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[专八辅导] 专四专八之文学翻译一起练(第二十期)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  原文:( n# f7 x, q8 l0 g5 [3 i2 s
  Birds and Death
! `; w  g& ]2 p8 u) z  The bird, however hard the frost may be, flies briskly to his customary roosting-place, and, with beak tucked into his wing, falls asleep. He has no apprehensions; only the hot blood grows colder and colder, the pulse feebler as he sleeps, and at midnight, or in the early morning, he drops from his perch---death.
* t/ y# B; \, r0 d+ t! P  Yesterday he lived and moved, responsive to a thousand external influences, reflecting earth and sky in his small brilliant brain as in a looking-glass; also he had a various language, the inherited knowledge of his race, the faculty of flight, by means of which he could shoot, meteor-like, across the sky, and pass swiftly from place to place; and with it such perfect control over all his organs, such marvelous certitude in all his motions, as to be able to drop himself plumb down from the tallest tree-top , or out of the void air , on to a slender spray , and scarcely cause its leaves to tremble . Now , on this morning , he lies stiff and motionless ; if you were to take him up and drop him from your hand , he would fall to the ground like a stone or a lump of clay-so easy and swift is the passage from life to death in wild nature! But he was never miserable
( b$ T; ~# b: L0 g1 @& ?) k( \  译文:
* n3 i8 x  t; d1 i  飞鸟之死
7 _& m+ d0 `2 f7 t1 m* q$ Z) r  尽管天气是如此的寒冷,鸟儿还是矫捷地飞上一惯栖息的地方.把喙埋在翅膀下面,慢慢沉入梦乡.它没有丝毫的恐惧;睡梦中,只有滚烫的血液变得越来越冷;有力的脉搏也越来越微弱.在深夜或者第二天一大早,它便从栖身的树枝上跌落下来,死掉了.
# k# ^' a- W8 M, O  昨天它还活蹦乱跳,回应外界无数刺激。它那奇异的小脑袋宛如明镜一般,映照着天地;它还会种种不同的语言,这是它们种族遗传下来的知识;还有飞行的技能,凭此它能流*星般划过天空,迅速地从一个地方飞到另一个地方;它能如此完美地控制每一个器官,且每个动作都如此惊人地平稳,以致于它可以从最高的树顶垂直飞下,从空旷的空中飞落到细小的树枝上而几乎不让树叶抖动.3 R% r) |* a) S& M2 M

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