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[专八辅导] 2013年专八模拟范文:Contract Makes No Difference

发表于 2012-8-14 11:35:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part Ⅵ Writing (45 min)
% @3 A0 q  B. g: C: I$ x6 g6 r  In the wake of an increasing number of cheating cases and the emergence of cheating by advanced technology, the academic honesty contract has been introduced in numerous campuses before examinations. It is assumed that such contracts may help discourage cheating. Do you believe that such a policy will work wonder? Write a composition of about 400 words to state your view.
1 y& t- z! }' C) `* J! |1 [# y  In the first part of your essay you should state clearly your main argument, and in the second part you should support your argument with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or make a summary.4 V3 L. ]' G" ~& D* |: o
  You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.- U9 O% y% |( u7 u" `, ]1 q+ w% _
  Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
( u% S4 N% c. N1 u, z& C, b6 E  Sample 1
( s" }: l: K+ A9 i. e  Contract Makes No Difference
' \! Y5 y7 N: }2 ?, f  In the wake of an increasing number of cheating cases and the emergence of cheating by advanced technology, the academic honesty contract has been introduced in numerous campuses before examinations. It is assumed that such contracts may help discourage cheating. As I see it, those contracts make no difference regarding the examinees’ honesty.
) L4 W; u6 Q  |" z: m, E" {1 K  Firstly, the issue of honesty calls for the concern of the whole society. Living in this society the examinees are influenced by what is valued in it in one way or another. The increasingly rampant cheating in examinations reveals the tragic fact that honesty no longer prevails in the society. It is relatively easy to make students sign honesty contracts, but can we ask government officials and business people to do the same? Even if we were able to do that, would there be no more corrupt officials and unscrupulous merchants? The answer is a resounding“No”. Likewise, without effective regulations and supervisions, honesty contracts signed by students can do little in deterring cheating, let alone address the root cause of the problem.
# Y! M1 {1 o5 t8 z1 G" a/ t! D2 u  Secondly, honesty contract does not have any legal effect. Although the experience of signing such contract will be engraved in the examinees’ memory, few students took it serious because the practice seems to have taken some characteristics of a political movement and because it has little legal effect. In consequence, examinees feel little weight of the so-called promise or swearing as we cannot deprive their right to take examinations if students refuse to sign the contract. If this is the case, how can we expect this move to work wonders?
) z5 m8 I+ s" `: Y' P+ w  Thirdly, honesty contract is likely to offend the students’ self-esteem. Such contracts are based on the presumption that most examinees are potential cheaters. Therefore students are inclined to believe that they are not trusted and respected. When they are treated like that, would they be willing to do what they are expected? Probably it is just the opposite. With the help of modern technology, some students may conjure up imaginative ways to beat such policy. So the contract is more of a formality and it would not do much to eradicate cheating. 5 ?; y! |% p2 {6 X3 T
  Finally, it is a waste of time and energy. Though I do not have the precise idea of the exact number of the student body in China, I can well imagine the colossal waste if all the students in this country are required to sign an honesty contract before their examinations. On the one hand, the same time and energy could be utilized in some more meaningful ways. On the other hand, priority should be given to enhancing the students’ awareness of academic honesty instead of going all out about this bother. , J& n$ J- W5 g4 Q& R
  Honesty is the best policy, yet honesty is not an inborn moral quality. To stamp out misconduct in examinations, we should adopt a comprehensive approach. Honesty contract would not produce substantial results as expected.4 E- p4 F/ @' X" @
  Sample 2
. h( ^7 t* ?% }( _  The Academic Honesty Contract Works% B! j8 E1 J5 X! _+ o
  College education is essential for almost all China’s youth who want to succeed in life. Success depends on the results of the nerve-wracking national college entrance examination. Unfortunately, cheating continuously takes place, among middle-school graduates and those who have already stepped into university. Consequently, honesty contract is introduced to raise awareness of all students. In my opinion, signing the academic honesty agreement is not merely a formality, but also a means to urge the examinees to be honest.
3 I" T4 @: K. \0 T! z6 Q- u. J$ E3 z! |  On the one hand, it embodies a great progress in our examination system, which is gradually changing from relying on enforced invigilation to valuing self-discipline. Now, we are laying more emphasis on the examinees’ self-discipline. Today more and more schools have introduced proctor free exams, which are well received by all circles. Like proctor-free exams, signing the academic honesty contract also embodies trust and respect of these students. The significance of the contract has transcended a written promise. It is very conducive to the cultivation of the honesty spirit. At the moment of signing this document, the candidates will feel the weight of their promise, which will inspire them to exercise self-discipline and behave honestly during the exam.
. e; M  m+ S0 J, W' Z& m  On the other hand, the introduction of the honesty contract is an innovative measure, representing the trend of China’s examination reform. As far as I’m concerned, we should educate the students about the importance of the basic value of honesty. Schools ought to attach importance to moral education so that their students can conduct themselves with integrity and consciously retrain from cheating. Going through this formality itself is a kind of moral education. Besides, some provisions in this contract have legal implications, rendering the students legally liable for their deeds. This helps to raise their awareness of the law. Honesty is not only a requirement during exams, but also a fine quality beneficial to people all their lives. Even when a student leaves school, he or she will continue to uphold honesty and credibility because of the word given.
' X  h/ {& s% Z. p- Z  Honesty education should also be one of the top concerns of primary and secondary schools, which helps to pave the way for college education. Universities will definitely welcome the academic honesty policy introduced in the college entrance examination. The academic honesty contract will have a psychological impact on the students, enabling them to gain a deeper understanding of the policy of honesty.

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