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[专八辅导] 英语专八改错突击练习(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Successful aging is a psychological feat. Fear for death, for example, may sometimes oppress you.__1__# O' j0 s. x+ ]: f
  even when this is successfully overcome, there is still something for you to deal with-loneliness.1 d9 s  ?, [9 o: d0 u
  Loneliness can speed your demise no matter conscientiously you care for your body. __2__  v* D+ o4 k, R) K$ Y, r; g( r
  “We go through life surrounded by protective convoys of others,” says Robert Kahn,
6 l# E; E2 S' k# z+ G  a psychologist of the University of Michigan who studied the health effects of companionship. __3__
0 V  `' }  {+ F; n" R) g) O9 @" f  “People who manage to maintain a network of social support do best.” One study of elderly
/ T, C# d( @  X- q5 I! ^  heart-attack patients found that those with two or more close associations enjoyed twice __4__) R  J! l: ~' D& P! O/ e; a- Q
  the one-year survival rate of those who were completely alone.Companionship aside,8 T# @, V5 o% |9 V: j+ }
  healthy oldsters seem to share a knack for managing stress, poison that contributesmeasurably to heart disease, __5__- [+ z( o- Q# e* c# e  K/ I& {
  cancer and accidents. Researchers have also been kinked successful aging to mental stimulation.__6__
5 {+ y5 ~9 ~$ B8 W$ e8 \  An idle brain will deteriorate just as sure as an unused leg, __7__
+ s  M# s/ K: u5 P1 G' k: R  notes Dr. Gene Cohen, Head of the gerontology center at George ashington University.
- `1 R) s% K. D9 `1 |  But just as exercise can prevent muscle atrophy, mental challenges seem to preserve __8__  q& B. q- v, @( z+ K
  both the mind and the immune system. But what most impresses researchers. E8 F5 A2 ]. C$ n" S* D' U
  who study the oldest old is his simple drive and resilience. “People who reach 100 are not quitters,”__9__
/ P) u# K. q& d  says Adler of the National Centenarian Awareness Project. “They share a remarkable2 P8 u/ D$ c  P) H
  ability to renegotiate life in every turn, to accept the inevitable losses And move on.” __10__0 l8 I6 D0 B- W& d& b3 |
. V: a% e" ?4 G! q4 y* N  1.把for改为of。与fear搭配的介词通常是of,表示对…的恐惧。+ n5 y" X$ _" C! n2 b+ N
  2.在no matter后面加上how9 [' Z" n( w' S6 w) t- v  P
  3.在studied前面加上has。本文的基调是一般现在时,此句的主语也是现在时,定语从句介绍Roberts做过的研究项目,所以用现在完成时比较合适。0 H5 D# s% C8 P7 _, R0 _
  4.把associations改为associates。本句的意思是:一项对高龄心脏病人的研究发现,有两个或者两个以上亲密伙伴陪同的病人在一年危险期的幸存几率是完全无人陪伴的病人的两倍。/ Q' f0 |5 H5 O* H
% N/ |+ V5 u0 v: L  R7 m  6.删除been
, U8 c7 D& q8 p8 _/ M. q  7.把sure改为surely5 s% X9 Z5 [( W
  8.把but改为and。本句与上一段最后一句在结构(just as)上相似,在意义上是递进关系,不应该用转折连词衔接,用and合适。7 Q: F0 @1 e) F8 a; w
  9.把his改为their。此处的代词应该代替the oldest old, the oldest old 表示一类人可以用单数也可以用复数,但是下文提到这些年事极高的老人都用了复数,所以此处也要改为复数,使上下文一致。
: [4 \: C. h- u; m' L  10.把in改为at。词组at every turn意思为“ 时时,经常”。

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