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[专八辅导] 专四专八之文学翻译一起练(第三十六期)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  原文:; v/ H( D. U0 j0 G' L8 }
  The shops of London are as well furnished as thoese of Pekin. Those of London have a picture hung at their door, informing the passengers what they have to sell, as those at Pekin have a board to assure the buyer that they have no intention to cheat him., M8 m0 I( D. v% z! J( E6 c
  I was this morning to buy silk for a nightcap: immediately upon entering the mercer's shop, the master and his two men, with wigs plastered with powder, appeared to ask my commands. They were certainly the civilest people alive; if I but looked, they flew to the place where I cast my eye; every motion of mine sent them running round the whole shop for my satisfaction. I informed them that I wanted what was good, and they showed me not less than forty pieces, and each was better than the former the prettiest patern in nature, and the fitterst in the world for nightcaps. "My very good friend," said I to the mercer. "You must not pretend to instruct me in silks; I know these in particular to be no better than your mere flimsy Bungees.----"That may be," cired the mercer, who, I afterwards found, had never contradicted a man in his life; " I cannot pretend to say but they may; but I can assure you, my Lady Trail has had a sack from this piece this very morning."-"But, friend," said I, "though my lady has chosen a sack from it, I see no necessity that I should chosen a sack from it, I see no necessity that I should wear it for a nightcap.----"That may be," returned he again, "Yet what becomes a pretty lady, will at any time look well on a handsome gentleman." This short compliment was thrown in so very seasonably upon my ugly face, that even though I disliked the silk, I desired him to cut me off the pattern of a nightcap.
4 Q5 Y5 o$ U9 J( k  While this business was consigned to his journeymen, the master himself took down some pieces of silk still finer than any I had yet seen, and spreading them before me. "There, " cries he, "there's beauty; my Loard Snakeskin has bespoke the fellow to this for the birthnight this very morning; it would look charmingly in waistcoats." ---"But I don't want a waistcoat." replied I. "Not want a waistcoat!" returned the mercer, "then I would advise you to buy one; when waistcoats are wanted, you may depend upon it they will come dear. Always buy before you want and you ae sure to be welll used, as they say in Chpeapside." There was so much justice in his advice, that I could not refuse taking it; besides, the silk, which was really a good one, increased the temptation; so I gave orders for that too.
% w- q: j7 W1 \9 Z, _  As I was waiting to have my bargains measured and cut, which, I know not how, they executed but slowly , during the interval the mercer entertained me with ther modern manner of some of the nobility receiving company in their morning gowns; "Perhaps, Sir," adds he, "you have a mind to see what kind of silk is universally worn." Without waiting for my reply, he spreads a piece before me, which might be rechoned beautiful even in China. "If the nobility," continues he, "were to know I sold this to any under a Right Honourable, I should certainly lose their custom; you see, my lord, it is at once rich, tasty, and quite the thing."---" I am no lord," interrupted I.--"I beg pardon." cried he, "but be pleased to remember, when you intend buying a morning gown, that you had an offer from me of something worth money. Conscience, sir,conscience is my way of dealing; you may buy a morning gown now, or you may stay till they become dearer and less fashionable; but it is not my business to advise." In short, most reverened Fum, he persuaded me to buy a morning gown also, and would probably have persuaded me to buy a morning gown also, and would probably have persuaded me to have bought half the goods in his shop, if I had stayed long enough, or was furnished with sufficient money.: A" f' D# W9 m
  Upon returning home, I could not help reflectiong, with some astonishment, how this very man, with such a confined education and capacity, was yet capable of turning me as he thought proper, and moulding me to his inclinations! I know he was only answering his own purpose, even while he attempted to appear solicitous about mine; yet, by a voluntary infatuation, a sort of passion, compounded of vanity and good-nature, I walked into the snare wtih my open eyes open, and put myself to future pain in order to give him immediate pleasure. The wisdom of the ignorant somewhat resembles the instinct of animals; it is diffused in but a very narrow sphere, but within that circle it acts with vigor, uniformity and success.

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