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[专四辅导] 专业四级英语听力自学教程-Couch Potato;Nuts

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Michael是个美国学生,在纽约上大学。他的一个要好同学是从中国大陆来的李华。今天Michael刚好在校园里碰到李华。李华会在谈话中学到两个常用语:couch potato和nuts。 ; {2 g7 O4 x9 R  d7 G$ \
  L:嗨,Michael,你上哪儿去呀?( [* n% P6 l. }, d4 ?' ]7 H" N
  M: I'm going to meet Jon at the subway. You've met Jon, haven't you?- U8 ~- H; c0 q' W
  L:嗯,是不是上次在一次party上你给我介绍的那个带眼镜的人?' \6 l1 |: H* C9 S: U! v
  M: Yes. I want to drag him out to do something. You know, he's such a couch potato.
, B5 n; t5 R9 l( C" a  L:他是什么?Couch potato? 什么是couch potato? 他爱吃土豆?, z( }- U% s2 S1 n9 Q6 l6 e
  M: No, couch potato is an expression used to describe someone who sits in front of the TV all the time eating junk food, such as potato chips.
5 `9 f' }% Y: I: q) k  L:噢,原来coach potato是指一个人老坐在电视机前吃零食。这个常用语挺有趣。那couch potato是不是只能指人呀?! X$ R& v+ L; B
  M: Yes, it is only used to describe people, those who are lazy and unmotivated.
' {+ S" l$ S/ \6 f2 \4 ~  L:噢,只能指人,指那些懒懒散散,没有动力的人。好,下回我就叫我哥哥couch potato。他老是看电视,一看就看到三更半夜,吃的东西撒在地毯上,沙发上,到处都是。
/ N! z1 s- j3 f, \. y, q  M: My father's like that too. My mother is always angry with him. But he doesn't care.
0 V/ |, G3 ^8 L, d$ T  L:哟,你爸爸也是这样呀!要我是你妈,我也会生气的。6 k+ @3 ]6 [7 }0 {! c# q% ^
  M: But sometimes, after a really hard week at school, I also just want to collapse and be a couch potato.; V" f3 `; C# A6 G. \( K
  L:一个星期在学校念书实在很累了,回家当一回couch potato,我想这还是可以的,只要不是每天这样就行了。: T/ L( ?1 A- F* U9 V% s6 j5 ~
  M: Yes, I agree. Li Hua, would you like to join us? Jon and I are going to play tennis.5 D# \3 P, \: L/ I
  L:你们要打网球呀,那太好了,我正在学打网球呐。2 }* T: l% J& u! l7 d, X: K
  M: That's wonderful. You know, some people think I'm nuts to have a friend like Jon.% ^  |; \# K7 P3 A
  L:有的人认为你是什么? Nuts,Nuts不是花生,杏仁那样的果仁吗?你跟Jon交朋友跟吃花生有什么关系呀?; H& J1 \- N: d! O2 r
  M: No, nuts here means someone who is crazy.
2 V0 V! o- E2 C* k  L:原来nuts在这里是说一个人做的事很怪。大概就象中文里说的:你疯啦!对吗?
+ w' e) ~. j5 Y( p0 {  M: That's right. Jon can be rude, and he also argues a lot. Sometimes he does drive me nuts.
+ k; j" O* t; M7 x' p  L:他看起来不象会对别人无礼,爱跟人争论的人哪!你刚才说drives me nuts是什么意思啊?' C5 M: {( Q2 N# F- h2 d
  M: Drives me nuts means he makes me crazy.6 s6 z; L$ g' u2 [" y% ]. m# i9 a# D# u
  L:噢,还可以说drive me nuts,或者是drive someone nuts。嗨,Michael,那天我上移民局去办手续,排队好长,我站了一小时,我真是火死了。我能说:They drove me nuts 吗?- u" X, {3 O' D' f+ ]
  M: Of course. You know, my mother used to make me clean my room every night when I was in high school and that drove me nuts.1 j/ J' @4 T+ M: g$ R+ g2 a" A* A) r
* h! G& _# e- s4 C, w- ^. o  M: Oh, yes, she is nuts. She spent $200 for a dress, and it's ugly.
/ B) \. s7 F; A+ j  L:对,张红这个人是有点问题,化两百美元买件难看的衣服。不过,Michael,你总是批评别人买的东西。 You sometimes drive me nuts too.8 p6 i; ~3 [9 _. g4 s) Y
  M: Li Hua, I think you are learning these words too fast.
) m6 y5 {. u+ f8 J  今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是:couch potato,指那些常坐着看电视,吃零食的人;另一个是:nuts,就是说一个人不正常,做的事很怪。

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