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[专四辅导] 英语专业四级考试词汇语法题训练八十七

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. Thousands of people turned out into the streets to __________ against the local authorities' dicision to build a highway across the field.
0 s  R# T" \1 ?; [: OA. contradict
, }6 P4 }' O3 }1 A  D, @1 w) m8 SB. reform8 G! H  c& `; @6 C
C. counter
# O! Q# o/ K$ wD. protest
% P9 L* i, s0 H" T
5 l. r7 W5 x4 [8 [2. The diversity of tropical plants in the region represents a seeming __________ source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.) l, V2 S* e+ ~+ C. L0 ^; D9 X5 i
A. exploited7 L* V* q0 A! B" T+ _* k
B. controversial
( v% @! J, Z9 X' S6 v. r# GC. inexhaustible( Q$ z8 _+ u  h3 \
D. remarkable5 C+ m: }, b- A; X$ c6 h3 m0 E
& H  b! l8 ~2 n2 G
3. Dreams are _________ in themselves, but when combined with other data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.! K' R9 o, O' v% a/ J
A. uninformative
; P: O6 D3 K$ `* ZB. starling" l9 K! [2 ^+ ?7 |& B5 x
C. harmless3 m! ?% D& r2 x0 `# U
D. uncontrollable
$ w9 M! i# l/ M" I
7 y' h6 H9 V) T# `8 k4. The local autorities realized the need to make __________ for elderly people in their housing programmes.
  z0 ^3 u& Z4 p1 O8 x+ RA. preparation
( W. C9 F4 L( v- q" n, DB. requirement8 F5 V9 w) Q9 x, l
C. specification
4 A% M8 A6 e# g" O9 t7 y. E; gD. provision: w& o) @9 l1 }+ x* i: l7 T
* C& S: ^! j6 }: b! }
5. In the present economic _________ we can make even greater progress than previously.
1 _# [# {8 R6 v9 n; M5 jA. air5 P/ r& N8 B- L) A5 M
B. mood2 e6 P* n7 c4 c. S. f9 P
C. area$ _8 y6 @' V& v' m; y
D. climate2 A* W. X8 r+ J0 X; q0 D

& j" H0 ^9 c7 Y1 E, P1.' ^" J0 M) D% U
0 p( P# S' U' T' F2 h[译文]几千人上街抗议地方当局在运动场对面修公路的决定。
5 T, O: U- ~: K[答案解析]protest(抗议,反对);contradict(抵触,有矛盾);reform(改革,改良);counter(反击,反对)的对象应该是人。
4 ]0 F% X) y8 W  B5 V0 T; S2.
( ~& w( w$ ?' t! v[答案]C9 \2 @. ~  x. N; X' H: y6 c0 Z
6 q  E/ W; _3 ~. O[答案解析]inexhaustible(无穷无尽,用不完的);exploited(可开采的,开拓的);controversial(争论的,争议的);remarkable(非凡的,显著的)。
) `5 L$ v2 `' i6 I/ c3.
. h- q: ~2 r# c  e' v6 o8 ^! M[答案]A/ A/ g" Y  L$ i: f* u% u
& E8 Z: e. W& q  F[答案解析]uninformative(不提供信息或资料的,不长知识的);starling(令人吃惊的);harmless(无害的)uncontrollable(无法控制的)。
) j0 b. a2 z1 U- Y4.) q, N" J8 e* x! I- U, v
0 g; e2 [. T( s[译文]地方当局意识到有必要在住房规划上为老年人预先做安排。: c) `: P0 q9 B% y, ]
[答案解析]provision(预备,防备)强调“未雨绸缪”;make preparation for(为某事做准备)虽然搭配合理,但该句提到“在住房规划上”强调的是“预先计划好”,因此不符合题意;requirement(需求,要求);specification(详述,规格)。
0 o3 c6 [% O( ~/ e5.
: ~7 Q* f8 K" s4 o* y[答案]D. A7 }" W4 [7 c9 }7 E0 a% N/ [6 @# n  r
/ F. o4 O/ B2 D7 _% |[答案解析]climate(形势,气候);air(空气,大气,特有的气氛);mood(心情,心境,情绪);area(地区,范围,区域)。

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