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[考试试题] 2011英语专业四级考试:完型篇模拟试题(10)

发表于 2012-8-14 11:54:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  The United States is wellknown for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. ___1___ these wide modern roads are generally ___2___ and well maintained, with___3___ sharp curves and straight sections, a direct route is not always the most ___4___ one. Large highways often pass ___5___ scenic areas and interesting small towns. Furthermore, these highways generally ___6___ large urban centers, which means that they become crowded with ___7___ traffic during rush hours, ____ 8___ the “fast, direct” route becomes a very slow route.
" X4 l/ [( x: Z' u8 ~/ p  However, there is almost always another route to take ___9___ you are not in a hurry. Not far from the ___10___ new “superhighways”, there are often older,___11___ heavily traveled roads which go through the countryside. ___12___ of these are good twolane roads; others are uneven roads curving through the country. These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high ___13___ , or down frightening hillside to towns ___14___ in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places ___15___ the air is clean and scenery is beautiful, and the driver may have a chance to get a fresh, clean view of the world.8 b. u. S: r0 |3 p% I) L4 q& u2 B
  1. A. Although B. Since C. Because D. Therefore$ N0 h6 b/ A; |& a
  2. A. stable B. splendid C. smooth D. complicated% _( }: F1 _# O% u
  3. A. little B. few C. much D. many/ J8 Y& G- S0 [- Q+ H
  4. A. terrible B. possible C. enjoyable D. profitable
) y9 F* o- w2 G; ?- G& }  5. A. to B. into C. over D. by# S- M6 V1 r. A% c6 \
  6. A. lead B. connect C. collectD. communicate
! F+ _. c, t; Y: r' [# A, g  7. A. large B. fast C. high D. heavy
% x$ L2 g' \0 P( Z0 i" M5 J' [  8. A. when B. for C. but D. that/ s5 @# b0 z: E7 Q
  9. A. unless B. if C. as D. since$ X/ S( |0 P  a& y+ `+ w7 I: j
  10. A. relatively B. regularly C. respectively D. reasonably
. }4 Z- h' {  Y9 t: r) ^2 k  11. A. and B. less C. more D. or
) O/ t& V: f4 S  12. A. All B. Several C. Lots D. Some' h; D( `( a) c1 D$ ?
  13. A. rocks B. cliffs C. roads D. paths5 o6 y* C. M0 U
  14. A. lying B. laying C. laid D. lied) C# y2 g' R- ~' o
  15. A. there B. when C. which D. where
' A# y. U0 P2 E/ f' u! Z  参考答案及详解
' o$ o7 F9 A0 Q% f  1. A) 此空四个选项都是从属连词,但是它们的属性是不同的,例如:although是表示转折关系的;since,because,therefore是表示原因关系的。通过阅读此空所在句得知大概句义为:“尽管这些宽阔的现代化公路通常很平坦且维护良好,转弯也很少,但是一直保持笔直的公路不总是令人赏心悦目”。根据语义线索和语法线索可知此空应填表示转折关系的选项A。% [. @6 L# y; U2 g% ?* @- t, i
  2. C) 根据词汇线索和词义搭配可知,stable,splendid和complicated一般不能用来修饰roads。
7 w5 E, E+ \( h  3. B) 根据语义线索可推断此空正确答案为选项B few。中华考试网1 s/ [' T# \+ d3 @% {+ P! D
  4. C) 根据上下文可推测出如果高速公路总是保持笔直,对于驾驶者来说是非常枯燥的,因此本空的正确答案为C enjoyable。1 M. D+ p& {* [" ?
  5. D) 介词by能和动词pass搭配,意为“经过,掠过”。6 u4 c8 r: y8 x, ]
  6. B) 本句中的联系副词Furthermore说明本句是对上一句的进一步补充和信息的增加,由此可推测本句句义为高速公路不仅经过风景区和乡村,通常还“将庞大的都市中心区连接起来”。故正确答案为B。
. T( u; ^$ b& e( J" p, P  7. D) “交通拥挤”用heavy 和traffic搭配。
9 P' ?0 T4 \! c( O1 {1 \0 c  8. A) 通过分析可知,这里使用的是一个非限定性定语从句,四个选项中只有A when 具备此语法功能。/ p: A; U7 E' m: n) [  w& q
  9. B) 根据上下句关系可推断此句为条件句,故选项B为正确答案。 
/ e/ t) Z  z' [  e; N  10. A) 根据主句中的“older ... roads”可推断此空需要填一个比较意义的副词,以构成对比关系,故选项A relatively“相应地,相对地”为正确答案。其他三词词义分别为:regularly“有规律地,定期地”;respectively“各自地”;reasonably“有理由地”。
1 _$ S  p/ d/ q8 F  11. B) 根据此空前后词及结构可断定此空应使用比较级,故可排除A和D。另外根据上下文可推测此空应为less,因为“more heavily traveled”意为“车辆拥挤的”公路,与常识不符。; r; q9 M; u) S5 A2 R# H
  12. D) 从下文的others可知此空正确答案为D some。
$ r- n1 {* C+ X7 L  13. B) 根据上文的slopes和下文的hillsides就可以断定这里需要一个表示路况不好的词,选项A rocks意义不符,故只有B cliffs “悬崖” 为正确答案。
. H0 n) h$ g- _6 P& x  14. A) 根据题目和选项可断定此空应为towns的后置定语,由此可猜测句义为“位于深谷中的城镇”,“位于”lie是不及物动词,不能以过去分词的形式出现作名的后置修饰语,故正确答案为lie的现在分词形式lying。

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