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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(八十七)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Since 1965, when is equipment became operational, a) z# {( K' O' i% k2 _# ^5 a3 Z
  device called Eros has been helped to make sky traffic__1__
) o% T! h2 R& f+ `7 I4 d+ \8 Z  safe. Eros is short for Eliminate Range Zero System?
' F, e- y7 `; l4 l( V  range zero meaning collision. Basically Eros is a computer$ C  q8 O% J: Y2 T/ C4 N
  system measures, with great speed and precision, closing__2__9 }+ b! F( Q- W7 Y1 I* V! K" g
  speed ( the speed at which two objects are approaching3 ~5 ~1 ]+ a- I9 b0 \$ F' c$ ~
  each other ) and range ( the distance apart of the objects ).
, \* a, ^9 n9 _) B7 u  Eros can warn aircraft approachable each other at jet__3__4 ?1 `3 I  N# A1 d
  speeds and can provide protection for as many as a thousand
% K1 [' `+ r- l; d$ [' ^  aircraft in wide area. The pilot of an Eros?equipped aircraft
2 I1 h  c4 R' Z  heading for a collision hear a warning noise in his ear?phones__4_, `  G5 F6 p; F5 |/ a
  when his airborne computer calculates that he is within thirty
# U; n) M9 ^5 o  seconds or half a mile ( whichever occurs first ) of other aircraft.__5__
6 W+ k3 M+ K% V  At the same time, a flashing red arrow on the device's indicator
2 |  ?9 \6 g; a9 {" V5 b  panel instructs him to climb. Simultaneously, in the other aircraft, __6__
/ ^$ ~3 L0 j1 \) a  the signal is automatically reversed: the flashing arrow tells the
1 Y6 K( h3 r6 `% ], i8 n/ L  pilot to climb. The newer Eros II system can accommodate a total' V7 \" S5 N. N# U1 G. V) W1 x
  of two thousands aircraft at one time within a 140?mile radius__7__
# Z. J% W& Z: R) e, T  Every three seconds, each Eros?equipped plane automatically: x9 X9 k5 e' a9 o; h; U; t
  reports to ground stations and to similarly equipped aircraft
& l- y$ s, r- k6 y  their precise range, altitude and approach rate. The producers__8__5 a* s+ n# s. }% t4 H
  of Eros, the McDonnell Dougals Corporation in the U.S., are
- r. {7 q9 o* |6 Z  now studying the fitting of Eros and will do more to make__9__
# A5 L# ^7 j& u$ e9 ], z/ j  the sky safer: they shall also lighten the work of air?traffic__10__
, V! n$ ~6 n0 I( a  controllers and increase the efficiency of airports.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  答案:0 n8 a& C, _; ?, i
  1. helped—helping/ F+ i4 \4 A1 t5 z/ U8 X" i- b
  现在完成进行时# }% R- ^9 W; v/ U
  2. measures前加that/which
5 v0 g9 B7 U% b  that/which引导定语从句,修饰先行词a computer system2 r4 q" K/ M! J* D
  3. approachable—approaching
" T9 Y# c! \1 q4 g# o  approaching为现在分词,修饰aircraft,相当于that/which
; ~# Y+ O0 J5 R: P  are approaching each other
7 z, ~: m+ J$ N  `6 k  4.hear—hears3 o9 l4 m# w# e8 l8 q
  其主语是the polit7 C; p+ B" D* ?# T
  5. other—another6 d- ]- g' t: M% M; j- s7 \9 L
  相对于上提到的an Eros?equipped aircraft, 此处为另一架飞机
* N* I! M/ u; e) x1 B$ h9 l. Q  6. climb—descend$ t2 [9 E# }# r
  根据上下文的意义,一架飞机下降,另一架飞机上升,以免相撞8 X& Z% ~& k8 R7 X% e8 A
  7.thousands—thousand0 ^( P3 w* k) ]9 A8 }  x* K. z
  根据语法规则,数词hundred 、thousand 、million等词一般为单数形式
5 V% u; r3 t1 ]  8. their—its5 U9 R, K+ U& D  y- u4 D
  指上文中的主语each equipped plane: E: U8 s/ C* }' E# b3 ?
  9. 去掉make前的to4 d5 ~9 [0 m1 `/ i$ }
: Z# n+ C. j0 M# Q4 w  10. shall—will
( c  N6 B5 l& e  表示一般将来,shall常用于第一人称,will则常用于第二和第三人称
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