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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(九十二)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  American scientist say that they believe trees can warn5 _/ w4 g8 i  l5 u' R
  each other of danger releasing chemicals into the air.__1__
; b3 q# U& B# r1 v% Z  The theory was announced by the National Science__2__
+ A/ u7 A% q7 @' N3 J% E  Foundation is the result of studies carried out by3 b9 x" k+ `- n% ?6 Q( x. C' I
  scientist in the states of Washington and New3 Z. Z9 u) I+ `9 x* u. Y
  Hampshire. The scientists said they found that when9 i# _5 n) e, b7 ?1 J6 G- B# H0 Z
  trees are against attack by disease or insects, nearby__3__
; F3 l  ^. |; e2 R) `, y7 E) Y  trees take the same offensive actions as the trees__4__
) E1 Q, [+ M: ^& w8 H% J- Q' a) j  being attacked. And they said it appears that the1 C; P$ Y! S$ M6 Z4 o
  trees being attacked may produce and send out
" m* Q  y7 W+ a! G3 _! V$ K  chemicals to warn the other trees. A United Nations'4 K' ~- G$ q  _3 ]0 c
  report says Asian countries are faced major environ-__5__7 D% _& i3 k! B) e
  mental problems. The report released in Bangkok, S8 O9 r3 v: q' ^9 D' K
  said that parts of China, India, Iran, Afghanistan and& S2 W6 }( z4 B/ {
  Pakistan were threatened by man-made and natural__6__$ ~  ]& D7 _2 _9 g0 {
  events that turn productive land into deserts. I said
; ?' q+ q. q% N) G2 b  the most serious threat against the area is the rapid* I# X5 ^9 C. a+ \1 E
  expansion of Asia's rain forests, or woods, especially__7__
- f* C+ h; @% o# h, S8 W  in Malaysia, the Philippine and Thailand. The report
- K% D6 O" I# Q/ M  said the reduction in woods areas have already led to __8__/ p3 w; {5 T- o+ f9 Q) o, K' }
  increased flooding, water shortages in the dry seasons2 u+ L* \* X1 K+ ]8 S5 t- a. J1 {
  and the loss of farm lands. A top UN official said that
+ d( z! N# {' @/ r- O- W" S7 s  as much as 70% of the woods in Asia would be gone in__9__
4 z) D+ P( M3 G" F% T9 d  20 years unless actions are taken now to save it.__10__) n' [" Q( C/ G3 l" {6 \) ?
/ Y) n, W; C5 A  1. 在releasing前加by& b0 z- `- n/ h4 ~- D
  用by引导releasing chemical into the air,作方式状语
: e1 q6 J! y% V8 ]- u* e) {  2. 删除was或在was之前加which/that" U  \# {! B7 A
  或过去分词announced或用which/that was announced 做定语修饰the theory。The theory的谓语动词为is
! t  J5 \9 Y+ v/ ]$ J8 v) E  3.against—under
7 t4 n( s$ c" u  习语(be)under attack,受攻击
. X; G  P( E8 m2 D$ Q- D6 l2 i' `  4. offensive—defensive3 V- n( `) F: c4 j
' X; u5 r' V! E  5. faced—facing或在faced之后加with% G# \: ^4 i. A: O5 O1 L+ @
  动词face作“面临、应对”解时,有两种结构:被动态“主语+be+faced with+宾语”,主动态“主语+face+宾语”
  L3 b2 h" n$ V; g  6. were—are
) T. C# T' u' e0 C! K- h1 l  报告的发布是在过去的某个时候,所以主语中的谓语动词发生在过去时,但报告的内容陈述的是一个事实,谓语动词应该是一般现在时% |& e) T4 ^  a' P5 A. Z
  7. expansion—shrinking# c; C" D; A) e, N+ I
  与上文“可耕地变成沙漠”一样,亚洲的雨林面临快速减缩,而不可能扩大,而且下文中有the reduction in woods areas
5 h/ Q) ^% B9 q! g  8. have—has
3 h5 b" R9 A5 m: _  主语为the reduction in woods areas
2 U8 y$ Z4 {9 W) G5 a) B8 N  9. would—will- ]( z$ ?* h1 L+ b
1 o  w  [8 l% ^: l& `  10. it—them
  ]- v4 D; Y" l8 \& O+ [+ j8 B( I! ~/ ]  them指代the woods

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