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[考试试题] 2003年专业英语八级考试真题(4)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& v6 r1 k8 P! ^* m* v  First read the questions.
, w* N; N& q/ ~# a- a; Y1 I  39. When did Moore receive his first commission?; e  F+ W" Q# @6 F9 G# g
  A. In 1948.
" Z- O- f; G. W. l" _& o2 _  B. In 1946.
5 F7 v1 }5 g# Q  C. In 1931.
' Q% Z2 k* M( q) X: m4 N  D. In 1928.. R2 {: P1 Z5 S
  40. Where did Moore win his first international prize?
) ^+ {6 N- a, k  h! j/ s" B+ B  A. In London.% _: i& Q3 B/ _  U8 h
  B. In Venice.1 X. n3 L) p) k- n! v5 b
  C. In New York.
9 T# [' c+ w  a3 u; X  D. In Hamburg.
4 `7 Q" D; I8 k8 s% R: s  Now go through TEXT K quickly to answer questions 39 and 40.
, b% }: f2 v' Y4 ~0 B& J  Henry Moore, the seventh of eight children of Raymond Spencer Moore and his wife Mary, was born in Yorkshire on 30 July 1898. After graduating from secondary school, Moore taught for a short while. Then the First World War began and he enlisted in the army at the age of eighteen. After the war he applied for and received an ex-serviceman’s grant to attend Leeds School of Art. At the end of his second year he won a scholarship to the Royal College of Art in London.
8 V  a2 T6 s5 ^  t  In 1928 Moore met Irina Radetsky, a painting student at the college, whom he married a year later. The couple then moved into a house which consisted of a small ground-floor studio with an equally small flat above. This remained their London home for ten years.  }7 M5 ~& D$ Y  P4 j8 L
  Throughout the 1920’s Moore was involved in the art life of London. His first commission, received in 1928, was to produce a sculpture relief for the newly opened headquarters of London Transport. His first one-man exhibition opened at the Warren Gallery in 1928; it was followed by a show at the Leicester Galleries in 1931 and his first sale to a gallery abroad- the Museum fur Kunst und Gewerbe in Hamburg. His success continued.
2 J  B0 e8 ^2 b& ]$ H  In 1946 Moore had his first foreign retrospective exhibition at the Museum of Modem Art, New York. In 1948 he won the International Sculpture Prize at the 24th Venice Biennale, the first of countless international accolades acquired in succeeding years. At the same time sales of Moore’s work around the world increased, as did the demand for his exhibitions. By the end of 1970’s the number of exhibitions had grown to an average of forty a year, ranging from the very small to major international retrospectives taking years of detailed planning and preparation.
  H: H7 C3 n/ [( w! K% V) e  The main themes in Moore’s work included the mother and child, the earliest work created in 1922, and the reclining figure dating from 1926. At the end of the 1960’s came stringed figures based on mathematical models observed in the Science Museum, and the first helmet head, a subject that later developed into the internal-external theme- variously interpreted as a hard form coveting a soft, like a mother protecting her child or a foetus inside a womb.& B" y2 ~% c/ K# d' K/ U3 n8 V5 l
  A few years before his death in 1986 Moore gave the estate at Perry Green with its studios, houses and cottages to the Trustees of the Henry Moore Foundation to promote sculpture and the fine arts within the cultural life of the country and in particular the works of Henry Moore.
- ]  S: P7 q% h$ J3 G, d0 t  - THE END -
8 f" G5 c$ q% o, e, D( b, T  ANSWER SHEET ONE
% |" S1 _( P& e% l8 w1 I1 t5 B' o  PART I LISTENING COMPREHENSION
$ l9 l, ^6 h" `  SECTION D NOTE-TAKING & GAPFILING (15 MIN)& M" {' i$ Y* D$ n' O3 Z% i
  Fill in each of the gaps with ONE word You may refer to your notes. Make sure the word you fill in is both grammatically and semantically acceptable.
9 Q  b* [1 e4 _  Marslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
! i/ J8 i  o4 Z2 K- h  Abraham Maslow has developed a famous theory of human needs, which can be arranged
( ^# P5 m9 Y  p$ e8 c! k  In order of importance.% \( P8 [" ?! p1 L5 ^: q
  Physiological needs: the most (1)______________ones for survival.They include such needs as food, water, etc. And there is usually one way to satisfy these needs. (2)______________needs: needs for a) physical security;b)(3)_______________security.
1 l2 I2 B) F7 I& [! l. r. i- f4 R" G; _7 a4 N+ I6 z
  The former means no illness or injury, while the latter is concerned with freedom from (4)______________, misfortunes, etc. These needs can be met through a variety of means, e.g. job security, (5)______________________plans, and safe working conditions.Social needs: human requirements for a) love and affection;b) a sense of belonging.There are two ways to satisfy these needs: a) formation of relationships at workplace;b) formation of relationships outside workplace.Esteem needs: a) self-esteem, i.e. one’s sense of achievement;b) esteem of others, i.e. others’ respect as a result of one’s (6__________.These needs can be fulfilled by achievement, promotion, honours, etc.Self-realization needs: need to realize one’s potential.Ways to realize these needs are individually (7)______________________ Features of the hierarchy of needs:a) Social, esteem and self-realization needs are exclusively(8)______________ needs.b) Needs are satisfied in a fixed order from the bottom up.c) (9)_____________for needs comes from the lowest un-met level.d) Different levels of needs may (10)_______________when they come into play.

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