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[专八辅导] 专八阅读训练:Cryptic Coloring(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  词汇:  T' i6 k8 {  @8 O' |
  1. cryptic 隐藏的,保护的
- w. ^" Y( N. R% y! o  cryptic coloring 保护色,隐藏色
( u3 q% V1 D$ `5 T  j3 Z( ^  2. predaceous 食肉的,捕食其他动物的。! _+ h0 ~" r: O5 f) e, J2 q
  3. vertebrate 脊椎动物门
. F: B* I% Q6 ?  4. tint 色泽,色彩
4 Q, m- Q6 N# g8 z% ?  5. zebra 斑马- @4 |0 I" o6 Y7 G. q
  6. Sargasso 果本马尾藻
5 N6 i: }% _0 @. M9 k9 Y5 ], n  7. twig 嫩枝& K6 g/ }1 H4 s
  8. lichen 地衣
& y' k8 Y* D4 G: j4 J- r  9. flake 一片7 p3 e7 k' N; c& `3 L* t1 r( Q6 O
  10. gradation 等级,层次,分等) A; y$ a& R8 E8 L1 L- y
  11. obliterate 涂抹,擦去,使消失! s% P# y1 M! r2 N1 A7 I% g
  12. larva 幼虫,幼体
$ f* {, D9 T4 g5 h, q% Y  D) u  13. pupa 蛹
7 B8 h( L9 A( l$ r  14. mimicry 模仿,拟态, }4 w2 [! Z0 P# N( W
  15. nocturnal 夜间发生的,夜出的. h( r0 k1 K! t+ ?2 H$ `! _6 P
  16. insectivorous 食虫的: J: q' B) e; B( C1 Q, R
  17. procryptic 有保护色的,保护性的
/ n( A; C: t( z' \! [- ~# X* [  难句译注:
$ ~  x7 V, z6 x: `. V, {/ F  1. …the rapidity of movement which is also made use of by both pursuer and pursued, which is similarly raised to a maximum in both by the gradual dying out of the slowest through a series of generations.) @, |7 P1 L: k# ?
  [参考译文] 追捕动物和被追的动物也利用快速的动作。这种快速的运动同样是通过几代更迭,逐渐消除了慢速,而发展到快速顶峰。
* p5 U  u: ]4 x- v4 ?  2. Protective resemblance is far commoner among animals than aggressive resemblance, in correspondence with the fact that predaceous forms are as a rule much larger and much less numerous than their prey.6 g3 j7 e1 `2 Y% k% u9 i9 a, }- J
  [参考译文] 保护性模仿远比侵犯行模仿要普遍得多,这是和下述的情况想配合的:食肉的(形式)动物,按惯律总是比他们捕食的对象要大而且多得多。: v; j" g7 l7 r: e; l
  3. The effect of a uniform appearance may be produced by a combination of tints in startling contrast.
1 e4 l1 o1 v* P% @  [参考译文] 在惊人的对比中,色泽的综合可能产生外形一致的效果。% S2 q5 B* P; `
  4. …their proportion is such as exactly to match the pale tint which arid ground possesses when seen by moonlight.
$ k- S/ [0 I5 n8 l! S. S' C  [参考译文] (这里指斑马的黑白条)比例正好和在月光下观看贫瘠土地所具有的苍白色泽相吻合。
9 ~/ O" r! G1 M9 f& ~8 o  5. In these environments the cryptic coloring of animals is usually aided by special modifications of shape, and by the instinct which leads them to assume particular attitudes.. P& u# N1 f* }) e1 `
  [参考译文] 在这些环境中,动物的保护色常常得到特定的形状变化和本能的协作,这种本能会使动物采取特定的姿势。( N* u/ E9 Q6 k% M
  6. Complete stillness and the assumption of a certain attitude play an essential part in general resemblance on land; but in special resemblance the attitude is often highly specialized…7 N9 i3 i! f! |2 ^
  [参考译文] 绝对静态和采取一般姿势在陆地的一般模仿中起很大作用,而在专门模仿中,姿势常常是高度专门化的。5 V  c& e, u! f6 y& z# K
  7. Thus the arrangement of colors of many kinds into an appropriate pattern requires the cooperation of a suitable shape and the rigidly exact adoption of a certain elaborate attitude.* q( k$ W. E" g8 I( l
  [参考译文] 因此许多类颜色排列成恰当的模式/形式,要求把合适的外形和严格的采用一定的精心设计的姿势相结合。, w" a- P" H$ g: y5 Y
  8. The cryptic effect is due to the exact cooperation of all these factors; and in the present state of science, the only possible hole of an interpretation lies in the theory of natural selection, which can accumulate any and every variation which tends toward survival.' A% q3 u) E. S% y& l
  [参考译文] 保护效果是由于所以这些因素确切合作而形成。根据目前科学水平,唯一的解释(此种现象)就是自然选择理论,它可以累积要生存的各种变异/变种。
5 j6 f# p' O' }# F8 l  写作方法与文章大意:
7 p9 O$ w: q9 O: d0 ?. ]  文章以一般到具体的协作和分类方式写作,第一段点出生物界生存竞争中最常用的一种颜色是保护色,保护色可分为两类:进犯(进攻)型和防卫型。一般是防御性保护色多于进攻型。而两种类型都可归纳为一般性模仿和专门(特定)模仿。居住(栖息)在单一色泽的地方的动物,如海洋或沙漠,常采用模仿性保护色——如透明的绿色,土色等,而特定摸刚的动物则栖息在多样性的地方,如海岸,浅水,海洋表面等。特定模仿还需要有改变形状姿势之协作,使其看起来像客观环境中的某物,某种身份mistaken identify.7 \! ~8 y, q1 Y$ `( S# r: H- v7 B

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