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[考试试题] 2003年英语专业八级考试答案及解析(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
, N" Y) q5 p1 l& t" j  【参考范文】) z6 x  b2 W" ]. ?5 Y% u  I( y
  Love, and Then Be Loved
7 ~' E+ M, }1 `& |" d  In recent years, more and more teachers complain that their students are indifferent to others. Some even worry that the young generation might ruin the future of China. To be sure, many of our young people cannot see eye to eye with this view. However, as a university student, I myself would like to content that we young people today are in general more self-centered and unsympathetic than our previous generations.
3 X$ N# v! Y- [1 M* z+ ]8 a  To start with, most, if not all, young people choose to attend exclusively to their own needs. In their eyes, It is all too natural to seek satisfaction from what they do, even if it may mean inconvenience to others. Take my dormitory for example. It is a common scene here that a roommate cheerfully talks to his girlfriend on the phone at midnight when others are struggling for a sound sleep. One may complain now and then, but to no avail. In fact, the others, to the exclusion of me, live their dormitory life much in the same way. When I take a nap at noon, they often play cards. They have no regard for others. Life is a joy to them, yet they often enjoy it to the neglect of others’ feelings. In sharp contrast, our caring parents always pay heed to our needs and those of others. Whenever my father comes back home late in the night, he tiptoes In for fear that he might awake me.9 M1 w0 O$ \6 T. T$ f8 j& Y
  Moreover, our young people tend to be insensitive to others’ difficulty. When a classmate falls ill, few people offer to help, but regard it as none of their business. Some students in my class come from poor families. Yet, they are active mobile phone users, who may spend twice as much as what their parents earn from arduous labor. When asked why they behave so, they answer that their parents have the obligation to accommodate their expenses. Personally, I detest their answer, for I know my parents never thought that way when they were young. Being aware of their parents’ financial difficulty, they managed to save every penny they could.
- c3 k' q8 Q+ k  For the above reasons and those not mentioned here, I subscribe to the view that young people in today’s China are more self-centered and unsympathetic than were our previous generations. It is high time that we learned from older generations so that a harmonious and splendid future can be anticipated.
$ m4 n# T- F7 f  本套真题测试的语言重点:
4 s. Y- Y  P' _$ v2 {; @  重点单词:
: b8 u2 d8 h- U( k2 ?  confound 挫败,使落空
, u- N/ F9 [' r, j5 e( I  mercenary 外国雇佣兵2 C" J) e7 ^# e2 R( d8 o
* J) t* V/ _: H) Y  burgeon迅速增长,发展繁荣; s: `5 u: j- U3 M3 J4 _
  venerated受尊敬的# e5 j9 ~8 ]& C! u
  founder失败,崩溃: T9 U+ d! d0 V) M" u
  holster  维持
1 I9 e& }. Y! @1 e9 I; }! t  重点词组:
5 z! }9 m' j: O$ h' j0 s) E! U  fragmented and fractious分裂而且难以驾驭的' X9 I9 Q5 E* C8 S( B' D, m5 E; h
  downplay their profile贬低他们的形象或影响7 G  \" F% V' M8 p0 V" v3 }# c
  decry...as 谴责...5 x$ T- e0 n0 o0 Y  N5 v; c
  run/ride roughshod over  残暴地(或盛气凌人地)对待,对……横行霸道
+ Q4 h' r2 A/ U/ R0 M/ m, \  at peak level处于最好的水平

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