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[人文知识] 专八人文辅导自助者,天助之!!

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  __1__Who ever said the most famous word “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains?”( D- |3 n9 G- C( Q4 p& G$ a' f
  A John Locke; [% G+ ]  j$ z
  B Montesquieu
$ T" I* X& T) p/ x. r# ]" u  C Rousseau
& C- v. u+ e* r. A  D Voltaire. h+ o- l+ C. k# P, c' z
  __2__Who ever said that “Lost time is never found again” and “God helps those who help themselves” ?
/ k% ]7 |8 Q! D+ J# F  A John Locke6 h, w4 w+ e2 ^! ?
  B Voltaire
& N+ U; v& C4 n! D* b  C Montesquieu
* `7 H) t: Z/ Q0 c, R  D Benjamin Franklin( S, L# E4 ?% H5 U+ s) E' r% v; {3 `2 B
  __3__ __ is not a nationally observed holiday of America?
, y7 e% z3 D8 K+ W8 T4 g  A Easter Sunday
0 O$ a: h' [4 L* M5 x; Q# s  B Veteran’s Day' S5 I) l2 c: i' J3 }& B
  C Independence Day3 ~9 u. {. j- @
  D Christmas# m+ n% j- o" B& w5 M1 E0 W
  __4__On Memorial Day, a grand ceremony is held at __ in Washington D.C.
- m( x7 ]1 v# p/ g: Z  A the Lincoln Memorial7 J+ P) Z# r( q7 A& }! W- O) W
  B the Washington Monument
! @3 i/ b' a& C- |0 j7 H2 u  C the White House Lawn
, G  _0 R, h7 N2 C$ o$ {" a4 S  D the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
- Q# O/ l  {) U" q  X& E  __5__The theme of Thanksgiving has always been ___.
2 d+ a; ~3 z9 a0 a; q  A friendship and happiness" o2 R% e$ C" g2 ]) A
  B peace and plenty
& q( V) }& @, y" t  C cooperation and rich award
. R( X; U) c8 v& [0 w  D love and happiness: G$ d0 o) N; o5 C& i$ f3 x
  __6__How many seats does the House of Representatives have?
) g4 y+ s# ]( ^, v* B  A 635. G& j5 X* \) r, u8 f: f" @
  B 120! n0 r% N% k3 b# M6 V4 A  ~- W
  C 4351 M4 [$ U7 R# N. `
  D 3519 j( l+ E( H& ~, q1 C# {) D* H
  __7__The Four Freedoms were declared by__.
* d" m# z2 P- f6 m. z% T  A Kennedy
8 Q+ I3 ~8 w, [4 s# q  B Johnson
- r6 l" r4 U/ W9 `6 `  C Richard Nixon D Franklin  B% i" r) s* R/ L+ J* H
  D. Roosevelt
2 i; q, ^% A& R- M  __8__The main purpose of Ku Klux Klan is__., H- \9 o0 Q0 T0 t9 v4 e
  A persecuting blacks
) G* h4 L' H' R! `! [$ r3 `  B killing politicians
& z% N9 w- Y- @" r  C kidnapping foreigners& r, D% E: Z3 X0 Z
  D murdering millionaires
. H7 v1 J5 A: Q1 W" r  __9__The Head of the Representatives is called__.7 O% g" M3 K+ i+ P
  A Chancellor$ }/ {8 u! N7 n: ~& v2 g
  B Speaker1 Q5 y2 R* r9 W& K
  C Chairman
6 C4 x, e( r. }1 ^# T' {  D Leader1 P( U# v! O" e0 T# v
  __10__ When did Christopher Columbus land on one of the Bahama Islands?
: ~0 E4 z! S6 C: f+ m- [9 Z+ M  A 1492
) R3 |5 s2 s, J( `1 ^  B 1493
2 d7 I6 E, l0 s+ k% Z  C 1498
: X5 c- v' n" R$ _; n+ F  D 1502
0 a- g# G1 V. a& m' G  

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