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[专八辅导] 翻译练习:大学英语八级汉译英练习1白蚁之害

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  练习5. 白蚁之害
* O# g2 J! z7 c3 |$ e- W. t  * 你知道白蚁之害吗?一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤了性命。电杆被白蚁蛀蚀,一般两三年就要换一次。船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使船沉没。铁路枕木如果受白蚁侵蚀,火车就有出轨的危险。白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。在我们的社会里,则有另一种“白蚁”。前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?
- B8 ]9 O0 t: A3 C: s, {4 O  白蚁
5 ^3 `  d4 i1 P  * [termite] 等翅目的一种像蚂蚁的昆虫,群居,取食木材,对森林、建筑、桥梁等为害极大
# B4 Z2 m. O7 N* T( s  *White ants+ |: b* x5 D* O4 H# N* Q- s! v
  *害: harm; harmfulness; destruction, destructiveness, destructivity
' y5 u5 X* R  o# A( B, i  The Destructiveness of Termites
) T$ |0 Y4 }. q  Termites are destructive( f- Q' M- w; C/ q8 O, |1 m3 ~
  The Destructive Termites4 E2 m/ U. {' c' q3 ]
  你知道白蚁之害吗?5 S5 w' a3 B3 a2 C% m* e/ C
  *译文: Do you know how destructive termites are?
5 b4 W- F7 G5 q% [4 Z4 n  *Do you know termites are destructive?
+ b1 v4 A6 G; A% u  * Have you heard of destruction by termites?
& }* v* B& l  @! E' ~# T5 I  O+ p# U  一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板 、壁板,都会蛀蚀一空。
6 k! f9 R9 B' g  *大厦: edifice, high-rise, mansion, tall building. h: R/ K' p6 {. t3 y/ ^* U- h7 d
  * 有了白蚁: 这里似乎有“白蚁泛滥成灾”或“闹蚁灾”的意思, be infested with ,be rampant with
( M3 \# A6 I0 [1 }$ G9 F; D) W  * 一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治:
4 s" v* `3 q' L8 D' T+ K' }& {  *防治: prevent and control; check% h: g& l! m, g. E
  *(如果)不加防治: 加以: 对……进行 (无需翻译)
3 v. t3 @) V: K+ x  *不到: less than; fewer than; with ten years
2 ^3 K2 Y% r+ B/ G% v+ l9 k  *地板: wooden floor: [1 \" V3 [, s3 X7 {" L
  *壁板: wall paneling
) x3 e' H5 h# Q8 W! Q( Q# R* `  *蛀蚀: bore, worm-eaten; moth-eaten; eat away, damage
6 u7 c, g0 U+ D* t' a  *一空: 一点不剩 nothing is left; …to nothing ; with nothing left; eat away all…
% @& n' W7 ]; N1 l+ R  参考译文
& @8 p; i0 P. X7 V7 j( D" s( |( j  If a tall building were infested with termites and nothing were done to prevent and control them, the entire wooden floor and wall paneling inside it would have been eaten away in less than ten years.- V5 g  g+ u) d. k
0 _4 Q: p6 C+ l5 {: N/ U0 j) j' O  *受了……害: be infested with; be affected by; suffer (severe damage) from; termite-ridden(充满……的), be invaded by
' _1 p6 V( ~9 M# E  一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤了性命。
& o5 h+ e3 M7 F, c5 ^( L. S  *一般的房屋(如果)受了严重的蚁害: 此句为条件关系. Ordinary houses
0 S; P% a( F, e9 w  *另外可以把“有的”与“一般的房屋”合起来,变成 “some of the ordinary houses might collapse if heavily damaged by termites.
0 \. }  n( Q/ K  一般的房屋受了严重的蚁害,有的还会突然倒塌下来,伤了性命。) x. i% h4 Z7 k- s2 g
  “会”字的翻译: will, would, can, could, may, might' d+ X9 \1 E7 ]
  *倒塌: collapse, topple, crumble
' W8 @, i1 m% I  j  *伤了性命: cause death; cause a loss of life  *参考译文:8 P) e) `3 e6 v- z( }
  *1. If seriously damaged, some houses of the ordinary kind might topple, causing deaths.
, f- [  a/ Y7 J" Q7 u  ]  *2. If ordinary houses suffered from termite attack, some would collapse, killing people inside.& n  a# V/ P7 O8 l
  *3. Some of the ordinary houses damaged by termites might collapse, causing casualties.6 i" Y* _% t$ N1 Q
5 d& X  b* Z% |! A* i! @* ]  *电杆: wire pole,不能译成electric pole(带电的杆子)
; e# ]+ J, r2 P0 k: k8 {( t( n6 H  *一般: usually; as a rule ; ordinary; common; generally speaking;
6 g2 U7 ?2 y  F" t  *更换: substitute; replace8 D& g* z. P: u: X/ f) d0 F% h
  电杆被白蚁蛀蚀,一般两三年就要换一次。2 E1 X6 Q& A* o5 |4 x( a
  *Generally speaking, termite-eaten wire poles ought to be replaced every two or three years.
0 N' O$ u# s( y, W) x. p- Y: m  *Wire poles would have to be replaced at two or three years’ interval due to damage by termites.0 c9 w: t5 U# X# ^) K7 k' f
  船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使船沉没。( y( i3 `, m0 `  I4 T
  *此句可以理解为:如果白蚁在船上轻微泛滥, 货物会被蛀烂, 如果严重泛滥, 会使船沉没.
9 Q/ [0 v8 s- _  y6 }  (1.) If slightly damaged by termite eating, goods on a boat might decay; if heavily damaged, the boat might sink.
6 {- p& G, L( {1 V. X  船只有了白蚁,轻的会将货物蛀烂,重的会使船沉没。
: t. P3 I5 B4 F+ H  *(2.) Minor damage to a boat by termites would very likely ruin the freight on board while severe destruction might well lead to the sinking of the boat.' D( y% n3 D" L
  铁路枕木如果受白蚁侵蚀,火车就有出轨的危险。! d0 d1 C. t& g! I0 A8 b
  *枕木: sleeper, crossties" Q- [2 G. P- h! V4 M
  *出轨:be derailed, run off the track, go off the rail' ~( G" Q" p6 M$ N
  1.If railway sleepers were eaten away by termites, trains would be in danger of running off the track.
6 ~2 x9 n' ^2 y2 y( s5 {: C$ s3 [& n7 ^/ O  C5 j) U
  2.Trains running on termite-eaten sleepers are running the risk of going off the rails.

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  3. Termite-eaten sleepers would derail trains.
$ }1 z6 j, F2 w  白蚁这种害虫,实在是相当可恶的。
  ?/ ?# X, {* K# N/ P  *可恶:abhorrent;abominable;loathsome; disgusting8 Y' K/ k! t6 k/ A8 _5 K* G+ t
  *How disgusting pests like termites are!2 o5 c+ X/ [" d' L  p( T! b( J
  *What disgusting pests termites are!4 r9 }3 U& B6 f5 B, x
  *Such pests as termites are really disgusting!
0 Y  r& g: I; ~# v- U6 T  在我们的社会里, 则有另一种“白蚁”。9 m, O7 L; ^* K* B1 I; [
  1. There is another kind of “termites” in our society.
8 [- N3 q' g0 |  2. “Termites” of a different kind can also be found in our society.5 Z1 I% @1 x) S, E) F# Q
  前些日子报载7 X/ W0 ?6 _0 S3 n
  *前些日子:即最近、近来 a few days ago, the other day, lately, recently
' V- r/ U6 f1 _, u  m" J  *报载:it was reported on the newspaper that; according to a newspaper; according to a press report
  i* z; L2 z* Y# o: B  吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?
) W$ Y& V$ T/ ~) B  * 外贸局:Foreign Trade Bureau) L+ E! e: F+ M
  *吉林省外贸局: Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau. O; ]  q3 ?8 H4 Q
  * 副局长:vice-director; deputy chief. ^: k1 Y" `) u/ c
  前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?$ i5 w* P2 r% b& f5 N! f% {
  * 吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇:Wang Zhenyu, former(因已经下台)deputy director of Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau
& a' P! x& p; X! e) Y  *利用:use; utilize; employ; exploit; take advantage of; (滥用)abuse
9 M) r6 [* p+ t; G  *职权:power; authority
* N$ f, _0 y1 z  l! u  x$ R3 P7 Q  前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?( m3 `* n) `8 m( D4 [- ?
  * 慷慨:大量给予,这里是反话,大量使用,挥霍spend/expend wastefully; squander
+ j3 w3 A6 D9 o8 a4 ?3 L; B  * (慷慨:滥用职权的具体表现,所以使用abuse his power by squandering 的结构更好)0 T' }: {* W  a( n0 V# B
5 b3 q: T1 v6 l0 G  * 国家:government, state
5 `, m. u2 o5 R9 O8 B  *大慷国家之慨:expend money at the expense of the state; squander large amounts of government money …
2 \: Q( Z2 W6 |6 F% P  *吃喝玩乐:wining, dining and other pleasure-seeking
* H! W! V8 C5 ~, B. i  前些日子报载吉林省外贸局副局长王震宇利用职权,大慷国家之慨,吃喝玩乐,请客送礼,浪费惊人,不也是一种“白蚁”之害吗?
/ J$ q& L2 u( V, [0 K6 c  *请客:entertain guests; give a dinner party; invite… to dinner; treat
: i  z( Z! n+ ?  *送礼: present / give … gift or present2 \% n" ^/ x! v1 d) y- E
  *不也是:难道不是Aren’t they/Isn’t it…
5 _8 y5 S5 w" K1 u7 U# w! p, R! L  *按照英文习惯,这段文字处理成“浪费大量资金用于吃喝玩乐、请客送礼,这一切全部出自国家腰包”。5 ?/ L) K  l0 v) Z" a) B1 x0 M
  *According to a recent press report, Wang Zhenyu, former vice director of Jilin Foreign Trade Bureau, abused his power by squandering a grotesque amount of money wining , dining, holding dinner parties, giving gifts and seeking other pleasures, all at the expense of the state. Isn’t he as destructive as “termites” too?
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