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[专四辅导] 专业四级英语听力自学教程-Lucky Break;Mellow

发表于 2012-8-14 11:09:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. Y) l/ {, E4 V5 V# X; a/ W5 Z  M: I did much better than I expected. It was a lucky break that I knew most of the answers.
' A0 d8 M# K/ \2 c$ d  L:你考得比你预期的好,那太好了。不过,你说什么又是lucky,又是break的?Lucky不是好运气吗?Break是休息,对不对?6 N! ^$ T4 Z3 w* ~
  M: Lucky break together means something good that happens that you were not expecting.6 h" D+ l8 l, v; v8 O- h5 y3 y
! h9 i2 W8 u8 D- q1 e  M: I said: it was a lucky break that I knew most of the answers.
% Z4 O( d7 F1 S( O2 L; P" I, ~$ f  L:我懂了。你是说,你没有想到运气会那么好,大多数考题的答案你刚好都知道。
0 o, |5 b; h! ^4 D$ p6 j5 ^  @( O  M: Yeah, that's right. If you understand, give me an example.4 a! z& K9 J, f5 l, e2 y
  L:哼,我当然懂了,你还要考考我呐?那天我开车开的飞快,警察让我把车停下来。可是他只给了我一个警告,而没有给我罚单,我可没想到会有这种好运气。这可以说是一个lucky break吧?
7 e% @0 k7 l6 ?- B  M: That was a lucky break. I think it was because the police officer found you attractive.! l  I/ i1 n, ?  p3 e& o" Q6 z
  L:警察因为看我漂亮才不给我开票?你别开玩笑了!不过,那次可运气,否则至少要罚我五十美元。让我想想还有什么例子可以用lucky break这个说法的。+ `+ f' s, }+ |  ^
  M: Well, the paper that's due in two days, I...
+ F4 k3 [9 K' q# C% n/ t  L:对了,教授要我们在两天后交报告,Michael,你还没有开始动手吧!幸好教授推迟了限期,让我们下星期一交。这对你来说真是个lucky break吧?
1 J: `  P$ n1 Y8 P  M: Let's go to lunch to celebrate our good luck.  y0 B$ C1 G: h
  L:好呀,去吃午饭,庆祝我们的好运气。5 b1 r2 r& z8 \% H
  (Michael和李华到了吃饭的地方)6 x" `: F) s2 K# h9 c0 i* t
  L:啊呀,这个地方太闹了!6 T* ]: \7 o+ l* G3 f0 H7 t# `
  M: Yeah, you're right. It'll be hard for us to have a conversation here. Let's go to a place that's more mellow.
6 i* A1 h) F  Z2 F( V- d' X  L:对,在这里讲话都听不到。到别的地方去吧。Michael,你刚才讲什么more mellow?
& t- s' o" ]3 @! ~  M: I said that let's go to a place that's more mellow, meaning someplace more calm and relaxing.
1 a" j0 w& x+ N% k. ^3 u" `0 I  L:噢,more mellow的意思是比较平静,比较放松。那也就是说到一个不太闹的地方去,对不对?) e7 ?. W2 g. ^7 s% |
  M: Yeah, you can use the word mellow to describe a person too.  u: |- B# k# n: p9 ~3 _& z! u
  L:Mellow也可以用来形容一个人,那今天我们的教授很平静,我可不可以说:She was mellow today!
. z$ r3 x0 l. c' h  M: Yeah, let's go the cafe near the library.
( S' w: Q6 S7 Q2 Y  L:太好了,这个地方很安静。我们来看看菜单。哟,你看,再过五分钟就开始减价了,三明治今天半价。我们运气可真好呀!+ A6 @1 w- q' F" B3 O
  M: Well, we found the mellow place and we pay half price. Really a lucky break. Worth celebrating too.0 M; Y* f  X, ]2 R
# \/ I5 g+ V2 k' Y+ m  M: Ok. Good idea!
1 a7 b; a. b7 y  这俩个小年轻还在狼吞虎咽地吃三明治。今天他们在讲话中用了lucky break和mellow这两个常用语,这是美国人在日常生活中经常用的,大家不妨也在口语中试着用用。

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