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[专八辅导] 英语专业四、八级词汇表之专八词汇天天记3

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. litigationn. process of going to law; lawsuit 打官司,诉讼
% V/ _; d% q, W# ], U% m$ ~( x  eg: The lawyer has prepared for litigation.
% z$ }. O4 O) }  2. magistrate n. a civil officer with power to a administer and enforce law 地方行政官,有权执法和实施法律的公务员2 B& A% c5 H: m
  eg; I find but only two sorts of writings which the magistrate cared to take notice of: those either blasphemous and atheistical, or libelous.$ V! F7 o3 h. E' r
  我发现这些地方官员们只关心两种文字:那些无神论者亵渎神明的或者是中伤他人作品的。+ k  E  p8 r# n9 |9 z1 n- X
  3. affidavitn. a written declaration made under oath before a notary public or other authorized officers. 宣誓书,在公证人或其他裁判官员面前经宣誓而立下的书面声明9 W3 a# f/ q5 P3 T
  eg: You must make an affidavit when you give witness on behalf of the accused person.) V- n6 N4 [8 K8 p7 l
  必背搭配: make an affidavit; swear an affidavit; take an affidavit) n/ w3 C2 @1 Z- H5 p) F6 f0 {
  4. loophole
9 U! }; o0 Q1 x1 m0 f  n. ①an ambiguity that makes it possible to evade a difficulty or obligation
) W+ W) e( A) d/ I* {1 e  漏洞,逃避困难的一个办法,逃避遵守的方法
, Q# M( `0 K/ L/ x+ p5 J& E/ p  eg: Don’t try to find loophole in the law.; q" [/ Q, ?+ n$ z( l
  ②a small hole in a fortified wall; for observation or discharging weapons
" ~8 f* p+ Y, n! F8 w- v  枪眼,墙上的小洞或小缝,尤指通过其可以进行观察和射击的) Q9 Y0 }0 I2 Z; Z8 w" H
  eg: The soldiers fired at the enemies through the loopholes.
  c+ }; @( u) g5 x" C4 _  5. buttermilk n. residue from making better from sour milk
. y9 {5 h: W0 `  酪乳,将乳脂从牛奶或一次提制的奶油中除去之后的剩余物) C2 m6 K3 Q$ X, j4 o+ P2 ]" V
  eg: No one enjoyed buttermilk.没有人会喜欢喝乳酪。# N, F6 k! ~/ ^$ a! z- C5 X
  6. picklen. vegetables(especially cucumbers) preserved in bring or vinegar 腌菜,泡菜
& J( T0 k3 u4 k1 I0 p4 j. ^, }  eg: Baoding produces excellent mixed pickles.% z" K4 @( S9 M8 g& G
  7. cronyn. a long-time close friend or companion 密友& i5 x, z& B7 N9 q& Q
  eg: He and I were cronies at school.   8. sootyn. covered with or as if with soot 被煤烟覆盖的或似乎被煤烟覆盖的4 M( N1 _" f" W6 N' U* z
  eg: In the center of the house stands a sooty stove.
/ c6 `0 |* r7 @6 S9 a  The boy began to smile at us, revealing two rows of white teeth under his sooty face.
1 ?! ?! L) ], f% R& \" a  9. unrollvt. ①reverse the winding or twisting of 解开
$ _3 f8 d, w; p; X, V! D2 u! B  eg: Richards unrolled his quilt to make the bed.
) B4 P% |" x6 x. r" k. J9 u5 H  ②to unfold and present to view; reveal 揭示,使之能被人看到
+ i8 P6 L7 S8 a  k! _: m  eg: The captain unroll the map.  10. inexplicable adj. incapable of being explained or accounted for 难以或无法解释或说明的$ ?, }% o  \. K" g" h
  eg: the inexplicable disappearance of some nonlocal seasonal women workers worried everyone.! M* a/ p' x. d8 {$ f$ I) M% R
  派生词汇 inexplicability n. 不可解释性 inexplicably adv. 无法解释地
1 d2 K7 t# O1 h9 Y/ M+ p0 y: ?  inexplicableness n. 费解 explicable adj. 可解释的
0 D7 V; i1 a4 ]  Exercise:  从以上单词中选出最恰当的词,填入空格内。
2 z1 Q2 m) b/ R- k' @  1. They are not familiar with the insurance against_____.
, V: [: m1 M& ]  2. The merchants should not take advantage of the ____ of law to earn more money.
' J- |( r& @1 W3 ^0 V' x  3. The peasants usually prepare_____ in autumn for winter to save money, for vegetables are expensive in the last season of the year.
  R: X  ^6 A# f; _# X2 q  4. Every schoolboy has one or two____ to accompany him in his activities.7 N% ~" B+ Z9 Z9 a  B' b/ d
  5.the old man left house at three in the morning for____ reasons.  f6 F+ p2 K7 o$ D- C2 `. j) B# }
  答案:  1. litigation 2. loopholes 3.pickles 4.cronies 5.inexplicable

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