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[专八辅导] 专八考试听力时政短语(15)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  国际事务 三" R# {* D9 r* H# E7 o& Q* \. L
  retaliate 报复3 Z( k9 T$ e. g1 G
  banking reform金融改革. H4 B6 w+ m$ z& ^$ Y% f1 Q; n& V2 d
  commissioner 代表3 C3 T2 Q3 `8 y# }' R! b! K* u: s
  go bankrupt破产- K# q+ ^9 g* v+ f8 T5 `7 f8 K! u4 T
  file for bankruptcy提出破产6 Q- Y& ?; f2 c6 v, k* g: f4 o
  deputy代表2 J, T: v5 z" Z5 ?% J" H
  external forces外部力量7 c; t" R3 g- Y- T) Q* r
  disarmament agreement裁军协议
2 O4 o  ]- Z. t" X" J  to lift a boycott 取消禁令
7 t4 M4 w, X: E/ i: _  dismantle 销毁3 c7 R0 V' R* D7 @1 f0 k( Y, z
  the implementation of an accord执行决议+ `7 i. P+ c% t) i% p
  to ease the ban on ivory trade 缓解对象牙贸易的禁令7 C" V0 M$ ^% C4 i( @$ `7 Q
  animal conservation动物保护3 a$ H3 v! [8 ~! D
  threatened / endangered species濒危物种0 V) N2 s! d7 `' @- U: w2 I
  illegal poaching 非法捕猎, ^( a/ Z9 E  R7 l
  face extinction濒临灭亡

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