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[考试试题] 2011专四考试:听力预测试卷原文与答案(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation.* ^5 T2 W) \$ Z+ x3 [5 b
  W: Hi, Zach.# f9 c1 c$ S2 H6 C8 o
  M: Hey, Lisa. What are you doing here?# Y2 X8 D7 X& I. \9 g1 z
  W: I work here on weekends. How come you decided to come to the travel agency? Planning a trip?9 g$ ^4 o! G( b0 j  ^  p% t
  M: Yeah, well, you know our breaks are coming, and I need a quick getaway trip somewhere.7 o) M' ]. H- e  C& U
  W: Well, someone's got the money to burn. But [2] we hardworking students need a break too.+ f' {" o  N8 M5 ?# ~/ g
  M: I'm going to tell you up-front Lisa. It's not what you think. I'm on a tight budget like everyone else here but I've got to get out of this town for a while.6 W( f) A* A) l1 W
  W: where to?
1 }/ a0 c4 T+ n2 k1 g% B( j  M: Florida, maybe. I'll go to see a Miami Dolphin football game.
  L5 Q3 \" k1 k0 Z  D  W: And [1] you need a flight for next week? Well, you are the one who leaves things to the last minute but hmm… let me take a look in the screen... United got one to Miami but a bit expensive so let me see if there's anything else available.
5 H/ Z- V. @2 o: u' S; a$ d  M: Preferably below $400 for return, can you swing it?- q2 p. s, c  @7 Q/ ?
  W: One by Phoenix Air for $350. [3]It's a small plane though. Are you sure you don't want me to check again for other flights. It would only take a second.
& ~5 U& [  I+ o( g  M: No, that sounds within my range.
8 Q; S& K8 n3 X3 J  W: All fight. Just let me phone in and confirm the times.1 @6 I& f9 ]( Y  J: F. Z8 r' ]
  Keys: 1. [D] 2. [C] 3. [A]
: B& Y* N! y. m: w/ j  j
& |; D: J+ i' e* ?  Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation.
8 g* ]: z& f* ~* z, Q% d& `  M: I'm sorry I'm late, Rose.- Q+ l6 \8 m' m0 m
  W: That's all fight, Vic. My house isn't that easy to find. Many of my friends have trouble to find the way when they come for the first time. But you know, you wouldn't have gotten lost if you had a "smart" car.9 U8 _% N' r- r* s7 W$ m, H
  M: A smart car? I have never heard of that before. What's a smart car?+ r% W# M3 p9 j
  W: [41I just read a magazine article about some new technology that can make a car smart. One device is a computerized map display/ and a synthesized voice. You must enter the address where you want to go, and the voice tells you how to get there, street by street.
. j' s  }% t# E9 j6 i- d' O' h  M: Hey, that's just like my brother. [5]He never gets lost, and he's always telling me the best route. So what else will a smart car be able to do?% u2 [! X1 b) H" B
  W: Well, [6] the article said that they will be equipped with radar warning systems that will warn drivers if they're getting too close to other cars with an alarm signal, and they will even put on the brakes if the drivers don't.I'm late because I ran out of gas on the way over here., |1 B/ d: F6 `2 D
  Keys: 4. [A] 5. [B] 6. [D] 7. [B]# z+ _; w0 Z6 u8 g
  Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation.2 r7 }; ^- j8 W9 s8 i$ b
  W: What do you plan to order?! N" H) r1 a) ^5 m
  M: I think I just have a salad and a cup of tea.
" z4 S! d! g% g! s2 }6 v! L8 @  W: Is that all?
% f; a, X9 R0 S7 t0 t' s6 B  M: Yes, I'm on a diet. My doctor told me that I should lose some weight because I'm too heavy--and that's not healthy.! ?, H" ?) v/ u
  W: How do you feel?
. c. F. H5 ?/ ], ?; u  M: [8] I feel fine. In fact, I've never felt better. Furthermore, some of my old clothes would fit me if I lost about 40 pounds.* [# O% Y1 r& P" M* e4 W( x. q, V
  W: How long will that take you?
; G$ K/ w6 |/ g% V* O5 f  M: Well, I've just started my diet, so it may take me six months to get down to my proper weight.
' G; J2 O0 F* P" V  W: Do you plan to eat nothing but salads for 6 months?
5 c9 \& V5 L7 G  c  M: No, [9] I'11 be able to eat fruit and certain meats and dairy products. But, most important, I should not eat anything containing sugar.5 ]$ ]+ c9 _' ?1 `/ `
  W: [10] Then you probably won't want to try the delicious pastries they serve here; I know the head cook is an excellent pastry chef.4 p( q& M" p$ G% m
  M: Now that you mention it, I may have two or three of these delicious hot rolls. I usually have five or six.
% X1 l$ k* }( d! L0 l% g0 X  Keys: 8. [B] 9. [B] 10. [C]

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  SECTION B PASSAGES3 r% d- {9 Q( m8 R* e" v
  Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage.4 J8 D4 L" N$ F& n: t7 i+ D  g
  Good evening. You are listening to Pop World of BCD International. I'm Susan. Well, first, [11] I would like to say a few words to my dear listeners who are not very familiar with this program.  {1 o' @) }& w7 O4 s, j: d
  Since many people want to listen to and understand pop songs, radio producers at BCD International have made hundreds of programs over the years. We not only have access to the stars of the music world, but we also have a vast library of "golden oldie" classics, as well as the "latest releases".
! q2 g* A- Y% |! ~) W  For those of you who like a bit of background with your favorite music--there's The History of Pop or The Road to Music. [12]If you want to hear from the artists themselves, there's a new series called About the Big Hits. This is based on interviews with popular singers and songwriters. [13] If you want to understand the words to the big music hits, Pop Words is the program for you. After all, it's hard enough for native English speakers to understand most pop songs--so, if English isn't your first language, you shouldn't be surprised if the words to many songs leave you in the dark.$ ?* Y8 P. \; \# w" n
  Keys: 11. [D] 12. [A] 13. [C]
1 {- P$ _9 }# q  u$ q5 ^  Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage.
& J( S8 [. p, M' ~  We have tended to view Yoga as a kind of exotic religious exercise but in fact from a medical standpoint, the age-old set of exercises known in the West as "yoga" offers a significant variety of proven health benefits. [14]It increases the efficiency of the heart and slows the respiratory rate, improves fitness, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. It also serves to improve coordination, posture, flexibility, concentration and digestion. Atypical session includes three disciplines: breathing exercises, body postures, and meditation. Each session usually begins with a set of gentle warm-up exercises. The teacher will then ask you to focus on your breathing, and may take you through several breathing exercises. At the very least, you will be asked to breathe through your nose, evenly through your nostrils. Then it's on to the yoga postures, a series of poses that typically must be held for periods of a few seconds to several minutes. [15]As you assume the various postures, you will be asked to move gently, without jerking or bouncing. Breathing techniques remain important. You will need to focus on exhaling during certain movements and inhaling during others. You will be allowed to rest after every three or four postures, [16land at the conclusion of the exercises, there is usually a period of rest or meditation.14. [A] 15. [C] 16. [B] 17. [A]
6 m* Z: ^1 C: p4 T  Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage.: d' \/ E+ n$ S* {/ A
  [18]When I first went to London as a student, I sat alone during parties with my glass of wine. I hoped people would think that I was having great thoughts and that someone might come up to me and say "Excuse me, I hope you won't mind my coming up to you like this. I don't want to interrupt your thoughts. But really, you are the only interesting looking person in the room. May I talk to you?" It never happened. Here is some advice if you would like to be a good conversationalist. [20]Be an attentive listener. Encourage others to talk about themselves. To be interesting, be interested. Ask questions that other people will enjoy answering. Encourage them to talk about themselves and what they have done. [19]Remember that the people you are talking to are a hundred times more interested in themselves and their problems than they are in you and your problems. A person's toothache means more to that person than a famine in Africa which kills a million people. Think of that the next time you start a conversation. Diogenes, the Greek philosopher said: "The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is so that we may listen more and talk less."
( z- y) p6 }7 Q( _3 z/ W  Keys: 18. [C] 19. [D] 20. [C]
& l- X  A! q0 H3 I) m, C  Questions 21 and 22 are based on the following news.2 y4 l2 ?; J: ~! g& }
  [21]The Israeli military says two soldiers were killed in a fierce firefight_ with militants Friday who were planting explosives along the security fence in the southern Gaza Strip. Two other Israeli soldiers were evacuated to a hospital after being wounded in the exchange of fire, which the military blamed on Hamas, holding the militant group solely responsible for maintaining peace and quiet in the Gaza Strip. [22]Israel says its soldiers opened fire on the militants planting explosives, killing two of them. Friday's violence was some of the worst in the Hamas-run Gaza Strip since Israel's military offensive there more than a year ago. Two Palestinians, one a 10-year-old boy, were also wounded, Gaza hospital officials told the Associated Press.]! L) g6 A% {2 B
  Keys: 21. [C] 22. [A]9 t- T& J2 h) r4 G7 @
  Questions 23 to 25 are based on the following news.1 q$ ~+ A, ^/ m, I
  The United Nations will host a major conference on the long-term recovery efforts for Iraq today at its main headquarters in New York. [23]UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will co-chair the ministerial session with Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. [24]Representatives from 20 nations will participate in the conference
- b0 Q5 J0 P$ l9 Z6 Xincluding many Iraq's neighbors such as Iran, Kuwait and Syria. [25]The meeting will focus on a resolution adopted by the General Assembly last month to expand the UN's presence in Iraq. Also on the agenda is the international compact on Iraq of five-year economic and political recovery strategy.
2 ?; n, I% m6 E, p  Keys: 23. [C] 24. [D] 25. [D]+ w- a6 h+ w6 n# X
  Questions 26 to 28 are based on the following news.- m9 u% B7 b8 {  P' `8 j! _
  An infectious virus linked to two diseases is drawing the attention of public-health officials, who are investigating the potential threat to the nation's blood supply.
: C; u5 c2 C/ {- K0 z1 n  [26]It isn't clear if the virus, known as XMRV, poses a danger, and public-health officials say there isn't evidence of spreading infection. [27]But because of concern over the potential for widespread infection and preliminary evidence that XMRV is transmitted similarly to HIV, officials are quickly trying to determine if action is needed to protect the blood supply.- U  Y0 S3 v) j* T- O. j6 G/ k3 _) B
  XMRV was discovered in 2006 when it was found in tumor samples from men with a rare form of familial prostate cancer. Research has also linked the virus to chronic fatigue syndrome and found it in measurable levels in the blood of healthy people. But the evidence isn't conclusive, as several other studies failed to find XMRV in the blood of people with chronic fatigue syndrome, [28]and it isn't known how prevalent the virus is or whether it causes disease.
3 v6 h& V9 i5 @- D  Keys: 26. [B] 27. [C] 28. [D]
! F+ a$ z) k) m. x0 t  Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news.7 j& x: k" C! F: Q6 J: T2 h: a6 ?
  Conservationists say the Internet has emerged as one of the biggest threats to endangered species./ ?3 e$ ~8 t) w) x6 U
  [29]It is easier than ever before to buy and sell anything from live baby lions to polar bear pelts on the Internet, as buyers and sellers take advantage_ of the anonymity and vast global market--the World Wide Web can offer. The findings were presented at the 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, which is meeting in Doha, Qatar. Several proposals to give endangered species more protection were defeated. A proposal from the US and Sweden to regulate the trade in red and pink coral was defeated. [30]Delegates voted the idea down mostly over concerns the increased regulations might impact poor fishing communities.2 a5 D: \5 W+ y- d4 d* e
  Keys: 29. [A] 30. [D]
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