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[专八辅导] 英语专业八级改错练习题及答案解析(八十九)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Illegal aliens are people living in the U.S.A with proper__1__5 f5 J- \+ h& [, F
  authorization. Many entered the country by sneaking
: j$ j5 _1 M  [  v2 J+ b  across the border. Others came on temporary student or
9 X9 j1 ^7 p$ `* i  visitor visas and did not leave until their visas were expired.__2__$ J  F; M9 K5 h# m3 p8 o7 k  Q
  Most illegal aliens want to stay in the U.S.A. because
$ I- p6 `: X+ }5 S% j' z% z  employment opportunities are so much great than in
5 Q0 @0 Z; Y" d  v% E- l  their native country. Since illegal aliens try hard not to
7 a, Q( N0 R* O9 ^  be discovered by the government, it is possible to get an __3__
% {# L" i+ i( O+ C! {9 h9 @' n2 c  accurate count of them. Recent estimates ranged from __4__6 R: w/ X- b& F% g
  2.5 million to as high as 12 million. In 1986, the United
* I% }8 m/ p" N) Q& H  States government adopted a new law affected illegal aliens— __5__
' a: _1 d# F. @( r& w  L  the Immigration Refrom and Control Act. This law
: r2 |2 g6 s: r# G: B: @  was designed to accomplish two main goals:1) to allow
# C7 i7 _9 w1 m( ?% y  illegal aliens who have been living in the country since __6__, |9 v. u2 X% S
  January, 1982 to gain legal status if they applied by May 4,  v) J4 C) q' V
  1988; and 2) to encourage others from coming into or __7__& w: Z4 Y/ D- c" ]% b
  staying in the country illegally by making difficult for__8__3 M. `, N9 w5 x1 w" k* U
  undocumented people to find employment. The law
) v) k* [' |9 y! L! P4 E+ ^  prohibits American employers from hiring illegals and: _( W# m) _8 C5 l2 e
  providing for severe penalties—fines and even imprisonment—__9__8 ~+ s6 w7 y6 k. ?  d, d1 U$ [; S
  if they do so. This new law has helped large number of__10__
+ C: v) M) [5 q/ ]9 m) v( X; F* T  formerly illegal aliens to become legal residents. But it also
/ e: U- L& M7 i9 Z# d- k  n  forces employers to check on all prospective employees who9 [8 B8 x) l9 \! s; S& U' f- L5 A
  look or sound foreign to be sure that they have documents* }0 R% D6 n+ V  J+ l/ h, ^& D
  allowing them to work. This may discourage some employers( Q8 C) |$ `0 e! {
  from hiring any immigrants.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


1 X8 p. L' Z& p3 f2 y! z  1. with—without, j8 m5 M; O0 M# r+ E, f
  根据illegal aliens的定义,应该是people living in the U.S.A without proper authorization1 E0 B6 t) x9 S  e
  2. until—when8 k! m0 R* E- K2 I7 Q) O
  从逻辑意义上来分析,是Others....did not leave when their visas were expired(当签证到期时他们也不离开美国)# h2 z. U$ `* K% _# W9 E
  3. possible—impossible, F. Z) ^% K7 j2 D) V
  从上下文的说明判断,要弄清楚到底有多少非法居住在美国的外国人,或得一个确切的数据是完全不可能的0 K" c8 B! c, s
  4. ranged之前加have
& ~% s; ]$ a9 v+ z+ `" l4 @  因为是指did not leave until their visas were expired. Recent estimates而不是以往的estimates. X1 C+ S; \* P6 r0 T) |- f
  5. affected—affecting
: g) [- k7 o! o( h8 R+ p% x  此处相当于(a new law)which/that affect illegal aliens
7 h( S8 D8 d7 l, X/ h  q  6. have—had  n8 n4 K% P  f
  用过去完成时,因为整个句子讨论的是过去的事,并且此处具体指country since9 k2 q4 r# j9 j$ y% q) e3 ?# H9 @
  January, 1982 to gain legal status if they applied by May 4,19888 W4 r1 s) j% x* E
  7. encourage—discourage
2 ?$ ]! k% S, d  如果为encourage则与全文的逻辑和意义矛盾0 i# W& a; k/ a, L
  8. 在difficult之前加it0 t" R/ ~- N3 N, @8 c  p
  making it difficult for undocumented people to find employment,其中it为形式宾语,实际宾语为不定式短语(for undocumented people)to find employment
' r) g! c& E3 v0 s- B  9. providing—provides; `& }! u1 k) \  L6 ], v
  provides for severe penalties与prohibits American employers from hiring illegals 为并列谓语,而不是与hiring illegals并列
% C. r0 ^3 o3 R  10. number—numbers或在large之前加a
3 i8 c8 }* V7 a" {) R; V4 p+ J  习惯为numbers of或a number of
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