldn’t have been there。9 q, }0 ]0 d7 x# y6 K% m
  M: Someone but not me。
. l/ k1 C! [/ n& Q4 F  W: Tell me , where was your personal bag during the flight?5 Z6 f3 f( G2 B- k$ \5 P
  M: I had it down by my feet between me and the man in the next seat。
# w  `4 \/ ^7 P# R  M: He was the only person who could have opened my bag while I was asleep. It must have been him。* F2 y, S  x$ i$ x) C6 d
  W: I see. Have you any idea who this man was?
% N3 n$ _' [# s7 [  M: He told me his name, Alfred Foster. He was very friendly, after I woke up that is. He hadn’t spoken before。
. h4 g) s3 Y/ D1 V7 b  W: Alfred Foster, we can check that on the passenger list。
. W" |5 C6 S" U: c- E$ I  M: He said he had a car coming to meet him. He offered me a lift。
/ F2 v5 B. F& k+ y* C  W: Oh, Why should he do that?
! L- q( T" S$ W' A' n8 X' b  M: So he can get his handgun back, that’s why. Please find him, Madam。
7 O6 E1 }5 c% H! P! B  Questions 23-25 are based on the conversation you have just heard
5 o( w5 ]; p& [1 k( ?9 Q# L  23. D) Bringing a handgun into Hong Kong
) H& `6 c3 Z/ o2 J9 i. |( E  解析:suspect 的意思是怀疑,题目问, Sanjay Kumar 被怀疑什么?对话的开头,女警察便说到,“Now it seems that a hand gun was found in your luggage”,也就是说在Sanjay Kumar 的包里发现了一把手枪,由此可得出选项D5 ]) V1 e7 @. Q) v- ?
  24. D) He is suspected of having slipped something into Kumar's bag3 }, j$ t0 A5 j0 u( s5 Z# g- J* _
  解析:从对话中,我们了解到,Sanjay Kumar 并没有携带枪支,而是坐在他身边的Alfred Foster 栽赃嫁祸,趁Sanjay Kumar 睡着时,将手枪放进他的包里,slip 有暗中塞入的意思,对应选项D
0 g4 g' W: X. j+ Y# _  25. B) Find Alfred Foster。" s- e2 h6 z" U, A+ }
  解析:对话的最后一句已给出了答案,"Please find him, Madam."Sanjay Kumar 请求警察能够找到Alfred Foster
  Z- B! v0 x% M( d9 {3 p; b  这是一篇审讯对话,在最近三年的六级长对话听力中,还没有涉及,但是审讯对话并不难,我们可以从两人的语气,称呼中得出,如Sanjay Kumar 称那位女士为madam,女士的口气也比较硬,如用了“Do you admit that,tell me"等语句。这篇长对话既考察了对大意的理解,也考察了对细节的把握,其中24题,更像是一道推理题,对话中并没有明确指出Alfred Foster 把手枪塞入了Sanjay Kumar 的包内,但我们可以从Sanjay Kumar 的回答中推理出相应的结论,23、25题对细节的考察在对话中可以直接找到出处,总的来说,第二篇长对话还是比较简单的。8 }3 x2 K( K$ ?& h
  Section B
8 x/ z$ K; J; _/ i! p' x/ ?  Passage One

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