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[专八辅导] 从专八翻译真题看如何翻译(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  真题:, w+ r& Z: a8 y1 E# o+ f+ D1 T; h
" p7 L2 r, H3 n7 }  解析:
6 E. A8 j$ P9 w0 Z  1. 一个春天的傍晚,园中百花怒放,父母在园中设宴,一时宾客云集,笑语四溢。
7 u# r) k$ n8 p8 y+ k  学译:At one dusk in spring,flowers were blooming wildly in the garden,my parents were holding a banquet,in which guests were gathering,laughters could be heard everywhere.
+ S6 R% t' I2 L& r  学译:On a spring evening,hundreds of flowers were in full bloom in the garden where my parents hosted a banquet. For a while,guests gathered in large number,laughing and talking,which could be heard clearly.0 z% J* j  L- t' }
  参考译文:On a spring evening,my parents gave a banquet in the garden where a profusion of flowers were in full bloom. In no time,a crowd of their guests collected and laughter was heard all over there.
9 P, K2 N7 ?7 }( l  汉语原句的“节数”增加到“五节”。译成英语,仍应确定正确的“主干”,两个“学译”不谋而合,将“园中百花怒放”,而不是“父母在园中设宴”作为“主干”来处理。读来,给人一种观比萨斜塔的感觉。相比之下,参考译文则给人一种美感,散发出浓郁的英语味。原因很简单,参考译文选对了英译之“主干” (my parents gave a banquet in the garden)。另外一个值得记取的经验是:汉语原句出现了一个句号,因此80%左右的学生译文,也亦步亦趋,硬性译成了一句,以上两句“学译”也不例外。复观参考译文,我们发现,被处理成两句,从容之中多了些干练。+ d' q" a7 E5 F/ ]4 ]+ U
  2. 我在山坡的小屋里,悄悄掀起窗帘,窥见园中大千世界,一片繁华,自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄,也穿插其间,个个喜气洋洋。2 k3 b% D& {# M/ e; t: U
  学译:I stayed in the small flat on the hillside,quietly opened the curtain,caught glimpse of the world in the garden,it was so flourishing:my brothers and sisters,male cousins,were coming and going through,everyone looked pleasant.
/ [: K2 M4 L; K+ a; T0 q  学译:In the small cottage on the hillside,secretly I opened the curtain to see the prosperity of the big world in the garden. All of them were delighted,including my brothers,my sisters,and my cousins.
* q4 h3 {3 [' J  参考译文:I,without being noticed,lifted the curtain in my small room,only to spy the bustle of a kaleidoscopic world down in the garden,and my elder sisters,brothers and my cousins,each full of the joys of spring,were shuttling among the guests.
* t1 P  F* k" m# a  汉语原句的“节数”有了空前的增加:八节。面对如此长的“竹竿句”,“学译”显得有点“技穷”,无奈之下,以上两句“学译”便依样画葫芦,照汉语原文的感觉走,见一句就译一句,不考虑“节”间关系,不分析时间先后和逻辑内涵。第二句“学译”甚至没有弄清“自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄”和“个个喜气洋洋”之间的关系,不明白“个个喜气洋洋”指的就是“自己的哥姐,堂表弟兄”,而错把All of them were delighted当作“主干”,而把my brothers,my sisters,and my cousins用including作为其中包含的成员处理。2 J4 V: |) ]! {% y) Q: A; D
  复观参考译文,发现译者在落下译笔之前,对原句的逻辑梳理,非常到位,因此,确定“主干”,也极为果断。“悄悄掀起窗帘”、“也穿插其间”分别作了“主干”,英译就站稳了脚跟。特别值得一提的是,译者在第一个“主干” (lifted the curtain in my small room)之后,用了一个动词不定式短语,表示结果,在这个动词不定式短语前添加了一个副词only,译文顿时生色!这说明,除了经过逻辑分析确定“主干”之外,能活用所掌握的词汇,也极为重要。我们初学英语之时,就已经学到:only to是一个很有感情色彩的表达,其含义是:不料竟会……;没想到会……。* F/ d" b7 N1 ]! ?& V- @8 n
  3. 一霎时,一阵被人摒弃,为世所遗的悲愤兜上心头,禁不住痛哭起来。: h& k/ [  B% {# H  [& G/ c
  学译:It was so quick that I felt being deserted by people and by the whole world,bursting into tears.
4 L. R$ c% d9 x/ P2 Y- |  学译:I couldn‘t help crying bitter,with a feeing of being abandoned by others flooded in my heart at that moment.
% @# Z8 |; i* e2 X, P' X" G$ c- ?, R  参考译文:Quickly enough,I was thrown into a fist of sorrowful anger at being forgotten and discarded by the rest and could not help crying my heart out.8 E; X" b4 T& X

8 V* k+ A& V6 f  汉语原句的“节数”有四节。若对句中的最后两节略作分析,不难发现“悲愤兜上心头”和“禁不住痛哭起来”之间是一种先后关系,也略带因果关系,但总的来说,两个短语所占分量大致相同所以处理时,以使用并列句为好,没有必要强调主次。“学译”分别把“悲愤兜上心头”和“禁不住痛哭起来”作为主语,另一个短句作为修饰成分,但读起来感觉分句不是太简略就是太冗长。而参考译文的并列处理则摆平了这两个短句,读起来通顺流畅。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:11 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  所以,在选定“主干”时,也应当避免形而上学的思维,选择主句的同时,还要深入分析以下句间真正的关系所在,在并列或先后关系的句子中,也不能强行设立一个“主干”,而弄巧成拙。
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