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[人文知识] 专八考前冲刺 :人文知识训练(六)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:42:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 As a philosophical and literary moment, _____ flourished in New England from the 1830s to the Civil War. $ E9 Q3 x, W; E8 D7 t
A modernism B rationalism C sentimentalism D transcendentalism * @% G! J1 ~- w# ^1 y* H" W$ N

9 T9 [: b" w+ T! a3 m2 Poe’s first collection of stories is _____.
# F. _/ K- m8 g9 W6 zA Tales of Traveler 4 d& v& y" b" [2 x) l7 d
B Leather Stocking Tales
& n- l4 P3 I2 ^  tC Canterbury Tales 9 y7 O$ {9 N4 a
D Tales of the Goteque and Arabesque7 s0 x: V7 k, ^: x) u8 A3 l

! _( h( I" H4 }( ^% F' t3 Which book is not written by Emerson?
3 ^+ E6 X3 o6 j/ Z# T/ o. _A The American Scholar B Self-Reliance
0 @$ J" u3 X6 E0 A4 ?C Nature D Civil Disobedience
! o9 x! O+ c' N( @1 O* }8 i& a0 Y6 l8 z* h
4 The finest example of Hawthorn’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan Boston in _____. + |7 s4 q! X8 U" r* D/ H9 |
A The Scarlet Letter B Young Goodman Brown
7 [7 P0 ^' ~6 T2 H9 rC The Marble Fawn D The Ambitious Guest
9 q! o" o2 X* }6 V2 K1 [$ ~0 j3 k) Z1 ]* }
5 The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism is _____.
/ r, k9 @# X5 r1 M1 u: `9 YA Nathaniel Hawthorn B Ralph Waldo Emerson
+ C7 U- m$ Y2 z2 Y! J* z( x* EC Henry David Thoreau D Washington Irving ! ?7 E2 U- N: O9 g0 Z& C
, J! T8 k# Z# Y/ r
6 Transcendentalists recognized _____ as the “highest power of the soul”. * d2 y  C7 K9 ^7 j
A intuition B logic C data of senses D thinking 1 F0 }0 ^/ t  X
3 V, w+ X4 \+ L5 ]
7 Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”? : M2 x3 K, l! v1 O/ z6 B
A The American Scholar B English Traits , X+ y  m( a2 m
C The Conduct of Life D Representative Men
* K. B) F! @  t7 R3 a5 y* m- ?" s1 Q2 H& g
8 American literature produced only one female poet during the nineteenth century. This was _____. % U3 m" A; ]3 M8 C8 ~, k
A Anne Bradstreet B Jane Austin 2 k9 H$ s9 ?8 U
C Emily Dickinson D Harriet Beecher
. c& R1 J3 R9 |% M- F
8 a: W7 o3 k4 e. M9 Captain, My Captain is written for _____. + t5 K+ |$ |7 x+ W5 p4 j% b
A Lincoln B Whitman C Washington D Hemingway
: A; f2 }8 p; h! ], `/ V5 ?6 H2 h/ x6 Q* z( t" {
10 _____ is not written by Washington Irving.   o  y' ~7 ~+ m/ I- Z
A The Sketch Book B Rip Van Winkle
) h+ F8 ]. \/ ^2 y  R6 ^C The Legend of Sleep Hollow D The Autobiography
7 y% R& b! q1 ?2 H4 o
( |1 ~% T+ h/ k3 _' G+ q练习题答案及题解: : A! S6 x$ [/ ^) W2 v! i

0 l: E/ |& B9 h7 n3 M6 J' c
+ T' N" H, L! \/ }) l+ S1 D, 从19世纪30年代到内战期间的主要文学流派是超验主义,以爱默生为代表。
6 \/ W7 w3 Y% p  o) S7 u
$ K6 T+ a( G+ @2 D, 坡的第一部故事集是《怪诞奇异故事集》。" t7 Y9 u3 P: e

- N2 I+ g# o* ~' r3 s3 D, 《论市民之不服从》是梭罗的作品。其他全为爱默生的作品。 0 g- p! C0 E* f2 A

7 f; x! `3 ]0 x  D% Z& O4 A, 霍桑作品中的象征主义手法主要体现在他的著作《红字》中。
6 z/ C7 l0 M. B5 D5 \1 _" N- U  ?5 B, 超验主义以爱默生为代表。
, i4 k' ]9 n# e5 L6 s
4 F9 K9 A/ L" t0 O- `! I( E6 A, 超验主义认为人类精神的最高力量存在于人的直觉中。
* [$ u. s5 \( f6 Y$ o
& ]% H" Z% K/ ?0 R# C& f8 t- Z8 B6 d7 A, 被称为“美国精神独立宣言”的是爱默生的《美国学者》。书中表达了美国人追求自己的文化独立以及文学独立身份的要求。
! E! D: q8 p& |- O- y: t6 y. E
  o2 n: z2 n+ b8 C, 19世纪美国的杰出女诗人是艾米莉•迪金森(1830—1886)。
9 N: i# A4 M: V* n6 A - u3 Q( s5 S* U5 M9 ^
9 A, 《阿,船长啊,我的船长!》是惠特曼为纪念林肯总统而作的。
/ M/ W) O' S# D/ C) ^: P7 T: k' R: V- \% B- g/ B$ i# l
10 D, 《见闻札记》、《睡谷的传说》、《瑞普•凡•温克尔》都是华盛顿•欧文的作品,但是《自传》是本杰明•富兰克林的作品。

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