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[人文知识] 英语专业八级人文知识精讲NO.41

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  __1__ In Britain, ___ has the ultimate authority of legislation.% j2 g, k6 e6 w8 k& @' x" N
  A the Queen B the House of Commons C the House of Lords D the Prime Minister- s0 |; S( h2 Q0 v& e
  __2__ The three largest cities in Canada do NOT include.
- Y7 b/ O! G+ {2 p8 l  A Toronto B Quebec C Ottawa D Vancouver5 l6 c* t: s8 Q* _5 J$ L, |
  __3__ Aboriginal culture in Australia is said to be more than ___ years old.$ ~( J, l, P2 H% r: ^% y
  A 20,000 B 30,000 C 40,000 D 50,000+ W+ l# t$ n7 c( @
  __4__ It is known that Irish landscape in featured by ___.我要收藏
( Z; P5 s7 D- d+ Y  A bogs B mountains C grassland D rivers
( k( P  Y' y0 B4 |& V" O  __5__ The following plays are comedies by Shakespeare EXCEPT ___.
  D8 T- |4 ~* z, d  A A Midsummer Night’s Dream B As You Like It C The Merchant of Venice D Romeo and Juliet2 _1 l/ i9 l" t7 s6 f% ^
  __6__ “The novel is structured around the discovery of the hero’s origin.” Probably this refers to the novel ___.1 C% H9 h; p3 f+ F
  A Wuthering Heights B The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling
' k4 A. {6 w' a* k0 C& @  C David Copperfield D Gulliver’s Travels' w0 V9 E+ D8 I5 P% i
  __7__ ___ was considered to be the greatest dramatist in the 18th century.
7 [! w2 s0 e: V/ q  A Henry Fielding B Laurence Sterne C Oliver Goldsmith D Richard B. Sheridan
9 L" c1 G  N' e  __8__ The branch of linguistics that studies how context influences the way speakers interpret sentences is called ___.
+ r0 I! I5 }! N6 J, g9 \  A pragmatics B semantics C sociolinguistics D psycholinguistics
; {# D: U: c% i! C. ~) E  __9__ Which of the following words can connect two clauses in a coordinate sentence?3 _- g6 ]; Y  j7 Z) S9 ~) K
  A Through B When C But D If
* b$ }- M0 T8 m  __10__ Which of the following is NOT considered part of semantic change?5 s3 n9 l/ x4 V; U8 Q  U
  A Semantic broadening B Compounding C Semantic narrowing D Semantic shift
; y- P5 h$ U1 ]8 q: {" d  答案:
! h0 _0 I5 v6 M! q2 V5 s. `& N  1. 选B。在英国,下院拥有最高立法权。本题术语发展现状类问题。
. Y" I/ |2 c7 O  2. 选C。加拿大三大城市不包括渥太华。本题术语发展现状类问题。
6 {- Y* K: \5 U; S6 w1 V  3. 选C。据说澳大利亚的土着文化拥有四千多年的历史。本题属于文化传统类问题。
8 y1 t3 ^+ c3 z# t! i  4. 选A。众所周知,爱尔兰地貌特点是沼泽地。本题属于地理类问题。我要收藏
: C5 d5 g; ]" L4 c  5. 选D。除了《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之外,其他下列戏剧皆为莎士比亚的喜剧作品。本题属于英国文学类问题。) K& \4 P2 U& ~, ]" K( Q( U3 v$ O! q
  6. 选B。“小说结构是围绕主人公的身世发现来安排的”这句话可能是指小说《弃儿汤姆.琼斯的来历》。本题属于英国文学类问题。
# P, Q& v4 n) E: ?  7. 选D。理查德.B.谢立丹被认为是18世纪最伟大的剧作家。本题属于英国文学类问题。
$ @9 w5 m3 o4 p  b" O  8. 选A。这道题检查考生是否知晓语用学的含义。
$ H( y% f. t6 I  B3 `" G+ l  9. 选C。这套题检查考生对别列举的了解。
2 R1 G" s3 A0 }& V& ]1 A  10.选B。这道题检查考生对语义变化内容的了解。

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