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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(八十八)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  It is difficult for an American to understand soccer.
! a- e6 u5 b% V1 `6 p  I learned the hard way. When I was in Glasgow,6 w; D! s: a! P/ T7 Y/ H
  going to the school, I had to choose which of the —1—, Y4 F8 B7 z. a/ y+ q9 R, P
  city's two mighty teams I would back, Celtic in
8 z) E% \" k2 }) L5 k7 ?  green, Rangers in blue. Because of a boy I had —2—5 o5 e; A  u6 e' u
  cheered for the Boston Celtics basketball team,
5 k, U4 Z) n5 E3 [" r4 ~* ~! ~1 r  I decide in my lot with their namesakes. One—3—
1 E3 {: B; t/ F& ?8 j  i) l3 U' R( k  winter afternoon before Celtic had won a brutal—4—
( u6 ]+ \# n/ _0 P; ^/ e  game at the Ranger's park, I was walking home,
- @1 {" T6 ~+ G, z/ C0 s  wearing my green ribbon, while a Ranger fan—5—
0 C2 k( Q4 g. W3 C6 Q3 S  leaped out of the shadows and punched me in
/ ^% B* G. r  ^6 X; N  mouth so hard I feel backward. Other Ranger fans—6—1 T& c& F0 N! X$ U- A
  picked me up and apologized, "He doesn't mean. `8 i1 F: ?, U! {- W: w% L
  nothing personal. He just hates Celtic." A fan's—7—3 ]* Q4 M1 N' u
  loyalty lasts for life. In several football countries,
. R% Y3 n' @( L; M' B% \  it has noted, factory production goes up or down,—8—
1 {) k: U0 U9 B% b$ E+ L  depending upon the home team's win and loss.—9—
6 S  X, l* b+ {  After England's 1966 victory in the Word Cup,
) l0 h5 V, g1 Z( n3 T# Z2 n  immigration to Australia from England dropped7 W5 _( ?7 |6 a. n9 E5 v
  for 18 percent. "That victory made Englishmen—10—
0 {& m6 `6 f1 V( ]  feel that Britain still has a future." an Australian
4 @- {. d: Q0 w- i( L6 f4 i2 m9 |  official explained.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


% f/ t, y1 {" r  1. 删除school之前的the) V! S  o. Y4 }
  此处指本文主人翁在那儿上学,并非具体指上哪个学校,因此无需用定冠词* x, h/ Q; m5 u: q( |! v
  2. of—as或when5 r3 b$ _" K0 y+ z6 p
  从句法分析看,because引导一个原因状语从句。because as a boy I had cheered for the Boston Celtics basketball team,从句中也有状语as a boy(=as/when I was a boy)
, t4 P! }6 A. W* f3 x  M  3. decided—cast/threw' w& q# `. ]. R: k+ R6 l
  cast/threw in one's lot with sb.为固定搭配,意义为“与某人祸福与共”
& o6 L: L# {1 E( [: o2 Q  4. before—after/when
: [4 v; l5 j. c9 u* ~) ?2 {% l1 N  从时间顺序来看下文 发生在本文主人翁身上,即遭到袭击是发生在比赛结束后
( G! @. e/ x+ F. J* P* I  5. while—when, J! J0 e, ]: r7 R( }/ X, g9 \
2 ^5 p( U; @1 J+ Z  6. 在mouth之前加the
# ~% z/ p3 p9 R% w. f+ ~  定冠词the置于人体器官之前以表示身体之一部分或私人之所有。如to hang the head in shame9 R& @9 ~" A2 }. N0 W$ B
  7. nothing—anything
8 Z0 l+ n2 v# i) @$ ?, x% n  本句中已经有一个否定词doesn't,如果再用否定词nothing,双重否定则为肯定,那么与本文意义相矛盾
8 t* c9 ~9 L, w9 x. ^& @, P7 ~& f& |  8.在has和noted之间插入been
3 T6 t* f4 T0 X* I/ M  it为形式主语,真正的主语是 factory production goes up or down,depending upon the home team's win and loss.该现象是人们注意到的,故为被动语态较合理9 y8 D, H3 W0 H
) v) R( Z$ s: G( a  与上文的factory production goes up or down相协调,depending upon the home team's win or loss
" f0 V, R( y) l5 l" [7 l  10.for—by
& d. f5 o! e& d7 A, y1 _/ v  一般用by引导表示程度的状语
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