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[专八辅导] 专八模拟试题(翻译篇四)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) [, P4 k1 I& V  d( e* o/ X" O: p- r1 F8 w0 B: q2 I

0 f! h! U: y' F1 @- C+ N1 u7 R原文:
7 U3 ^3 `& T& \' Y4 ]$ M! V长城,东起山海关,西至嘉峪关,横跨中国北部,全长六千多公里,号称“万里长城”,是中国古代劳动人民智慧的结晶,是世界伟大的建筑奇迹之一。0 @. Q8 S. F$ v( }7 n0 u+ v# D; J
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中国最早的长城,远在公元前七世纪就已经出现了。公元前221年,秦始皇统一六国后,把秦、赵、燕三国原有长城连接起来,绵延万余里,奠定今天长城的规模,以后历代均有修筑。现存长城,是明代修建的。 % J1 j- u: ?1 i
6 ~( Y, U: o# [/ U6 @$ o' Y% y1 g
参考译文:* p. ~( C9 H! O) P6 r; G
Starting at Shanhai Pass in the east and ending up at Jiayu Pass in the west, the Great Wall traverses up and down over numerous mountains and valleys in five of China’s northern provinces and two autonomous regions. As it extends over a distance of more than 6000 kms, it is called in Chinese the Wanmlichangcheng which means “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. It is a symbol of intelligence of the working people of old days, and also one of the great architectural miracles in the world.
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Construction of the wall first began in the 7th century B.C. after Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221—206BC) achieved the unification of China in 221 B.C... He had the fortification walls of the three kingdoms Qin, Zhao and Yan linked up to be a continuous wall extending more than ten thousand li (a li = 1/2 kms), which formed the essential size of the present-day Great Wall. Since then the later dynasties continued to repair and build the wall. The great wall as it stands today was restored and reinforced during the Ming Dynasty.. g. J. B# I/ U3 c( l+ {

# i  w  @: ]& g! b% mThe great Wall winds like a giant serpent along the lofty myriad mountains. It is one of the most famous attractions to visitors.

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