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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(八十五)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  People's attitude toward drugs varies from person to
/ \! p! G; i% j8 ^# H/ P: q  person. Some regard it as miraculous; others think of __1__  m: C  w8 V6 r
  them as dangerous. Then what is the sensible attitude$ s4 h* M5 {5 u; i
  toward drugs? I think the first thing to think is the __2__
( r$ @5 B! B/ u, [0 j1 i1 I6 _  difference between drugs and wonder drugs. The' I; h7 d" }: H4 {) X
  antibiotics can really treat certain bacterial diseases. __3__( Z0 _3 @( `& }8 O1 [; Z( j- j
  On the other hand, the major diseases threatening0 l. r1 A  T7 o
  Americans today are cancer, stroke, high blood+ P8 u* A3 m7 l1 _0 C( K
  pressure, coronary disease, etc. Against them, the# m- p4 ]. s$ [4 F7 f* H
  doctor's bag of tricks is limited. He has wonder __4__
5 I( x8 O9 ]8 U) `5 j  drugs. So the first important lesson is not to expect3 \3 D: Y8 n" L
  too many from drugs. If you can accept the fact __5__
. X, R) C" g) O& f6 C  that the war against many of our most devastating0 i/ R) T( X; U" r
  diseases is, at best, a holding operation more than __6__: k+ o3 U/ r$ M
  an inevitable triumph, they will do a great deal to __7__
$ ^, o+ `. G+ _* J& }  ease your own life as well as that of your doctor.* j% W( J, `/ x5 O! X) s
  Too many patients exert great pressure on doctors, ^% w6 W4 {: L' J9 W0 {2 m
  to describe for every symptom, even when such __8__5 A' _6 t, f$ x1 G/ K% K% L
  treatment is unwarranted or dangerous.
1 {; @' S( u. r! l; i  Unfortunately, the medical profession is guilty of- n; Q& ~5 V5 z6 U6 l% T" [
  taking part, to a certain extent, in the wrongful
1 Q/ W, i" S# o9 j# s, w  action. The patient who demands a short of penicillin
2 ?4 w4 f. o2 F" c& q" h% \  for every sniffle and sneeze may be given an injection __9__+ o6 t3 D3 K$ _+ b  y7 Q
  by a reluctant physician because he is certain that
7 `7 R6 m4 v8 J  if he does not , the patient will not search until he find __10__3 n9 Q/ x: W# Z) U0 o6 u& l7 V  [
  a doctor who will.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


  答案:, v  i/ u4 l% K
  1. it——them
- w; Y7 V$ E; L7 D0 [' b" w  them指代上文的drugs; ]1 _: C/ w6 ~, u- t2 i
  2. 在think和is之间加of或about
* [4 r7 n& z  p/ q1 Z' ?9 h" O  此处为不及物动词,一般在后面跟of或about
. N% A0 C3 K% f$ c/ B1 K  3. treat——cure
7 ?" u) V$ g7 e# d5 T  cure特别用以指病后通过治疗得以恢复健康;treat则只强调治疗本身
0 j2 r! r4 T2 A: D- d0 R4 b  4. 在wonder前加no3 t; g7 \9 A: D; i- D3 x( ?2 \
3 H( N+ R( @2 w* _1 Y. \0 k' W9 m  5. many——much
4 K& y: `% s1 ?8 j7 ~$ o2 B  用much指代“期望”这一抽象的概念性的东西
+ a, u* o; k: B0 a; R' Q) F- i  6. more——rather; k. h7 K; W% {" J' W& S
  此处不是比较概念,而是否定概念“不是”# o! r' a6 V* K9 A: f; M
  7. they——it0 b0 x* ~! s5 k# W5 N' q
  it指代上文的the fact that the war against many of our most devastating: p9 z6 Z" `8 T7 J5 l3 ~$ s
  diseases is, at best, a holding operation more than an inevitable triumph.& f* i8 R" i' J3 I. ^, J! d7 w
  8. describe——prescrible0 ^* g8 Z  M! l* W' F. D
0 X  M9 n- x1 }1 A  K  9. an——the
/ n" I  E. e' M5 h' e( a; _' t  此处的injection特指上文的a short of penicillin
1 Q2 C8 o) G# t2 o. z& `  C: A  10. 删除not
$ w) K4 l3 h- @# G' T+ a/ R+ _; @- n  根据上下文意义,“患者会一直寻求,直到找到愿意为其打针或开药的医生为止”
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