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[考试试题] 2011英语专四考试:考前冲刺每日一练(1)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  PART HTREE CLOSE) T' l. F' t$ v* V
  Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice .for each blank on Answer Sheet Two.
4 F3 Q# U$ p7 `  r  Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of a(n) (31) ___ should be made even before the choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, (32) ___most persons make several job choices during their working live, partly (33) ___ economic and industrial changes and partly to improve their positions. The "one perfect job" does not exist. Young people should therefore (34)­­­­­___ into a broad flexible training program that will (35)____ them for a field of (36) __ rather than for a single job.
0 h- B, V0 w, c6 T7 G. G  Unfortunately many young people, knowing (37) __ about the occupational world or themselves for that matter, choose their lifework (38) __ a hit-or-miss basis. Some (39)____ from job to job. Others (40)____ to work in which they are unhappy and (41) __ they are not fitted.
* c3 `3 A# j' w' ^3 }1 x  One common mistake is choosing an occupation for (42) __ real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students--or their parents for them__ choose the professional field, (43)___ both the relatively small proportion of work vacancies in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal (44) ____. The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a "white-collar" job is (45)___ good reason for choosing it as a life's wore (46) __, these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the majority of young people should give serious (47) ____ to these fields.' ~# s1 |' Y, v" ~6 `8 O
  Before making an" occupational choice, a person should have a general idea of what he wants (48) __ life and how hard he is willing to work to get it. Some people desire social prestige, others intellectual satisfaction. Some want security; others are willing to take (49) __ for financial gain. Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its (50)___.
. ~% f3 Z# s4 H$ K  L* v  31. A. academy " l! W6 o* G' q$ P/ z9 b. |
  B. occupation! `; |: A) @( F
  C. guidance 0 n. Z% O, |  o. X5 T; o; C6 |
  D. identification
+ S: J  c) J3 X' F8 ^1 o  32. A. therefore
) n/ n/ {' O5 T0 K  B. so- U7 e7 W. J2 {% c5 C
  C. though 6 \1 |9 a" F& ?9 {# u6 E
  D. however7 i/ ~( J7 ~4 `' O
  33. A. in case of % P, K$ d3 Y0 O9 y: Q& z: m/ \
  B. for: Z- J- r; g; Z$ C* R/ l3 `% B  m* i
  C. because of " z1 k" b: s2 ?# l0 \9 D% E* C2 N7 Z0 y
  D. to
& z) E7 N8 l0 u8 y* [& ~  34. A. enter ) A$ u! {0 G- o+ _% P
  B. participate
' D3 F: M" |& k0 o3 m2 J9 G  C. involve / S' K6 D7 e5 `8 X+ z& W
  D. join% [8 k! R' y- t9 X8 h
  35. A. leave 1 N- \  J' d4 D5 H
  B. fit, \/ {9 V2 e5 P; ]7 ^7 A
  C. require 5 R1 p- O* A" E4 @. f
  D. fix. Q  U, y2 K" S! X" t
  36. A. careers 1 P* ~1 B7 ^* n& ?
  B. professions) d! E% r( s! `% z3 ?
  C. prospects
* |8 `# ]4 `0 L# Z2 B  D. work, ?  k: u- o/ I8 Y6 s1 \/ z# ]
  37. A. few / p( N# `; ~9 r
  B. little8 w3 `0 }$ V) f  Z  e' T
  C. much 5 _5 m4 q) e; q: C; k/ g! i9 Q
  D. less
: Y) h1 c4 S) x$ j. b  38. A. with & e8 M# ]  G9 f
  B. by3 B8 D, u2 h, u) U' ^+ J" Y
  C. on , o  M8 H: n7 A2 f
  D. at  k, v. A) o: I0 O
  39. A. flow
' y8 o9 P2 i" R$ B) v  B. wander
% W  O8 {1 ], ?. F  C. jump 8 S( x7 g  v' A) u  R% @8 z% O) F+ S
  D. drift  K, Q+ y# i6 u0 ~$ n
  40. A. stick
1 u# r1 r" Q4 J. R" v, v  B. turn8 r4 l6 h; m% ?: L1 A6 v& d
  C. adhere
0 a# L( C8 ~* i1 g. {+ ^& Y9 L  D. subscribe" I$ u/ s3 ?4 h2 r& V% o! n
  41. A. to which
1 c" E# B* {9 ~4 d9 b  B. that/ h: h8 i1 F5 ~/ ]: |: U+ L
  C. for which * v3 e' P, H& H  H7 E
  D. what
/ {' p" Y) w9 ^# A+ s  42. A. its ' w: V) f1 c6 ]9 _' e9 Q
  B. their
( H, V9 N- o7 c2 t1 d  a' C  C. / 0 `, s8 ]9 V9 r5 T5 H+ r1 a
  D. the
+ Q( H6 \- ?2 ?9 G  43. A. to have disregarded
" Z! G* [! L: J5 l) r: r  B. to disregard& N. b* d0 m6 m( M) f& c
  C. disregarding
/ S! T) [& |7 {  D. disregard* l' U8 V0 ~; a; f" u
  44. A. preparations
* x& w  |- F3 `( F2 o& c  B. requirements
8 H3 h: m. O5 _  C. specifications
, S/ I+ @7 Z3 m) s  D. preferences5 d! Z; ]; @6 b5 C3 M% u, Y
  45. A. such ! S& S) }! \) l5 p1 e* o# v: j( ~
  B. no6 C0 `7 m; ~1 @( t/ v
  C. very 6 g1 G; p& N0 I; I8 F" C& q
  D. so
$ i$ {1 Z% \; D- ^4 N* J9 p% f/ T  46. A. Moreover ' ]) O* j9 ?  D- J
  B. Otherwise
2 A0 ?# j3 W4 D  f( ~# u  C. Nevertheless % E  o0 m2 P1 r
  D. Still/ _9 R  _+ R1 a! m9 t
  47. A. priority
6 c, n" Z* g6 Z) ^9 G0 Q  B. regulation
, t0 l5 J* n6 J& N  C. assessment
9 A/ j) n0 `( @$ ^  D. consideration9 Y! N8 h- e$ O( U/ Z9 E
  48. A. out of
  J% J& C7 n- c, J) L) E  B. towards
% o& ]+ ^$ I5 V2 a( |  C. for 9 I. \2 Z" c" u8 ^4 ^8 E; b; b
  D. from over
8 @- H3 p9 d5 g4 a6 [) i  49. A. advantage
5 {6 J$ n/ b. s- Q3 v8 P  B. patience. c! e: {9 \8 A, g0 S# g$ D
  C. risks 5 t5 S. ?7 `0 E8 |4 u3 ?: }
  D. turns
" h1 k5 ]- \3 G  U% n3 H/ x* v  50. A. awards
! R0 R# z& d/ I% v3 o  B. rewards
  A, s$ X" ]" v) V/ t  C. prizes 9 y+ ~- r4 S" n5 W1 g* f; G
  D. bonuses

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:22 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  31.[B]【解析】首旬指出“大多数重要的职业都需要一定的专业培训”,故此空应指对“职业”的选择,选B。
) j( b/ T$ Z  v; T  H) r) {  32.[D]【解析】根据上下文出现的两个对应副词Ideally (理想地),Actually(实际上)可知两旬存在对立关系.含有转折意义,故选D。 - H" w2 T/ m7 e0 Z" v$ o1 t
  33.[C]【解析】前半句陈述现象,后半句分析原因,故选C。 $ e) [' s$ x4 R  \- Y
  34.[A]【解析】根据句意“因此,年轻人应该……广泛灵活的培训计划”.可知enter int0“加入,参加”符合句意。
" a2 \, T( b- f* ]! C  35.[B]【解析】由后文的“一个领域的工作”和“某项工作”,可知年轻人参加培训的目的是为了“适应”工作.因此B为答案。fit sb.for意为“使适合”。 & d# W; m' @+ ]8 j
8 _8 t$ @- S" x) A: z' n  37.[B]【解析】由Unfortunately可知空格处应填表否定意义的词,know little about表示“对……知之甚少”,
  z4 k) h4 w) A) @. s: y8 r$ F% {  38.[C]【解析】OH a basis“在……的基础上”。
" J, x: X% l% W8 |  39.[D]【解析】Some…Others…描述了两种现象,根据上下文和一般常识推测此处应表示“不断跳槽”的意思。drift from job to job表示“从一个工作跳到另一个工作”。 www.ExamW.CoM
7 b6 Z  E( N0 F  40.[A]【解析】others…则为另一种现象,应与drift相反,即死抱着不喜欢的工作,故选A。
: L. i0 b& ~' B- _' S  41.[C]【解析】and提示空格处要填的词应与in which对等.be fitted for为固定搭配,which引导从句,介词提前.故选C。 # I8 f, Q7 v: i
  42.[A]【解析】空格处须填入的代词指代的是an occupation故用its。
* Y$ O  F( \& s; [5 G9 O: m  43.[C]【解析】本空要填disregard的某种形式.空格前半句话已有主语和谓语,又由于该句主语是动词disregard的逻辑主语.表主动.故用现在分词.选C。 8 F( {5 l/ i! p5 W; ^4 e
; G9 }; a+ Z- P3 i. \  45.[B]【解析】前两句讲选择职业时的常见错误,此处句意顺承上文,应填入否定词,表示有声誉的职业和白领职业并不能成为择业的原因,故8正确。 6 v1 w2 v9 Y  s" Z& q$ o
0 w' Y  I5 H' T* w, c+ ~; c# N  47.[D]【解析】空格所在的句子与前面的句子构成因果关系(since).故空格处填入的词大意思应为“考虑,思考”,选D。
/ L; I; a  }# g* a9 _# U  48.[A]【解析】由he wants与life可知,是“从生活中想得到的”之义.故选A。
$ ~/ j- i# H+ x+ k: n9 F0 y$ m能不能表达“从生活中想得到”的意思,D没有这个说法 6 w0 }, _2 b: v- z3 G8 s
  49.[C]【解析】由一些人希望有安全感和另一些人想得到金钱上的回报,可推知填入的词应与security“安全”相反,故选C。take risks“冒风险”。   \- i- g: J7 X2 m- s# g6 w* o/ V
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