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[专八辅导] 专家敲定的常用中译英词组之经济类

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1. 给...带来机遇和挑战  present (bring) both opportunities and challenges to
2 ~; P! H& ~# j$ J% \4 ~" }  2. 给...带来积极影响  bring a more positive impact on....
: e1 ~4 _  d1 e; F  3. 给予财政资助  support financially
  N# E3 C7 _9 c+ @* O% n  4. 有巨大潜力  have huge potential for; g  e, P9 E6 w3 j5 L3 w  A$ ^! R
  5. 开发 / 青睐中国市场  tap / favor the Chinese market! B, t- u- i* a4 Z! M; ]# [$ O
  6. 申请专利  apply for a patent
7 V3 s' x* Y* V  7. 阻碍...的经济发展  handicap (hamper) the economic development8 O5 M! g- _* y$ v4 K& V9 l4 F
  8. 增加农业投入  invest more in agriculture- b5 p9 S* b) J9 g# x; M; [
  9. 有望达到(上升到)  be expected to reach (rise to, be up to)8 S/ i' C; A) d! R$ I
  10. 造成很大压力  pose a big pressure on
4 Q6 y6 v" h; x4 B  11. 占领市场10%  occupy (take, account for ) 10 percent of the market
# {5 H- u+ t8 _7 L0 V! V, I; u  12. 缩小...间的距离  narrow the gap between$ c. x! q2 P4 y: k: Y0 [5 w
  13. 加快经济发展和结构调整  speed up economic development and restructuring
& w; }% ]9 |' c) _  14. 夺回失去的市场  take back lost market
% A% U0 p3 k& }/ S9 [  15. 减轻...的负担  reduce (lighten) the burden of (on)$ H+ \# e6 }" @4 m) @' D  T
  16. 采取反垄断措施  take anti-monopoly measures to2 O% x4 v# [- H- u9 j( t  N
  17. 加快努力  speed up efforts to& I, n3 ~  L: H% g4 ?. M
  18. 在..建立分公司  set up branches in
3 w! u# x* c8 J, `  19. 促进改革  promote reform, M" S4 V5 h' W
  20. 面对可能的压力和竞争  face possible pressure and competition+ z- D1 [* n* j2 |: r0 p
  21. 充分利用  make full use of
" J( g6 z( R, h. g, s) |  22. 把列...为基本国策  list…..as fundamental national policies
# [) R: r/ v( Z$ s* B+ v/ j  23. 发挥自身优势  give full play to one’s advantages
8 \3 I/ J' D' d* @( d5 Z3 K+ F  24. 开拓市场  exploit markets) s9 O* l1 C1 ]5 b( V
  25. 扩大消费市场  expand consumption market
6 I* i: g: B- h  26. 改善投资环境   improve the environment for investment- e+ }" c* K" ^5 B% N- P& ]6 j
  27. 加强风险防范  prepare oneself against possible risks/ r# _$ n5 u' r
  28. 扩大贫富差距  widen the gap between the rich and the poor
- Q- |' k: l+ |+ u2 X! i0 n  29. 为...提供巨大商机  present huge business opportunities
4 u; Q# q/ z+ h1 O; s7 m+ D  30. 快速稳定增长  grow fast and steadily, Y, b# Y; l; C) h9 c$ G4 y
  31. 让...处于同一起跑线  put… on the same platform and at the same starting point# s6 ^/ \# r) ^8 c0 W5 U. T( O
  32. 赶超先进  surpass the advanced& i# U6 b, \$ m+ S5 m+ j
  33. 遵循市场经济的规律  follow the law of market economy3 a) _8 c' {4 Y' ~4 R
  34. 根据市场做出调整  gear ourselves to the market orientation
. g; E6 k9 F! h% A  35. 牟取暴利  seek excessive profits
7 o( `3 @7 @! ~; D0 j5 I/ ]  36. 做好充分准备  make good preparations for8 |0 B& k" |5 p/ r7 q
  37. 对...造成/构成威胁  form /pose a threat to…* ?4 N6 J  I$ v
  38. 和...合作  cooperate with
4 n1 p) G7 X' ]6 {" R5 {  39. 和...进一步合作  further cooperation with% k# ], b" Z# U$ W5 I9 L( Z
  40. 提高公务员工资  raise the salaries of civil servants  F% h9 V/ l0 Q& m. }
  41. 计算出准确的工资水平  figure out an exact salary level, W( `9 F5 Y! z. H
  42. 和...有合作关系  have cooperative ties with6 F: J1 i! f" X
  43. 从国外引进先进技术和管理经验introduce from abroad the advanced technology and management expertise
" M, t6 {, U  L" ~6 k  44. 优胜劣汰  select the superior and eliminate the inferior
! q* C4 K- {6 F3 H& q  45. 保证下岗职工的基本生活  guarantee the basic needs of laid-off workers4 }7 _' ~: o/ l# b9 ]9 N" j' ?, y: }
  46. 取缔非法收入  ban unlawful incomes (ban illegal earnings)
6 T0 Y7 U9 O) n/ M" k; `  47. 深化改革  deepen the reform3 R/ u1 O4 l: W
  48. 控制通货膨胀  control inflation (keep inflation under control)7 B5 b# \) J, ^: }% [$ W. ~$ Z
  49. 让位于竞争需要  give way to the need for competition# E* _1 j5 Q' |$ d8 A
  50. 向...投资巨额资金  invest huge amounts of money into, k( i1 b$ h, P- E9 m4 o  g( \
  51. 损失惨重  suffer great losses( p- ~8 F2 r- b! R* E$ F# M
  52. 制造假象  create smoke screens to do* N. e& n# T" @( J( b+ {
  53. 陷入困境  land oneself in deep trouble# ^$ g( _* P' K; x  Y- C
  54. 吸引外商投资  attract foreign investment
. n$ ^# D5 N3 q' Q  55. 抓住机遇  seize opportunities
5 t1 b7 N9 p; C7 q) b; {* O( Q  56. 适应...的发展  adapt oneself to the development of! @- c& }. _7 k
  57. 被指控接受贿赂  be accused of accepting bribes( v0 K. k8 `3 R0 I
  58. 和...达成(签订)协议  reach(sign) an agreement with
9 n& G4 C: ?  [: [+ v  59. 促进地区间的合作  promote regional cooperation& R, v- M1 P( a) Q
  60. 退还大量钱款  give back a large amount of money1 N/ s$ d/ |* S
  61. 举报非法行为  disclose any illegal activities$ ]9 S- O9 b7 a% T! n% f
  62. 筹集足够的资金  raise enough funds
0 b7 i; ^" X9 U' A5 U' e  63. 采取不同的办法  adopt various methods
  h9 t8 A+ a$ Q, n  64. 承担风险  bear (take) risk
3 `2 l- O* a. q  65. 创收外汇  earn foreign exchange (currency)
7 a/ V7 l1 K' v+ ~$ b* z  66. 活跃市场  enliven the market  x$ ~3 u" Q  {) r& T
  67. 造成损失  cause a loss to
9 M9 {! o$ [  i5 H& Q' k! y, r  68. 十分重视  attach importance to
& X" z/ Q+ S$ s  69. 制订...法律  make a law of (to)
, i: ?2 V. s: J+ l) B( A1 j3 j  70. 大力发展  strive to develop
- {/ s$ X7 b1 F6 y- t" ^6 ?! E  71. 提高居民生活  improve residents’ standard of living
5 E" Z3 M3 o+ x0 s3 `& t  72. 提高管理水平  raise the management level3 a' j  o" ?3 t4 {$ y( a
  73. 加强管理  reinforce the management6 d* z0 b* g. m+ {
  74. 完善服务  perfect services
) X) `0 m2 |; U/ W% s2 z  75. 刺激国内需求  stimulate domestic demand
  Q8 }2 v# R/ [" Z+ V8 f- s7 e$ n  76. 打破垄断  break the monopoly' ~9 _7 ?' B: s$ M4 h1 Y, i
  77. 加快竞争步伐  accelerate the competition
" j5 U4 x; [' f5 M/ @4 Y6 p  78. 为当地人带来多种经济和社会效益  bring multiple economic and social benefits to the local people; N8 Q4 q5 F$ Z6 d7 T) r2 _
  79. 优先发展公共运输  give priority to the development of public transportation7 y0 u* n; n0 ]" K: ^3 u7 j
  80. 调整产业结构  adjust the industrial structure

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